Why haven't you started learning Japanese yet?

Why haven't you started learning Japanese yet?

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I get keep getting bored

im lazy

id love to learn it however,being trilingual sounds cool

I mean I don't really have any reason to. I'm a pretty casual anime watcher and I don't plan on going to japan anytime soon. I do know some grammar, all the kana, and maybe 30 or so kanji just because it's easy to learn

English is the only language I need weeb

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My brain has rotted and I am incapable of putting effort into anything

Because Kanji is a fucking cunt

I'm basically a retard when it comes to languages, despite wanting to learn it for my porn games.

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really lazy and it's kinda boring grinding kanji after the initial 300 or so.

I have! I've been speaking Japanese for 3 years. I speak read and write user

I have, though. And I've gotten to the point where I can communicate well enough in Japanese that I've just lost all motivation to learn any more.

Lol at learning another language as an English speaker

Watashi wa mou nihongo o benkyoushiteimasu.

Dakara subete wa daijoubu.

Because we won the fucking war.

Funny thing is, there are Japanese courses at my university and I'm gonna be taking those starting this September

I did, 2.5 years ago, and I'm still low level as fuck

Because they have the most autistic writing system ever

Same, what uni

For real, if you wanna boost that starting salary, Mandarin is the way to go. If that's too hard, German is probably the next best bet. Now if you're in it for the poon, you can't go wrong with spanish or russian.

I mean, there are dozens (if not hundreds) of writing systems that haven't yet been deciphered.

I learned hiragana and katakana,took me about 9 hours.
I'm too lazy to learn the language.

What the fuck are you even trying to say? Those two sentences together don't make fucking sense you ESL retard

Because German is a superior language to learn for English speaking people. Much easier to learn, and you still get cultured.

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i dont know if i should learn from english or spanish (the later being my first language)

I tried in High School and just couldn't do it. It's a very hard language for an English speaker to learn, or at least it was for my retarded ass.

Use your head you ESL retard, just because he knows how to read the kana doesn't mean he knows the language.

>get btfo
>respond pretending to be someone else to save face

no reason to learn it if you dont plan on living on japan, its hard and theres a lot of better languages you could learn

I am very confused as to how to do it in a good way.
Learning languages is very time consuming and is slow for any satisfying results. The kanji looks all wrong.

The best way is to try out a number of methods to find which is the best for you. You can find various suggestions in the DJT threads on both Jow Forums and /jp/. Kanji only looks wrong because you have no basis for it yet. Once you start studying it, it makes a lot more sense fairly quickly.

theyre both correct, guy.
take some deep breaths

Learning the alphabet and learning the words is not the same thing,you low iq ape.

I started learning recently, go check out the /djt/ guide. I did this
>use their kana tool to learn the alphabet
>give the grammar guide a read, don't worry about wrapping your head around everything since you can go back and refer to it
>started reading with the yotsuba reading pack and a dictionary, while using yomichan to add flashcards to Anki
It gets better once you get the alphabet/grammar out of the way and can start actually enjoying some manga desu. Still haven't started learning kanji yet but theres tons of resources out there.

Because I'm already learning Ukranian

Yes, yes.
I've been studying for some time, learnt the kana, some grammar, some kanji, some vocabulary, checked the guides and it's all the same.
Guess I just have to try again.

why haven't you started learning Koine Greek yet?

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someone who only knows kana can read words in japanese but will have no clue what the fuck they mean

Did you give up after a little while or something? I know this is going to take a long time, but I think as long as I keep reading and watching things I enjoy for learning then I'll just keep getting better. Kanji is gay though.

German is a much better language.

Why should I?
I'm already learning German

It's fucking HARD, FUCK. Coming from a latin based language, japanese seems like fucking alien tongue. I want to learn it but it's a nightmare to get started.

You wont be able to finish, you never finish learning that garbage language, not even natives can communicate efficiently using that homophone ridden shit language.
Japanese, not even once.

>Non-ASCII text is not allowed.
well fuck you then
zutto mae kara mananderu

Because I already know Japanese. Kinda what you gotta do when your a hapa you know.
Still could be worse.

I want to, one of few people I stay in contact with wants to, need something in common or else they go too. Can't memorize basic scribbles

Do you live in Japan or elsewhere?

Used to. Now I work in the middle of the Everglades. Funny where life takes you.

That's really neat, user.

I've spent over a year learning Japanese. Had to give up because college ate up all of my free time, but I still remember something. Stopped at some 800ish kanji.
It's a pretty useless skill, but lets me understand anime and I think Japanese sounds very pleasant desu.

Its interesting man still visit Japan tho. Its fun talking about my job to family and showing them pictures of me going out into indian reservations and shit. They think its crazy what I do.

Yeah, that would be fascinating, I imagine. Now that you mention it, I don't know that there are that many nature reserves in Japan that are regularly staffed. Seems like folks just come out to check on them once every several months or so, but that's about it.

I spent over 4 trying to pick up on Korean. I can read things and make very basic sentences but have very limited vocabulary. Entirely useless because I don't watch K-dramas

I was only gonna learn Nip-speak for a cute hapa and cute hapa gone so no point in learning it anymore.

I bet you also lift for girls faggot

Well I mean I work as a meter tech for the electric company. So im servicing electric meters in the middle of big cypress national preserve and whats funny is that most of the managers dont even know we service them. But yeah man my job takes me all over the place in that part of florida.

I briefly attempted to learn Korean at one point, but certain pronunciations (notably 'k' and 't') and some of the writing tripped me up a bit. I used to watch a lot of K-dramas, but then I moved to a place that gets a lot of Korean tourists and hearing Korean on the street all the time caused it to really start grating on my ears. The whining intonation, especially, gets on my nerve like nothing else.

Too busy with Arabic to net myself a qt hijabi gf, user.

no, I wanna be stronk on my own, but I just don't see the importance in learning jap if I dont have the fren i was gonna learn it for

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I can't say much on my pronunciation, it came from podcasts like "talk to me in Korean" and some audio that just repeated common words, sentences I can't do future tense and never see if I structured them right with anybody else. At least they only have a few symbols to it

I'm halfway through duolingo. I'll definitely have to find a better program for this if I want to be serious about it, because I still feel like I haven't learned shit from it. I already knew a lot about the language going into it and that really helped, because duolingo doesn't explain anything. If you don't know anything about the language you're learning, duolingo will just confuse you. It's not a useful tool when used on its own.

Yeah duolingo is fucking trash, would not recommend under any circumstances. A textbook or tae kim + some vocab resource are better places to start.

I was talking about japanese, but I can't imagine korean through it is any better. I learned kana from looking at wikipedia and that got me a lot further than learning it through duolingo would have. If I had learned that all from duolingo I wouldn't even know the difference between katakana and hiragana.

Oh I'm a different user. I was talking about japanese too.

Oh, I had assumed from the name tae kim that it was a korean resource. I've had a hard time finding good online resources for the exact opposite reason I've had a hard time finding good books on it. Most of the books I've looked at seem like they're written for turbo geniuses and are way above my head. Most of the online ones on the other hand are written for complete idiots. They spend so long teaching you stupid mnemonics instead of natural aqcuisition. One website I read said to read and memorize kanji as sets of radicals instead of just memorizing the stroke order. It presented this tip as if it's some arcane knowledge that only masters of the language know, even though it's something I think most people would realize after learning a few of them.