>first time ever getting invited out by a girl >sperg out a lot in front her and her art hoe friends >somehow actually manage to take her home anyways >try to play it cool so I don't over commit and look like a fool >don't ask to set up another date right away >change my mind and feel like I could finally experience a relationship >this could be my moment to be vulnerable with a girl >finally decide to ask to see her again >get dropped like the human garbage I am
So tell me of your failures, Jow Forums We at least can nurse our wounds together
gee she wouldn't want a fedora tipping "nice guy" who calls all her friends art hoes? shocker
Nicholas Nguyen
>Guy convinced i'm making fun of his mom comes to my house asking to use my computer for a school project >i left him use my computer and tell him i hope he gets a good grade on his project >installs some shit on my computer that lets him watch me through my webcam and see my monitor >proceeds to stalk me online for over 5 years, still ongoing.
Isaiah Collins
I never claimed to be nice Nice guys don't fuck Nice guys don't fuck promiscuous girls who self-identify as art hoes (You would know sex positivity is in vogue if you actually talked to a young girl) She used me for sex and I took the bait like a chump Now I'm discarded and distraught because I stupid enough to think I was special
Colton Anderson
Even this thread is a failure Congratulations robots
Christian Thomas
Reimage your computer and cover your webcam da dingus
Andrew Adams
why you let him keep watching? you getting off of it or what
Hudson Fisher
>be me >Saturday night >smoking weed on the porch >getting dark, turn on light strips >cute gril on neighbor deck says I have a sweet deck setup >I grow a pair for a sec >tell her to come hang out >she does??? >she's really cool and into all kinds of interesting shit >have nice conversation but sperg and twitch throughout >she tells me the neighbors (I've never met) are into the same kinda shit as me. they're friends of hers and she's staying with them for a week >says she'll introduce me next afternoon >give her my number >next day, never hear back >her car is still parked outside gg
Ethan Turner
you're literally retarded if you've put up with this for 5 years without removing it somehow or getting rid of the computer. you realize if he can see your webcam, he can probably see everything you do on your computer and even control it remotely if he wants?
Leo Price
You have the rest of the week to hear back It's not looking good but there's still time...
Caleb Kelly
>stalks a girl for a year and keeps asking her to go out with me >she finally says yes, after a year >we go to the movies >kiss scene >tell her "you're my inspiration babe" >she looked scared and pushed me away >never talked about it again
Joshua Hall
Absolute state of this post
Ryder Hall
>goes to a concert alone >sees some girls looking at me >"I bet I look like shit" >go away from them >concert ends >they approach me >"I'm interested in you. Would you kiss me?" >immediately drops them spaghettis >asks her "are you trolling me?"
Logan Ortiz
>proceeds to stalk me online for 5 years do you like him watching you fap to porn on your computer faggot
Jace Hill
>meets mentally handicapped girl >falls in love >tell her I love her >she says "ohh I'm so sorry if it ever seemed like you had a chance" and limps away
Benjamin Stewart
>write a letter to deliver to a female friend who I was in love with >get to the party, sees her kissing some weed fag >throws letter away >feels bad to this day because I littered the street
Connor James
Yes, I know I actually fell for the 'have sex' meme and now I must suffer
Ethan Sullivan
>goes to party alone >get drunk >remember my father's words: "you just gotta drink and ask them if they want it" >approaches a random fat girl >"what's your name, cutie?" >"I have no name, fuck off"
Cooper Garcia
I've had three relationships and have been dumped by the girls 3 months in everytime, what do they mean by this lol
>goes to party alone again >get drunk >sees a group of three average girls >asks the ugliest one: "hey dwanna kiss meh?" >"No"
Isaac Martin
Paper is actually not the worst to put in a landfill Littering is still not great but at least it wasn't a glass bottle that'll stick around for hundreds of thousands of years
Bentley Roberts
I had one relationship where I got dumped after 2 years. I like yours better
Easton Scott
>be me at 20 years old >still naive prude church boy >meet qt quirky chick at college >hit it off real fast >go on movie date >movie finishes >she says "hey user let's go to my place" >im ok with it >"my parents arent home either" >start getting a little nervous >start suspecting that she wants to have sex but dismiss it. >get to her place >she then shows me her fridge >Filled with vodka, gin, and whiskey >start sweating bullets >realize that this is happening >panic.png >"Hey user lets come up to my room" >Confirmed. She wants to have fuck >Relunctantly go up >still a church prude and think that this is gonna be a horrible sin >gotta get outta of this fast >brainstorm.gif >lightbulbturningon.gif >Go to her room. >Remember that she told me about her shelves with her collection of anime >Autism activated >jump in front of the shelf. Nervous and panicing at this point >"WOW THIS IS SO COOL. HEY LET'S TAKE ONE OF THESE BACK TO WATCH AT MY PLACE" >my home had my parents atm where basically I would have no chance to fuck >She's all confused but says "O-okay..." >Christian values upholded >After that day she started distancing herself >Eventually is all cold with me and stops talking >Realize my major fuck up a year after the fact and also right after I stopped being a church boy
I facepalm to this stupid shit all the time. I probably would've had a quality gf. Feels real bad man.