>a few days ago
>head outside to toss out my trash in the dumpster
>a little after sunset
>hear a bit of noise
>there's a homeless person rummaging through the dumpster again
what's the correct more here? Should I just come back later? I don't want him to think I'm repulsed by someone like him, but do you think he could be dangerous? I'm a little naive sometimes.
A few days ago
Stand at a distance at the dumpster and ask if you can throw your trash into the bin. Nicest thing you can usually do to a honeless person you encounter on the street is acknowledge them.
The correct move would be killing yourself. The hobo already won.
>weeb doesn't know how the world works
sounds about right
i would just wait it out until he left, you could just say hi to him and leave the trash there too i dont think it would be a problem but you'd have to be ballsy
>bullies in my thread again
I'm gunna pretend I didn't see that
>ask if you can toss your trash in
I like this one. I really doubt that they'd want to hurt anyone else so I don't have a problem with walking up there, but just ignoring them seems wrong too. Good move.
yeah... I'm kind've a coward. I just tried to casually walk back inside lmao
Jesus Christ , how can someone be this much of a bitch? you can't throw your fucking garbage outside without making a fucking thread about it?
>weeb cant handle banter
lmao have sex
I want to eat akko's butthole
well, I'm sorry you don't like my thread. I suppose there's nothing I can do about that, but this wasn't your average trash removal experience.
Do you always run into people sifting through your refuse when you go to dump it?
for me, its her hair 0riggaj
I promised you I would get even more powerful once I got to my desktop. I'm being a little lazy on that front right now, but I only just got back. I think I'll have an answer to the frogposter problem by tomorrow.
for me it's her butthole
>scared of the homeless
>doesn't BTFO frogposters
you're making it too easy
What a sweet little dork
heh, thanks user. I'm trying my best.
Tell him you'll let him take your trash as long as he doesn't make a mess on your street. It's trash you don't need it and it's a good first step in befriending the homeless community those people come in handy.
I've thought about tossing them a warning that there's nothing of interest in mine, but wouldn't you feel a little violated to know someone's gunna go through everything you throw out. I mean I know that happens at a waste management place anyway, but when it happens like this they'll know who's it was.
Get a bat and beat him. Thats the only language the homeless understand.
what're ya using homeless people for anyway, user?
I run an arcade and I employ them as security and maintenance personnel
what did he mean by this
arent you afraid they're gonna scam you and steal your stuff?
Oh! That's really nice, user. Do you ever listen to their stories, or do they not really want to share? I'm guessing we'd all probably find a lot of ourselves in them and what they have to tell.
Of course not. They have a sort of hierarchy and I'm good friends with their leader. They're all very good workers believe it or not.
Most keep those sorts of things to themselves, very few talk about. Often they don't even remember the circumstances that lead them to this point.
you must live somewhere nice then, where i live they're usually addicts that scam anyone they can
don't bully them. I know there were probably many times I was close to joining their ranks. I'd never steal or scam if that happened. I'd still be me.
>lane dividers are a crosswalk
how do I tell google that their car's gunna fail it's test?
i dont bully then i just dont trust then, i spent enough time around drug dealers to know that people scam you and steal whatever you have the first chance they get
you're a good person, user. I hope you already knew that,but you still are.
I guess I sorta imagined that's how it might be. Their past was likely deeply troubled. It often just becomes a nebulous haze when that's the case.
you'll have to forgive me for my noncontextual akko again. I still haven't expanded my arsenal
Friendly reminder to report avatarfags
Many are or were addicts. I wouldn't say this is the nicest city either. Maybe I'm just lucky.
based as always enforceranon
they probably dont do anything because you give them the opportunity to make money, i wouldnt imagine there is are a lot of people willing to hire homeless drug addicts, i would still keep an eye out for them though
I had to move towns because of you... I don't really like having to pack my bags every few threads, you know.
it wasn't THAT based, user. Calm down.
I wonder if user knows that mentioning a report is bannable?