How do Asian people see?
How do Asian people see?
asians are fucking delusional.
>that's the best a mid level white guy can get
it's truly fucking over in 2019 and beyond
>even the trash asians are taken by whites
why is this allowed?
>mid level
try low level
Why does it seem so often the most virulently anti-white non-whites have white partners?
thats the best your people can do chief
take the mid
Why does she hate the way she looks so much?
I've noticed this as well, my girlfriend hates white people but loves me and talks a lot about my BWC in bed.
The inverse of this is also true btw, pic related. must be a weird psychology thing.
the white tears thing doesn't mean all whites. just the fucking babies who think everyone is out to get them because they're white.
more like, beta white guys can only get ugly fat asians. Not something to be jealous of, user.
kek, the right cartoon is far more true to life. What's the point in being so deluded?
Either stop pretending or get the fuck off the board. Do you not understand what a robot is
I mean, if I looked like that I'd probably just an hero. I seriously don't understand how ugly people can even function
with their eyes dummy
lol how many "white nationalist/supremacist" have Asians wives or live in Japan
You pathetic charcoal nigger have been shitting up the board for ages now. We all know who you are. Astroturfing 24/7, what a sad existence.
Your anime pillow isnt really talking to you, user
Holy fucking seething bitch
The guy who coined the term alt-right was a yellow fever fag. White nationalism is a yellow fever movement.
There is a big swatch of white nationalists that have become aware that white women have stopped being allies and they evidently don't care at all about their race.
It's sensical to go for the next best thing if one wants to produce offspring/live a traditional life.
They are reactionary mongrels though. There are plenty of self-aware white women and nothing that comes from an Asian womb will ever be white. They are in deep cognitive dissonance, but there's a valid reason behind it.
that's because whites who go after asians are fucking pathetic.
At least change up your larps, you pavement ape. You are obvious.
Lmao why do you think that?
>Asian females
Albeit a different race that will produce inferior offspring
>Black males
low IQ
low status
You cannot equate white male racemixing with white female racemixing.
White female racemixing is the product of propaganda.
White male racemixing is the product of necessity.
SEETHING. my girlfriend is not asian btw I think asians are ugly. also not a blackedfag I just think internet nazis are hilarious.
they're beginner girlfriends for insecure betas.
>Asian females
Spoken like someone that has never dated one. The fact that I've dated an asian girl is why I'll never have yellow fever.
>>Asian females
You're on Jow Forums what the fuck do you mean beginner girlfriend
That's the allure. I am not saying it's valid. That's the consensus though.
Many guys have become despondent and disgusted with western women. It's normal they'd fall for memes, regardless of their validity.
I've been with a lot of women, 2 asians out of them. I know anecdotally that that's not the case. Southern european women, balkan women, even french chicks(southern france) have shown plenty of femininity. But I have experienced the inverse as well. Swedish, norwegian, german and even british girls completely into drugs, alcohol, fetishes, irresponsible behavior, loose morals, et cetera.
It is a demonstrable fact that there is a significant cluster of women that have strayed.
Why is this board so obsessed with Asian women?
She's literally just asking to be white washed. Obviously the 20th century style yellow peril caricature isn't accurate but it's fucking stupid to want Asians to be drawn with those giant eyes when even ancient Asians didn't.
asian women are easy mode for white males
subhuman white incels and half asian hapa incels congregate and have cripple fights
How come this board is full of virgins then
They're easy whores. This board is for virgins so obviously we're gonna want the only girls we might have a chance with.
You guys are mean if I was an Asian girl this would be off putting
Most people on this board are extremely inept when it comes to dealing with women and they (mistakenly) believe that women of XYZ race are fundamentally different in how they treat men and will give them "what they deserve".
It's not mean. If Asian girls didn't like it they'd just stop putting out so easily.
no it wouldn't
you would worship whites
They only say this shit anonymously, they would be serenading some Asian girl or any girl for that matter they thought they had a chance with
Paul Gottfried? Was a homosexual Jew.
No, talking about Richard Spencer.
Thank you for posting this, I've been looking for that pic for a while now