Post someone who is literally you

post someone who is literally you

Attached: me.jpg (1170x781, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself X fag

Attached: 1564235900541.png (1042x638, 144K)

not literally him until you get killed so better try harder retard

>why yes this is me how could you tell

Attached: 1564023911955s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

fuck this captcha shit

Attached: DWBhYlWV4AAtSgo.jpg (1060x1060, 180K)

expand the image before you save it faggot

>>why yes this is me how could you tell
No chad would save a thumbnail lol

You sound like an edgy nigger teen who relates to X
Fucking kill yourself fag. Hopefully you die tomorrow retard.

>hope you die

yikes, edgy 12 - 17 year old

Every time I open Chrome on my phone I'm inundated with updates from the X reddit and I don't even like him or use reddit. I don't know how to make it stop

Also wtf I relate heavily to your pic

oh so youve been to jail where you beat a faggot near death, released several albums that have made you rich and famous and also died in a shooting?

This is probably literally me

Attached: 49519966_161426241507981_1903635546215127669_n.jpg (453x453, 30K)

>expand the image before you save it faggot
>No chad would save a thumbnail lol

Attached: 1564246314080s.jpg (125x118, 4K)

Me at all hours

Attached: 1562977984306.png (1080x1372, 1.14M)

Smoking wet concrete in the lobby

Attached: SmartSelect_20190717-124736_Mimi.jpg (887x599, 265K)

i can't find any memes for my type

Dont know what to tell ya
Well people do shill him a lot, but I guess I can't complain, a girl I like unironically listens to that trash.

i will fucking sodomize you

>I wIlL FuCkInG sODoMize yoU
don't touch me homo

Attached: magacel.png (221x228, 47K)

>Dont know what to tell ya

You tagged the wrong person you shitlib beta faggot, girls will never like you.

pic of me please don't judge

Attached: fffa66d53860a485d19e7a3b38b1384b.jpg (492x328, 41K)

Let's storm area 51 to expose their aliencrafts to the world :DdD

Attached: 9db81c1d.jpg (450x450, 29K)

>im literally so famous and successful and millions of zoomers would care if i died

no, you're a low iq low instinct NEET who nobody cares about with no talent

What possesses someone to write a post like this?

>You tagged the wrong person you shitlib beta faggot, girls will never like you
you got me

Attached: 1564236101979s.jpg (106x125, 2K)

I am the bringer of truth, the reaper grows strong when the strong grow arrogant.

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mbti memes are 90% related to all thinkertypes because they are easy to get yet fun and enterprising to watch. They are all like caricatures but real life

Why do all of these photographs we see of rap concerts and stuff only have white people in the audience?

You're just shitting on a class of society you feel better than to gain some sense of superiority.

you mean like everyone here does with normalfags?

>take me home tonight - eddie money

Attached: 5544445456.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Holy shit, based and redpilled user
Please learn to expand the images then save, it's kinda aggravating

>some MBTI meme describes you almost perfectly
Well, guess it's time to get a new personality.

do it urself tranny

Attached: dabber.png (268x188, 16K)

Me as soon as i get outta jail next week

Attached: D2C7DBFD-311A-4DE9-95BD-A90EB1787770.png (695x629, 161K)

I'll be this fella years from now.

Attached: germany-adventurer-found-mummy-inside-drifting-yacht-philippines-01-840x469.jpg (840x469, 100K)

lol he looks like a shit

>this is literally me
Got some bad news for you man...
You're going to the gas chambers

Attached: me__01.jpg (78x78, 3K)

Well, i am not schizophrenic, but i did give myself lead poisoning while painting.

Attached: 78BB9488-DBFC-4980-A95D-0C9232816AC7.jpg (600x781, 129K)

wow this is like, LITERALLY me

me if i was asian

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Wait.... If you're dead, how are you posting this?

me stinky

Attached: 7C7B5DC3-885E-444C-AE41-3DD57BBCC496.jpg (558x614, 46K)

I kinda look like her as well

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haha, I do try my best

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i will regret nothing

Attached: i don't need virgins for this.jpg (228x267, 10K)

I'm a 29 year old insomniac USMC combat veteran who barely scrapes a living as an uber driver.

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Marry me user

This is certainly an original post

Textless posts are not allowed, niggers

Attached: volkig.jpg (592x189, 17K)

>I even played tennis

Attached: (800x587, 151K)

basically fuck my life up chieftain

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I put that on jah

Attached: 2oaqj7.jpg (219x292, 37K)