I am going for it robots. I am saving money then I plan on moving to either Scotland or Ireland...

I am going for it robots. I am saving money then I plan on moving to either Scotland or Ireland. I wanna have a beautiful red headed wife and lots of beautiful, red headed daughters.

Attached: D7FE1979-8260-4AA0-A9C7-13498A08A299.jpg (1330x1863, 311K)

Do it, user, follow your dreams

>he does that and gets ginger sons who turn suicidal in middle school because they realise that other people dont treat them as humans

I suppose statistically thre must be more hot redheads in scotland because it is said there is more redheads in general. But speaking as a scottish person, nearly all the redheads I've met have been absolute mutants. Ones in OP are clearly american for a start

The grass is always greener user.

t. Irelandfag

I love Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Inverness are three of my favorite cities anywhere. But Scottish people are ugly as fuck, and in the cities the food is terrible.

I've been in love with American girls with Scottish heritage. I even had a thing for an actual Scottish redhead who grew up in England. Genetically Scottish girls can be gorgeous. But it's the fashion, grooming, and health of Scottish girls that breaks it. A lot of people look like greasy rats. Some of them look like white trash Americans, with the penciled on eyebrows and dyed yellow hair.

Moving to Scotland is fine if you're doing it for the nice people, the beautiful scenery, the neat cities, all that. But don't fucking do it for the women, that's ridiculous.

I can't comment on Ireland because I've never been there, but a pro-tip, of the European countries I've been to, the most attractive ones were Georgia (technically Asia but close enough) and Spain.

nobody treats them as humans becou they arent

>I plan on moving to either Scotland or Ireland
>I wanna have a beautiful red headed wife
You're better off going to Scandinavia, there's a fairly high amount of people with red hair that look a lot better than people from the British Isles.

kek, you can tell the ginger girl second to the left got cucked with the dad's genes and the rest got the moms Stacy tier good looks.

Are you black op? Gingers are notorious coalburners, even more so then other white women and THATS COALBURNING!

Unless youre arab, latino or black, your chances at getting a ginger is in the negatives.

How the fuck did this guy get a family like that? Also I want the one on the left.

>Ones in OP are clearly american for a start
They're white, which means they must be of European descent, which makes Scottish entirely possible.

Leave us alone, OP

holy shit their pussy hair is red

all of them used braces when they are the same age as the loli

the loli's hair is not treated like the adults

the chin is really ugly tho

user, American white isn't the same as European white. Five centuries of genetic isolation has resulted in a genetically distinct pool of whites in America, no racemixing needed either.

being this retard
fat people is not genetic distinction

distincton is italians vs. british vs. spaniards
clearly distinct

I'm a ginger and 2 out of 2 guys I've dated have been white, including the one I married
It's not that non-whites would be an issue really, I just don't care much about race either way and white guys seem to show the most interest
Idk where you got your assumption from

Not always mine is more strawberry blonde, or has less red than my head hair

Go dilate faggot tranny, you will never be a woman. Your ax wound will never be a vagina. You will always be a freak of nature and will never have children.

>all fembots are trans
How edgy and original

god imagine the smell in that house.

More like edgy and TRANSitional m i right fellas hyuk hyuk

Ask a real ginger male anything

Do you have good genes? Tall, build muscle easily, big dick? Most ginger guys I know look like creampuffs with eyes.

Moving to Scotland or Ireland would avoid that problem.

i'll be right behind you m8

Are scottish women really ugly?

The only thing about gingers are that there arent many skinny ones.

>cream puffs with eyes
why is this so spot on

lol what we are like all fucking skelly
I dont think I know any fat gingers

Be my ginger gf now, I deserve one

>They are white
White isn't an ethnicity retard. Different ethnicities have different genepools, albeit some overlap like say Portuguese and Galicians. White is a stupid american term, as a Finn is very distinct from a Iberian, culturally, genetically, and so on.

I doubt it. Gingers can be skinny on top, but almost none, have a thigh gap.

This ginger femanon from soc does but she is ex ana

Attached: 6DF7F299-0207-41C4-BE2F-F32A2345E12E.jpg (472x960, 91K)

>tfw white women hate my red hair but asian girls love it and think I'm rare and special

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>ex ana
Most ana girls never get skinny.
Lucky girl. Too bad she's got a degenerate belly button ring.

Gingers are extremely over represented in porn and fetishized to the point where the gene will be extinct in 2 generations.

>tfw some people actually find red hair attractive
Maybe I'm not hopeless after all.

It's English women who are the real abominations. Take a look around Wales, Ireland or Scotland and then look at England.
>there's a fairly high amount of people with red hair
It's almost exclusive to the celtic nations in terms of significant presence.

Be ginger now pls ty

Don't they're all whores desu. Also Germany has more redheads than Ireland.
Only the females are found attractive mate

Be ginger gf now pls ty**

2 (front) > 3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2 (back)

orangehead firecrotched girl with lots of freckles all over her body like a human dalmatian my ultimate fetish desu

what are my chances as a manlet south american spic?


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The father looks like someone who might let you have sex with his whole family

The women are beautiful, the men are doomed unless have chad facial structure, tall, etc

That's because anglos are abominations that deserve no mercy.

It's ok, my good looks will career l carry the team. They'll be the most attractive red heads in Scotland.

Are redheads really that rare elsewhere? I know we have a lot of them in the celtic nations but surely you have at least a few?