Why did Jow Forums people become boring as shit? People here used to be cool and post interesting things all the time. Now you guys are just... bleh... Even hobby boards are boring as fuck but not as boring as r9k, pol, and b. Would it kill you guys to stop being such boring assholes?
Why did Jow Forums people become boring as shit? People here used to be cool and post interesting things all the time...
maybe your perception of boring change, if you were just some stupid kid who knew nothing everything must have seemed far more interesting when you were younger
The rest of the Internet bans the shit out of being yourself so the entire Internet dumps it's asshole on this site and areas of the Internet like it. Every year it will get worse for that reason as they split it down into two parts: overly nice faux smiles and the law abiding AND the criminal venting childish ones that are not politically correct.
If you see.
this is the most boring thread i've ever seen, you make a good thread then you fucking faggot
Sorry you cant find greentexts to post on reddit op. have a frog
All the popular sites (including 4chans individual boards) are very boring because they're full of the same people and content that's reposted and reposted and reposted again. The internet monoculture is real and getting worse every day.
Yeah, it could very well be.
God, that's depressing.
Asian women are better than white women. Honk honk
Enjoying your stay redditor?
Nah op is right.
Too many feels faggots now.
I haven't seen a good devilish thread in about 3 years
Its the fucking zoomers, user
This website has lost all of its counter culturism and people want and need Jow Forums to have a culture so they can feel as though they fit in
Shit like this is what I mean. It's something we all know. It's boring to read it again and again and I'm sure you're bored of posting it too.
Because they left over a decade ago.
>Internet monoculture
Extends to real life due to globolization. Even smaller subcultures have or are dying out to be replaced by fewer, and more boring alternatives.
Even humor sucks nowadays, zoomers love irony, even though it stopped being funny in 2012.
Still triggers lots of people so I keep doing it
I want to go back. I personally think that all the irony is just a defense mechanism because new users just can't handle any form of criticism or disagreement at all, I mean just look at how badly most people are at each others throats over any little thing now wherever you go, I'm talking genuine hostility and not just someone trying to be funny. In a way it's normalfaggotry to the max.
Normalfags and zoomers.
what the hell is a devilish thread, sounds childish and retarded
niche communities gathered on this website to discuss their interests and then perhaps created specific IRC channels to further the discussion. now everyone migrated to Discord, which forms communities by nature more volatile and prone to cliquey behaviour. old board culture is dead, there are some smaller imageboards that try to preserve that environment but they're very slow and under-populated. this board is now mostly populated by teenagers who came from reddit.
They were retarded but funny
You have to understand that stuff like that is literally what people come here for, they see it elsewhere and then come here to post it themselves.
At least in /v/ there's no culture, just fights over everything, here is divided between old user, reddit incels and trannies
self awareness, no one wants to put themselves out for fear of being identified
This is true most of the users here are below 20 im an old fag btw
Because the people who used to post are 25+ now.
The only people who post on Jow Forums are under 18 and right now the generation that's currently under 18 is boring and retarded.
Then what? They get identified and then what? Not like some incel is gonna fly 1000 miles and murder someone.