>Jesus Christ, user! You can't cry every time a customer starts yelling at you. Be a man for fuck's sake. Are you just going to cry like a fucking baby throughout your whole life? Grow the fuck up. Seriously, you're fucking pathetic, you miserable piece of shit.
Jesus Christ, user! You can't cry every time a customer starts yelling at you. Be a man for fuck's sake...
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Nigga, just quit on the spot. Okay? You live with mommy, it doesn't matter. You can get a better job, okay, nigga? Just look your manager in the eye and tell him to go fuck himself and walk out. Nigga, it's not worth the $7.25 peanuts that you get okay, nigga just walk out of the McDonalds right now and tell him to go fuck himself.
I am actually always very polite and helpful towards fast food staff. I know it ain't easy, so I don't make it harder for them.
Are you going to cry when Jow Forums doesn't validate you, faggot? Your boss, presumably, is a shithead for yelling at you, but toughen up. Life isn't predicated on niceness or fairness.
>Life isn't predicated on niceness or fairness.
Life sucks and I don't like it.
Lol, when I was like 16 and working as cashier at a grocery store, at like 11pm when i was the only one on the lanes this obese fucker starts yelling at the top of his lungs at me because I didn't manually take off like 10 cents because he told me it was priced 10 cents off on the shelf, i took out my phone and told him i was dialing 911 (i wasnt), and he left
bro, quit being a wagecuck and do manual labor or something
Although you should step up and grow a thicker skin because this world is full of cunts, remember that no money is worth any abuse, especially for such a little pay as McDicks.
I had a manager like this. She was some early 20-something Stacy who literally couldn't comprehend depression.
Do customers yell that often? I get fast food once a week or so, and I've never seen a customer actually yell at a cashier.
Although the other day I was in the drive-thru at McDonald's and they asked me to pull up to that red parking space to wait for my order, and I refused. The drive-thru girl was pretty shocked, but mainly that I would be that big a dick. It's not like I yelled at her. She just said
>Sir, can you pull up to the waiting area, and your food will be brought out to you?
And I said
>Every time I do that I see lots of people who were in line behind me get their food before me, so I would rather just stay here.
You'd think I had declared I was going to shit in her mouth, by how shocked she was at my statement.
>i took out my phone and told him i was dialing 911 (i wasnt), and he left
I wanted to call the cops because a customer grabbed my shirt and shook me but my boss wouldn't let me.
I've noticed the way customers treat you in retail varies an incredible amount based on where you work. I worked at a beer stand for a fair, and a quarter of the customers were nasty pieces of shit, especially the middle aged wealthier white guys. I worked at a small bookstore for a while and most of the customers were really nice, except for some of the middle aged women, who would be nasty because they thought they could. But there weren't many, so generally that job was really nice, even when I fucked up. I worked at a university bookstore for a couple months, and I don't think I ever had a single rude customer. I also didn't have any rude customers when I worked at a Safeway bakery, but that was actually by far the worst experience just because I felt like such a piece of shit for even having to work there.
You hate it now user but this is a very important and defining experience for a man. Every now and then we need to see how unfair and miserable humanity lets themselves become to fill us with the fires of determination and motivation to be different. Let yourself become that little bit less trusting of others and learn to leave yourself less vulnerable. I'm not saying become bitter and jaded though, because that's the path so many follow after this kind of moment.
Only time I cried at work was when a roastie yelled at me for ratting on her for being drunk at work
just save up for welding school
>a customer grabbed my shirt and shook me
That counts as assault
>but my boss wouldn't let me.
What the fuck is wrong with that retard? You better quit that job immediately
You can't just grow a thicker skin. Some people are naturally more sensitive than others.
Trades people are known for their shit talking and harsh treatment.
Its not about suppressing sensibility. Its about putting out a brave face and not appearing weak. Faking being tough is not the same as being tough, especially when dealing with customers bastard.
This 100%, unless you're a workman that work on his own.
But at least you'll be making bank.
Bank this:
>Shits in your throat
Just go work at Church's Chicken or another place of that sort where you can talk to customers any kind of way.
im thinking of applying to a restaurant or a grocery store and I have a few questions regarding the interview process.
If they ask, why do you want to work for X business what do you even say especially if youve never had a job before?
And if they ask you to describe yourself, how would you respond to that? Like can I talk about how im a recent hs graduate and explain the work that ive done in regards to community service?
Help anons.
Isn't that the fucking truth, I've long reached the point where I don't need reminding that things are unfair and most people are dicks though. I don't want to be like them, but that doesn't mean I have to take their bullshit either or be scared of getting sacked for defending myself.
She's not paid enough to deal with your frankly minute grievance with their service.
t. black user
blacks are big spoiled cry babies
Just tell them what they want to hear. They want to hear that you:
>will value your job and take it seriously
>care deeply about customer satisfaction and making people happy is important to you
I cry when yelled at. Once in high school a particularly level-headed teacher lost his shit at me and I had to run out of the room and into the bathroom so I could sob in the stalls for the remaining 30 minutes of the class. I was 18.
i kek'd
Don't be a man user
It got me fired many times
>She's not paid enough to deal with your frankly minute grievance with their service.
Well, she HAD to deal with it. So I guess that the question of whether or not her pay was sufficient for that isn't really relevant.
I think I'm going to do that every time now. You have inspired me.
>I cry when yelled at. Once in high school a particularly level-headed teacher lost his shit at me and I had to run out of the room and into the bathroom so I could sob in the stalls for the remaining 30 minutes of the class. I was 18.
If you're a qt smol girl, this would be really hot.
If you're a guy...neck yourself.
DAMN! Wagies go through some SHIT! YIKES!
Same here. I'm the most courteous motherfucker possible to them and to call center workers since I used to be one.
I work fast food and if a customer is a dick to me i give them a death glare and fuck up their order as much as possible and make the rest of the exchange as unpleasant for them as possible without actually "saying anything back"
Yep, I don't understand why so much of the population goes through this. Wagecuckery is like a cult.
Muh fulfilment.
I always kept waiting for a day for some faggot to start shit with me
My mom always complain at the fast food ''not being fast enough'' even though it only takes 5 minutes to get served at dinner rush, so I try to get her to understand that it aint easy being a wagie at mcdonalds but she has the boomer mindset.
When I go to McDonalds or any fast food I'm way nicer to the staff than I am with anyone else ever, it pays to be nice because I often get offered free shit for it (muffins etc.)
>whites cant comprehend civility and trating people properly
sounds about white
I used to get close to tears at work. One time enough was enough and now whenever a customer gets frustrated I tell them that I dont give a damn. Service based jobs are expendable and even convicts can get them
Forgot to change name from a femanon thread
This, soon you realize that even if you get fired you can just walk somewhere and get hired
t. 30 years old boomer
Their reactions when they realise someone isnt interested in their situations are the best
If you could control it you would have stopped long ago. Don't worry about it, man. Retail is hard, and any reaction you have is not your fault at all. It's hard to get over what people think but after you figure out the solution to that you'll have nothing to worry about. Fuck them. Good luck.
Emotional men are actually just women.
Blame your mother for convincing you to express your emotions.
Blame your father for being either not present, or a weak beta male who didnt raise his son right.
absolutely based real talk
If you were a female employee, the manager would of defended you with his life. Lol
Reminder that bottling your emotions can lead to brain tumors, low testosterone, heart disease and high blood pressure, among other things.
>would of
where will it end
>bottling emotions
Why not just stop carrying them around, Jesse Lee Peterson style?
My emotions have never done much good for me, but have certainly done a tremendous amount of awful.
For example: every girlfriend I lost was due to me being emotional.
You cant bottle something you dont really feel.
Why would you let anything get to you its not that hard. Sticks and stones.
If someone's being an asshole pawn them off on the supervisor. That's what they're there for. You don't have to take abuse from anyone. Customers, coworkers, nobody. Don't let some shitty job define you as lesser. Everyone is equal and if someone is treating you wrong that's not okay. Hell, supervisors included. Don't be afraid to go over their head, and there is ALWAYS an over their head. Even if they're the owners. When the state hits them with a $10,000 fine and you bring in a wrongful termination suit they'll start reflecting on their actions.
my first boss I ever had used to yell at me every day. I thought he was just being a shit, but after working there a few months, I came to realize how shit I really was at my job.
This is why I always treat fast food workers like trash. Even if they are perfect at their job, they are not fulfilling their job as a man, nay as a human. They need to quit that shit asap and move on to bigger and better things.
when i was growing up i had a friend who was a real cry baby. he'd cry about the dumbest shit, it was a real problem desu. so people would tell him thinks like the OP.
>you cant cry all your life or people will always call you a cry baby!
they'd also give him positive reinforcement when he could suppress his feelings and not cry.
so fast forward to meow when we're in our mid-20s, and he's emotionally fucked. he has difficulty regulating his emotions at any capacity. usually he just struggles to express, but other times he has break downs in comparatively mild situations
Get angry and hate people
That sucks OP I have dealt with rude customers and dramatic co workers before but even in dealing with the absurd have not felt pushed to the point of tears. Which is funny because I am a sensitive guy who will dwell on everything but thank God for my resting bitch face and having grown up in an abusive household where crying or even getting red eyes was frowned upon. Throw in 5 horrible years of the military, an awful youthful marriage, and growing up in south side Chicago and I feel like I am just a man of stone on the exterior.
What can a customer do to me life has not already done?
if there were witnesses you can get him fired for abusing a worker
in my country that's illegal
what cucktry are you from?
you the type of dude that needs your head curb stomped.
It's completely understandable as to why he would come here to vent. There's a difference between scolding your employees and letting your frustration come out while throwing extra insults your mom would be proud of hearing.
isn't that proof it was genetic ie. not in his control
Why are burgers so rude and violent? I may have done some shitty stuff but at least I can say I never yelled at a service worker. Just quit bro. You are too sensitive for this job.
I had a problem with my Chad manager. He said anxiety and depression were for simps and didnt even think they were legit mental illnesses.
They do that if you order something that needs to made. An example would be (when i worked at taco bell) if someone ordered a shredded chicken taco and we didnt have any shredded chicken we have to make the shredded chicken. If the people behind you ordered something regular we make that while your shit's cooking. Also her drive thru window is most likely timed so she was trying to move you to save her drive thru time. Most managers go full mental if the drive thru time is slow.
You cunt. That's a fat middle-aged woman move. As that other guy said, they tell you to move up because your food ain't ready yet, and other people's food is. You're holding the entire line up for no reason. It doesn't get you you food any faster.
Kek imagine being this much of a sperg
As long as she wasn't being dangerous, you kinda deserved that one, user.
>2am pulling into a McDonalds parking lot
>"we have two seperate orders can I get a yada yada, and he will have'
>pull up to the window
>Give cashier my $20 and she immediately closes the window with my friends money in his hand
>"okay maybe they are doing one transaction at a time"
>Gives me like $5
>"Nah we had two seperate orders, meaning we intend to pay seperately"
>Actually have the audacity to suggest my friend pays me the difference rather than so much as acting as though they were going to fix their error
>Immediately get my money back and pull out hungry as fuck have to go to quick trip
I hate niggers jesus fucking Christ what the fuck else could I possibly mean when I say I have two different orders. If you are black you deserve to die honestly and I am black, how the fuck do you fuck some simple ass shit up like that then have no means of fixing it quickly? I have worked fast food before it is not that difficult fucking NIGGERS
Yes I said it
you and your friend are literally arguing over pennies that goes against black culture.
To everyone ITT that cries when yelled at. I used to have the same problem. If at all possible, you need to replace that sadness with rage. Get pissed, and tell them to fuck off. If you can't tell them to fuck off, then get pissed but hold yourself back, and walk away to cool down. It's the only way I've found to deal with that shit.
What? I was charged for his order, what would be the entire fucking purpose of having two seperate orders if I had intended for them to be the same transaction?
just be a good friend and pay for his food nigga
>interviewer will ask fake non-question they know is retarded and fake
>you give fake non-answer that you know is retarded and fake
>interviewer knows your non-answer is retarded and fake but it was on the list of expected responses
>you both smile and shake hands and pretend that you're both not being fake as fuck while knowing the other person is being fake as fuck also
>this is considered a productive use of time by everyone
Pay for the niggas food, weed, gas, provide transportation, shit you may as well ask me to suck a whole dick. The entire reason we was even eating out is because everytime this nigga come to my crib he is asking what is in the fridge.
What's in the fridge? My groceries I paid for nigga we work the same job!?
>b-but don't go committing crimes, that would be mean!
>please dont go in a shooting spree because that wouldn't be fair! Btw life isn't fair
>tfw this is a coping method
Fuck, why do you guys do this?
This only true for those fastfood workers that actually come there to do a job because they need the job. Theres plenty of piece of shits and niggers in there who dont respect their job or the customers simply because they had a friend/family get them in there or they're just some teenager who is there temporarily, all of which kiss managers ass. I make it a point to them a hard time.
Lol @ this guy. If your pappa raised you right, you wouldn't be on 4cucka
Your friend needs to fuck your ass, you homo
Ah hell nah, he my nigga forreal and my closest home boy out here and definately a good person but I am selfish especially with weed/food the most you can get out of me is one bong rip in a week if I really love you