Co-Worker says Ugly Guys Get Girls Too

I am a virgin that works at a sex-store. I know, its fucking pathetic, but its even worse when I have to lie to customers about how i've tried certain toys and shit. Anyhow, I work with a Stacy that insists ugly guys can get girls, and confidence is more important. I have seen ugly looking guys come in with girls, but they might have been escorts for all I know. Either way, what do you guys think? Why is it possible for some ugly guys to get women?

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Obviously. Unless you live under a rock or only see what confirms your bias that looks are all that matter and you can get away with being a complete pos human

money,friends, social status (all of this + confidence), good people with no conflict on interest like wanting to fuck everything ,you included

Bruh I'm an ugly mf and I have a gf, it's possible, do the usual shit but find something to compesate for your ugly mug. Be extra funny, extra responsible, etc.

>I am a virgin that works at a sex-store.


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Yeah, but not for the reasons I want a girl for. I could go out and rape a girl, but i have no urge to do that, i want her to want to have sex with me more than i want to have sex with her.

most of the time its just related to money. just think about what it would take for you to become attracted in some way to an ugly girl. i've had it happen to me. i spent a lot of time with this chubby girl that i wasn't attracted to at all, after a while i started thinking more and more about what it would be like to fuck her and i liked it.
weird shit like that just happens sometimes, it happens more with guys than girls.

Because women caring about looks is dumb incel bullshit that makes it easy for you to blame bad luck and give up. If you can 1) make women laugh and 2) make it obvious you like them withough seeming too nervous, you will get results. Most ugly incels also can't do this but they just blame thier looks and call it a day.
t. decent-looking guy who's been approached by a lot of women but fucked it up due to being beta. If women only cared about looks my life would be fucking easy.

how quaint, the autistic chad meme in real life. lmao. you aren't good looking

Guess I got approached for no reason. If you want to convince yourself you're fucked and I'm set for life, don't let me stop you.

Eye Contact
Active Listening
Fake Confidence

>dude women love me i get approached all the time but im totally like too beta to do anything

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i see ugly guys with hideous chicks
even ugly girls date up

thats mostly how it works. i dont know why people are so obsessed with this ugly guy+hot girl thing, that doesn't happen a lot and its mostly either money or pure luck.

Only time I ever see ugly guys with girls is usually middle aged couples, which is usually just a case of the woman being too lazy to find a job and finding a dude to leech off.

Because personality matters more

>muh dating sites
Yeah, they're judged by looks because they've never talked in person. What makes women horny is how you make them feel.

"personality" is a synonym for looks

It's possible, but much harder. You pretty much have to max out as much as possible in money, social status, and unironically personality to have a shot.

While a good looking guy can pretty much do nothing, and fuck hotter women than you could ever dream of.

completely false, but i'll play along
lets say personality is all that matters. do you think you can change your personality? i'm assuming you believe that. if thats the case, why haven't you adapted the personality of a highly successful chad and fuck a new girl every night?

lets see the copes

Yeah i remember this one guy who would light up any room with conversation who slew pussy like a chinese fish prossessing worker gut fish.
Small town of around 15000 females and he must have known them all. But its a way of life that would wear me out instantly.

I'm more interested in how you got the job even though you're an (ugly) virgin

This was in the other virgins thread. Fake it till you make it and hope for the best.

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Thats a calculated move by the guy. The chick cant do better so she invest more in the relationship.

There is no consumable way for ugly men to get attractive or even avarage women.He either has status or money.

yea im not reading any of that bullshit larp story. you actually believe the people who write this shit? are you fucking stupid?