How do you NEET's stay entertained...

How do you NEET's stay entertained? I started to get bored of vidya and the internet isn't providing enough mental stimulation.

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Try new hobbies, i have enough to not having to worry about friend relationships or ever getting bored.

read all of the warhammer 40k lore on the wiki

wait for your brain to atrophy through lack of use

Encouraging "human" trash to kill themselves is funny and entertaining.

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I spend half my time on r9k and the other half browsing Grindr for bottoms

Anything you'd recommend? I could try reading I guess

read/write/draw/make vids/stream vidya/meet people online/Jow Forums/new vidya

If you are interested in art you could get involved in crafting like woodcraving, origami, dioramas they can be made cheaply, especially origami. If you are also a hikikomori and more on the entertainment side try the normals like watching movies or listening to music. Maybe try anime, older shows like cowboy bebop are pretty nice.

Studying race realism and genetics and astrobiology papers. I also like reading books.