Is there anything more loser for a man than being born man and white after at least 15 or 30 years of american...

Is there anything more loser for a man than being born man and white after at least 15 or 30 years of american globalist influence from their shit media, shit porn industry and emasculated cuckoldry around racial praise of white women and anti-white male social engineering?

Lack of white men being male, all news, media, tv shows, porn, made against white, and when you try to serch for white men being dominant, hot, you have shit with white women only when we want to see white women related to shit

It's not enough after years of USA keep the white as cuckold non-dominant loser race of men, who their media, their porn, everything is sexually nerfed, non-proud, forbiden to have racial pride and dominance as man since they need to be keep neutral with white women or be cuckolds for niggers and men of other race since white women is the only exclusively race forever used in american corporations, the white women was always the only race used in racial cuckold media, porn for men of other race, for niggers, the white males are always apologetic, non-domiannt, boring, with white women only, dude broo loser cucks with men of other race while produce nothing, the white loser try to attack other white men since they are sissies for men of other race and are told tokeep the american racial cuckoldry around white women and anti-white male because pleases more the men of other race, keep the white mlae emasculated, cuckold, as inferior, losers, keep the white wmen racially confortable instead of relate white women with racial shit, inferiorize white women for women of other race, whte women need to compete with women of other race for white men, the men of other race be ridicularized as cuckolds for white men and be jokes, all the american racial cuckold social engineering around anti-white amle race bait and try to get white women as part of other identity politics groups with every kid who born white and man having all this internalized american disgusting social engineering

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Imagine in countries from american latin, asia, europe, africa were the white males always were viewed as hot, better men, blacks were viewed as ugly, undesired men by white, brown, black women, they try to import from USA years of anti-white male racial cuckold porn, media, tv shows, were the white male is the inferior men seeking and beging for the women of own race, who is the undesired race of men with white women only while white women was the only race for years who was in every racial porn, meda, tv show for the proud racial fetish, pride, of men of other race and the white male like loser

If you try to search for any decent video, porn with white male you will need to try hard since all the american shit with white men is ugly, is bald, is not with big white cock, is not with the best women of other race, is not with the white women being inferior for the women of other race, is not with the men of other race as cuckold loser who need to compete with the women of own race with white men as superior and they like inferior males for the white, the white male is so boring, remove all novelty, remove all pride, is only these bland garbage with white women who works only to keep the white male as losers, doing nothing, keep white women racial pride, hegemony instead of inferiorize and relate white women with shit, as uglier picking the normal white women in street and put with attractive asian women, the white male is boring, is self-loathng, is cynical about their media, porn industry being vomit trash with white women only in contrast of blacks having racial pride porn studios like dogfart, blacked, banbros and many others, while the porn studios of white males, are made by loser horrible white trash men pornstars who already to be accepted need to be faggots with no pride and self-esteem to work as cuckold in porn studios of blacks and then fuck women in other porn studio, while the same black and men of other race don't need to be losers for white men

OP is a Brazilian jewish shill who wants the whole earth to be a racemixed hellhole like his favela
If you are white then you have a responsibility to reproduce with white women. Your numbers are already low and immigrants are pouring in and taking over. Unless you want to go extinct, then I suggest you fuck white women only.

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can you stop shilling this image?

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Is disgusting and depressing, horrible the globalist influence of USA, their porn are horrible if you are white, is disgusting be forced to watch same repulsive white women, is disgusting how USA attacked white men sexual market and keep them as loser cuckold race

White men are losers in own countries media/porn/news/everything, with their own technologies, work like slaves, and are related to racial shit and used for everything negative and have to live to keep white women above all races while white men are related to shit

keep as cuckold loser race of men, all their porn, media, tv shows are garbage around white women, can't be dominant men and be constant with the women of other race making the same racial cuckold tv shows, media, porn, narrative who was made with white women only in USA for years to promote white men as inferior cuckold loser race of men who need to compete for women of the own race who promoted the men of own race as inferior for the men of other race as cuckolds for them unlike the women of other races in same corportions of USA who were with the men of own race and never were in the same racial narrative with white women only in American media, tv shows, porn industry

Then the porn is only allowed when is anti-white male, is forbiden the white male have proud racial straight porn studios around racial cuckoldry of men of other race with hot white men of big white cock and non-white women praising the white male, the media, tv shows, in USA always was mocking the white as loser for men of other race, only the white male removed, the white male keep sexually as negative, cuckold race, loser while white women even being white still living confortable, only racial positive narratives, white women still the racial center of attention, positive in contrast of white men as negative, white women don't need to compete for men of own race for women of other race with the white women as inferior since is white men the non-dominant cuckold loser race

The men of other race don't need to compete with white men for women of own race in american cuckold corporations of white women racial praise and anti-white male racial trashing (From media to porn) since the America industry always forced the white male be the cuckold loser race of men who need to be portrayed as the inferior by women of own race and then praise and compete for women of own race for men of other race, instead of the women of other race against men of own race for white men who the men of other race need to compete for women of own race for white men with them being the inferior males, cuckold race, losers for white men doing all racial cuckold commercials, media, tv shows, porn, sexually praised, proud. confident with self-esteem instead of all american racial emascualtion around racial hegemony, pride, of white women wanting white women votes and support with the white male being losers and lviing like racial trash to be racially exploited only group of men related to shit in news, websites, porn industry, media, tv shows, and then when we turn on the tv, scrow porn site, we are forced to watch the same disgusting white women, without the white women being forced to live like trash, without the white women being racially related to shit, without make white women live like shit, the white women are keep confortable, proud, in positive narratives, above women of other races domesticated as inferior friends of white women and agaianst whte men with the men of other race enjoying the castrated cuckold non-treatening non-dominant dude broo loser white male with their plastic scenes without penis, without balls, without behavior of men, without sexual scenes, without dominance, generic bland shit with white women, random non-sexual exceptions of lower quality with non-white women, lack of pride, racial porn studio for white males with the best women of other race producing for 30 years the same kind of racial media, tv shows, commercials, porn, movies

This is a bunch of bullshit aggrievement on a false premise. White men are actually the most desired race, and every race of women prefers them except black women, who prefer black men.

Also, I don't give a fuck if you go for a white woman or any other race. Go for what you like. Jesus Christ, you're fucking dumb. I like white redheads. I also like Dravidian, Persian, and North African (i.e. berber) girls. Whatever. You do you.

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fuck off i dont give a shit

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Nobody is "against whites" you retard. You're just such a failure and are so self deluded that you think your failure must be some global conspiracy. Get over yourself.

>who wants the whole earth to be a racemixed
really, I didn't read everything but from what I read, that doesn't seems to be the case.
He just don't like the anti-white narrative

>I'm pretending to be a retard

No you're actually a paranoid schizo failure of a white person

faggot stop spamming this shit so much, no one cares

I care
I'm not the guy you are replying to, and I'm not white but the anti-white narrative is getting a lot stronger nowadays, and it's obvious

The "anti-white narrative" is betas getting upset over a black guy in a commercial.

>Read the links

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Read these links, see the images, how USA manipulated for years

>Read the links

Them comes for america latin, all women here always viewed niggers as ugly, white women feel disgust of niggers, brown women want white males because are more attractive, asian women are with white male chads only, but since have some corporations who want to copy the american democrats party owned corporations from USA that always was around racial praise, hegemony of white women above the women of other races and white men as inferior males divided with nigger men and USA was obsessed in try to portray white women seeking for niggers or white men like losers dividied with niggers for white women, they started to copy for media in america latin all the american racial cuckoldry around try to put white women with niggers, keep the white male as racial cuckold non-dominant loser race of men since they are the losers from american media and porn industry forced to be with white women only while are mocked as cuckolds for niggers, men of other race, don't have porn studios for sexual and racial praise of white male and non-white women, the white women always need to be inserted in everything to destroy the novelty, the white women can't be humiliated and ridiculed for women of other race, the white women don't need to compete for white men with women of other race, the whit women aren't the villain, the men of other race aren't the villain, the white male don't have media, commercials, produce the same racial cuckold commercials, media, movies, porn who USA mass produced only agains the white male to internalize their race as loser men

We want dominant white men and non-white women
We want white women as inferior and related to shit for women of other race
We want niggers, asian incels, as losers and cuckolds for white men
We want white women removed from the racial confort zone

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You can't discuss with cuckolds stormfags/shitskins white supremacist calling white men "beta" for not wanting the american cuckold industry forced to be around white women only or anti-white male

>I fucking hate retarded stormfags and their retarded jewish conspiracy when all the garbage in USA are made by corporations owned by DNC and Democrats and Israel always was a good country.

>I fucking hate the white cuckold left-wing retard from USA who accept the ex-party of KKK Democrats buzzwords and the Democrats are responsible for all unfair manipulation in your country and all your money of your country was because of the first american men and then because of WW2, Hegemony of english, Cold War, was not becauase of the democrats trash, and national socialism is a left-wing ideology very similar to democrats party, the national socialist (Nazist) were anti-gun, used race bait and scapegoat in the lower class like democrats (Every kid who born white and man is used as a hate scapegoat to unite people in hate by Democrats in USA, every kid who born jew was used as a scapegoat to unite people in hate by left-wing national socialist, they were owners of all corporations, media, industries, and many other things, Democrats are a fucking disgusting evil cancer globalist influence, i bet that were Democrats in USA who politically invented racial cuckold tv shows, media, porn, everything exclusively racially only against white as a way to reward racial fantasies of nigger men and as political strategy of remove respect and ridicule the white for the nigger, at the same time that between men and women of all races around the world, USA is the exclusively country who white women is the exclusively unnatural race of women in the world who are used for years of american mainstream producitons to put white men and white women against each other, to white owmen produce everything to try to lower sexual market of men of own race while white women even being white

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Yes it is. He wants more racemixing, he just wants to change who is doing the racemixing.
>We want dominant white men and non-white women
>We want white women as inferior and related to shit for women of other race
>We want niggers, asian incels, as losers and cuckolds for white men
>We want white women removed from the racial confort zone
He's an anti-white jewish kike who'll turn white countries into Brazil

liking Japanese cartoons Jow Forumsfag

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Can't even fucking read the picture. Learn english Pedro, no wonder your threads die early.

Yet in almost all dating scenarios or at least on apps where the data is trackable, white women, and women of all races, prefer white men. The goblinos and goblinas can yell about how white men are in the past and no longer the best, but it's just not true. You can't undo generations of racial propaganda with one generation.
You, being white, and complaining about your whiteness isn't a testament to how "society hates whites" but really that you are a beta.
if you were black you'd be a beta, if you were asian you'd be a beta, if you were any race you'd be a beta. At least have the werewithal to admit it.

theres nothing wrong with liking white women.
