How will you be celebrating when Yang wins in 2020?
How will you be celebrating when Yang wins in 2020?
Nice way to corrupt an old image faggot.
Though it honestly they gave everyone 1000 USD even once just for voting for him, pic related is a bit less than a grand.
That comic is cancer...3d girls? Seriously dude? Anyone who spends ALL their free time at home is only going to use that time on one or two anime, reading novels, or vidya. Terrible arguments from both sides
Who tf is Yang?
Somebody give this man the quick rundown
Some Oriental that wants to be president that promised a k a month just to be le nice. Of course it won't happen but if it happened even once to obligate me to go out and vote I might gonsider.
>yang wangs still around
ghey, take the guaranteed employment pill faggot
Lmao, I agree that there's more to life than work but NEETs are just pathetic.
>Be me
>Wagie, making decent $ for my age
>Play minecraft with a discord NEET 1-2 times, talk to him
>From the pictures I've seen of him (idk if they were actually him) he's fat, a little balding, and doesn't keep himself that clean.
>He hits me up because he needs $80 to pay a friend back ("I'm in a tight spot user")
>Man literally gets $40 from his dad each week and spends it mostly on DUDE WEED, which he smokes in like a day or two.
>In my cuck mindset, think I'll pay him because I want to be nice.
>Even says he'll cut me in on his "monetized minecraft server" (kek) for helping him out.
>Luckily my payment app doesn't work
>I try to transfer the money to him
>He doesn't have a bank account
>Asks me to send the paypal to his mom
>At that point I realize how pathetic this all is, on everyone's end.
>I'm younger than him, but old enough to know better.
>He's old enough to be living a life where $80 shouldn't be an issue
>His mom is totally okay with him getting money from some random to pay back some other dude that lives far away from him.
>Block his ass and leave the server he moderates.
Honestly any able-bodied person who cannot support themselves is an embarrassment to their family and a pathetic loser. Especially those who don't even try.
Fuck you Grelson (But I miss servo, PBC and onelastcigarette)
>you are guaranteed a place as a 40h/week wageslave, aren't you happy?
Yuck dude just yuck
Then your parents kick you out at 30 and you're left with no option but to kys because you're homeless and have no $$ to fund your shitty neet lifestyle.
Stopped reading to be honest.
imagine, even after it was exposed that yang is planned shill on 4chin they are still trying.
You're you caught us he payed us each a $1000
don't you have a containment subr*ddit to stay in?
I bet like 99% of neets are depressed fuck ups that want to live a normal life but refuse the responsibilities that that life requires
>Nietzsche or Aristotle
How can you choose the two worst philosophers out of all of them? How is that even possible?
They aren't the worst, the worst's names are lost to history.
They are remembered cause they are some of the greatest
The worst of those remembered. Which is obviously what I meant. Aristotle and Nietzsche fucking suck.
>posting an edit of the original
Why cant neets accept they are cancer that polute society? Every one knows neets play games all Day and fap, what sort of fake neet learns philosophy and learns piano?
The Yang meme wave is already over, I didn't hear anything from him.
The funniest thing to me is that NEETs always mention all of the great things that they can do with their spare time, yet instead of practicing an instrument or reading philosophy they watch anime and shitpost here. Most NEETs aren't unemployed because they morally disagree with working for a living. They're unemployed because they're lazy and because they feel they're too smart to work lower level jobs. Granted, I don't feel that spending your entire life working is worth it either, and defining people by their job is one of things we really have wrong in today's society. I wouldn't have a problem with NEETs if they were actively trying to create something, but most of you are rooted to your chair.