ITT: Moments where you realize that it was your fault for being bullied, rejected or ignored.
>In high school >Finally make a friend >She's a girl >We talk a lot >I become super annoying >She tells me that it's irritating and to please stop it >Don't know how to stop >She starts hitting me for it >I nervously laugh it off when I felt hurt >Think she's just being playful >Decide to playfully tap the back of her head then run away when she's with her friends >She snapped and chases me >I run near a corner and get trapped >She starts throwing punches to my face >They really hurt so I say "Okay stop" >She continues and says "No I warned you, now shut the fuck up and take it" >My nose is bleeding and I begin to tear up >She finally stops and says "Now stop talking to me and leave me alone, I only spoke to you since I felt sorry for you but now I see why nobody likes you" >She leaves >I never wanted a friend after that >All I had to do was just shut up
damn OP. as much as you are autistic and definitely fucked up the situation, that was a cruel way for her to handle it. do you still not know what you were doing that was perceived as annoying? and how hard was that 'playful tap'?
Zachary Anderson
What the fuck user, it's not your fault, what a witch. Please don't blame yourself for horrible people acting up on you.
Being annoying should not be enough for someone to beat you up over. Shows she was not that mature of a person.
Better luck with the next friend OP
Jose Rodriguez
Whenever I saw her, I would act like I forgot her name or say "Oh hi Sa-Sa-Sara" as in a way of trying to remember her name. She would make a weak laugh about it but then finally said something like "You gotta stop that, okay? It's annoying" but I thought she was playing along with me, which I should've just stopped.
Plus my playful tap was just touching the back of her head then running like I was a child or you're playing tag with a friend.
I know but I feel that I should've just fucking stopped and maybe I could've had a friend, I don't know, this memory still burns in my head.
It caused me to be too afraid since I'm worried that I'll just be too annoying and people stop messing with me
Jack King
I'm so sorry, user. To reach out to one of the few people who seemed kind and be met with that....
I often envy people who can see the world differently than I do, but I can't help thinking bullying is always the victim's fault. We don't belong. It's just society policing itself, defining it's view of acceptable behavior. It just turns out that that's not us.
She was unnecesarily temperalmental, hardly your fault you got beaten up; at least you recognize you insisted after being warned, not that it warrants a beating.
Mason Morgan
damn nigga thats autistic as shit
Juan Rivera
She seems like a horrible person judging by this story and I don't think you'd want, if you even could, be their friend in the long-term. Sure, you may have been perceived as a nuissance by her but that does NOT justify how she acted towards you, beating you up, saying those things, treating you like that. I think the way you blame yourself for these things is already a sign that you're really not a bad person, same to this user. Don't be too harsh on yourself friends, what is perceived as annoying by one may be seen as quirky and endearing by another.
>Being annoying should not be enough for someone to beat you up over. no it definitely is, when someone tell you to stop you either do it or get beat up, op is a retard and is lucky the girl didnt get dudes to beat him up for her
David Green
OP here, I also forgot to say this. Her three friends also started to ignore me, when they were super nice to me but since she dropped me, they wouldn't speak to me and viewed me as invisible. I remember even saying one of their names when I was walking to class and she simply looked at me then turned back and acted I wasn't there.
I don't know anymore, I hate talking about it but I really had to vent it out, I hate making myself suffer.
I feel worthless, I wish I could change things again, but I was raised like this, I never had a friend before and I did too much, I messed up but I just wish she didn't punch me like that, it emasculated me, it truly did.
Xavier Allen
well now you know that if you take peoples boundaries as a joke, you will inevitably cross their boundaries without realizing it. its not safe to assume that people are okay with everything you do, and if you understand this, you can improve. mind revealing how old you are?
Kayden Nguyen
I'm becoming 23 in December
Cameron Morales
I find it funny that namefags are always cancer no matter who they are or what they post. It's pretty much always normalfag drivel or schizo babbling.
David Scott
Holy shit lad that is absolutely pathetic. Have you never had a friend prior to highschool? How were your grades?
Josiah Green
I had a really good friend of mine (was nice girl and semi simmilar kinks) but one day IDK what happened but I was sad (omg no way) and like I felt I needed to apologize to her told her that sorta I might kill myself if i end up not making people happy and she kinda took it wrong and said like sorry I don't think we can be friends then and I really felt like I messed up I haven't talked to her in like 6 months :/
Aiden Perry
I never had a friend and she was my first, I made B's and C's
David Allen
well there is still hope for you then. keep trying your best or allow yourself to fall into a friendless existence. your choice
Noah Gutierrez
I see. There's always that one kid in class who never had friend. They usually had terrible grades and everyone hated them tho. Was that you?
I don't know, people didn't really hate me like that but I don't really know
Josiah Moore
How could you not have friends before? Did you never try? Were you shunned?
Blake Rodriguez
I was super quiet, I mean I knew people but they were acquaintances. I remember when someone corrected me when I misused the word friend, and said we were just "acquaintances", he was a nice guy though
Blake Brown
I'm sorry you met such a horrible cunt user. Most people aren't that bad. Try to connect more with people who are into the same stuff as you.
Noah Sanchez
thank you for those words, buddy
Isaiah Stewart
>tfw you would probably fuck up in a similar manner to OP if you tried making friends today >tfw youre past your mid 20s im sorry op, looks like you were just trying to be playful with her. hope own day you find friends who appreciate you for that and dont mind the assburger much
Benjamin Long
sorry that happened to you, OP. all i can say is no normal person would do that shit and there are plenty of people out there for you who will be willing to hangout/socialize with you. not everyone will like you and not everyone will dislike you.
Colton Howard
I used to be as retarded as you OP, it was only once I matured, I'm talking 18+ that I realised how much of a fucking idiot I've always been compared to people my age.