
how do you manage you cocklust anons?
I can't go another week without my prostate being ruined
I need help NOW

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by not being gay you fucking idiot

not an option incel

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I'd ravage your prostate if you lived near me user

Awe it's even got a cute little bell

I like letting my bf face fuck me and swallowing his salty cum. And I like slow sucking him.

Quite simple really, don't be fucking gay. I've never fucking understood the appeal of a fucking rod of meat standing out of a persons body that also happens to spray piss everywhere.

What a fuckingwaste of a nice cock. Your body is too feminine.

We built this city on cock and holeeeee!!?

How anyone thinks being uncut is a good look is beyond me

when will cutfags stop this fucking cope and recognize that circumcision is child abuse that needs to be made illegal? even i can see it and i'm an actual kike.

I NEED an older man with a huge cock to let me worship his body

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By giving others cocklust

I thought the cock lust nigger had killed himself

What a fucking waste of potential

>be cut
Guess I'll be single forever
It's okay, really.

>all those razor bumps

Those are pretty cocks. Mine looks like it was dipped in acid.

Use the tagmap faggot

>ywn choke on a peepee

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post some nice cocks, fags

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>cut, looks shopped too

I can tell you that you will 99% choke on a peepee in your life


super cute, would fuck like a girl/10



zzzz yall really dont know what a good cock looks like

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terrible taste my friend, terrible taste

national-socialism is the only thing that can help you

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