Have any of you ever thought about just how much longer all of us are going to have to be alive?

Have any of you ever thought about just how much longer all of us are going to have to be alive?

Despite all the talk of suicide and unhealthy lifestyles, statistics say each of us are going to have to live well over twice what we've already slogged through. I dunno, just gets my noggin' joggin' I guess...

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Friendly reminder to report ban evading avatarfags

>report a ban evader
user I.....

haha, not that that applies to me though. Janny wouldn't ban someone as cute and wholesome as me, you know.

can you please contribute to the thread though? I've been thinking about this for a while.

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I think most of r9k will be suicidal but too scared to do it, until they reach middle age and suddenly continuing life seems scarier than going out on your own terms.

we all still have time to make it my friend

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Daily reminder to be a dapper fren helper

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user, middle age means living another TWENTY years for just about everyone here. It's just staggering. What the fuck do people do with all of that?

Is this a thought unique to our generation? I asked my dad something like this and he said I sounded depressed.

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It's worth it just to see your shit threads get deleted

oh come on, this one is hardly shit... There's other ones up you could go bump though. I wouldn't mind.

>missed a bridge
haha, sorry little car. They're kinda hard to spot quickly.

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I used to but now it doesn't matter to me, after I started interacting with my imaginary gf on deeper levels I realised that she isn't so imaginary anymore my mind is constantly exchanging data through the stream that connects the layers of consciousness or dimensions, once my physical body withers away my mind will live perpetually on a higher plane. My current consciousness will shape my immediate surroundings and the awareness of my mind will render me a God within the reaches of my power. My imaginary gf was the gateway to this awareness and the very first of my own creations.

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>we know thoughts transcend the body
>therefore when the body fades thoughts remain
>because thoughts transcend the body and death, they are their own god
>a thot has shown user the way
how am I doing so far. I'm trying my best to understand, user.

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and how do i get one myself?

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>he posts the same image twice
uh oh. You wouldn't be AVATARPOSTIN' would you?

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its not an avatar if its multiple characters, just reaction images

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the rate of suicide is much higher when guys are 40+, its like a huge problem that no one talks about because no one cares about older guys

Oh, haha alright. Just checking :P

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it's hard dealing with it all, but my age does make things easier, I think. There's an intrinsic hope there that's hard to ignore. As a counterpoint though the whole dying young thing does have it's certain tragic appeal. 13 reasons why (what a hilarious suicidal power fantasy btw holy shit, netflix) wouldn't work with a 40 year old man who might have just died of a heart attack anyway for all anyone cares. Fuck man...

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i saw a graph about suicide on single males, it spikes from 12-20 then it just stays the same until 60 where it spikes again, pic not related this is not the single males one

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It's more of a don't think, feel, kind of thing. I believe the monks of old are right about being mindful, but meditation is misguided from what I've found, a perpetual state of mindfulness regardless of your actions or those of others is what works best, what's also important is to find that catalyst that will form the root of your conscious connection to a higher plane and propel your mind into it upon physical death. For me, these roots are built by my imaginary gf, together we've already taken that first step.

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>perpetual state of mindfulness regardless of your actions or those of others
thats schizophrenia i know it from experience, why do you think meditation is misguided?

I just believe it's unnecessary, but I suppose every man has his own journey, if it helps then so be it.

ever since i was little, i've feared growing old and sick. i've always known i'll never have a family; i lack the nurture instinct when it comes to humans. that is why i decided when i am 70 i am going to sail far out into the sea, tie cinder-blocks to my ankles, and knock myself out somehow to fall overboard. it isn't out of depression! i just think becoming apart of the ocean is a much more graceful death than slowly losing myself in a hospital.

> however, developments in vr are making me rethink this.

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theres lots of different meditations meant to gain insight i would think thats the objective of the mindfulness

>slowly losing myself in a hospital
apparently this is a sentiment commonly shared among medical professionals. Not surprising I guess when they're the ones sticking tubes and needles everywhere to coax out another few months of life.

if you suddenly collapse, an ambulance is called, and you wake up in a hospital old and half dead, do you think they'd let you just... walk back out to your death? I wonder if they're required to restrain you or something. It's a scary thought, I guess.

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you could just fake it and swallow a bunch of pill maybe if you're not bed ridden problem is if you dont die you're pretty much fucked after that since they'll keep a close eye on you euthanasia is not legal unless its a permanent coma or something like that, its really fucked up and they will restrain you

>medicine and technology is advancing at such a fast pace that aging could be significantly slowed down in the next 25 years

i would be funny to see suicide being the natural cause of dead

For me its very long or very short.
Ill either get shot at work by a customer or ill die of old age more than likely.

Either is cool i guess.

there's the concept of "escape velocity" for life itself. That eventually the pace of medical advancement will outrun aging itself. Articles used to pop up periodically claiming the first people it will sweep along with it may have already been born.

>COD without disease is statistically a car crash at 2,000 years old
which, I mean who had any idea driving was actually that safe? What the fuck?

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its not gonna work out, unless they make some major breakthrough in neuroscience and make some sort of sci fi mood regulator that can make you happy no matter what people will be killing themselves probably at 150 years of age or something like that, we werent made to live that long, the brain doesnt account for that and would we even be human at the point where we can control how we feel for example we could kill someone and regulate yourselfs to not feel anything, it just doesnt work out no matter which way, it sounds like a cool dystopian book premise though

sorry to break it to you, user, but we're already past that line, we've already crossed it, men and women shouldn't live for longer than 40 years, maximum 50 if you really want to stretch it. Do you really think your 80 year old grandma is happy with her life? Do you think he was any less depressed a decade before? How about two decades before that? We've already crossed that line. Our human instinct isn't to live past the age where we can no longer procreate or protect, but we've done it; we've already transcended human nature. We might as well go full blast and totally remove aging out of the equation

i talking about mental health not what would be like in the wild, i think we can push for 150 assuming we can keep a young body my dad is old as fuck and hes still works and is happy, my grandmother is 98 and i think she could push to 150 if her body wasnt so shit, its all speculation for now so we cant really know how it would work out, you said as long as he can procreate and protect so what if we still had your young 20yo body by the time we're 150yo? we could still do those things and maybe it would be enough to keep us healthy and sane, that way we run into another topic which would be overpopulation, its a lot to think about and very difficult to have an accurate prediction of what would really happen but im almost certain it would be dystopian

Bullshit cunt we all will be dead by 35

If we could still procreate and destroy the wall then we're doomed, we will most certainly all be sterilized and only a select few will be able to procreate. We will most definitely no longer be living in "democracies", or we will die because of overpopulation. Either way, I hope to make it there, death is not something I look forward to, longevity escape velocity and eternal return are the only two theories keeping me from going crazy and having a full blown breakdown

if things actually work out the best way possible and theres no down sides, you would never get to be a super 200yo human, it would just be the top 0,0001% of people that would get that and it would all be secret the only way the common man can get something like that is if his mental gets completely nuked and he lives as an sterile mindless worker drone that wouldnt cause any problems, it would never work out its dystopian future at every which corner it goes so i wouldnt would my hopes up for living past 100 if i were you

Yeah, I'm probably fucked due to physical problems, but one of us won the lottery, you might get to be the first man who lived 150 years, you never know. Do you really think the top .001 percent would use such a technology without giving limited test versions for the public? maybe just an injection that gives you youth for an extra 30 years, meanwhile they have much more powerful technologies that they now know work and are safe. Anyways, someone shoulf start a thread about this since the op isn't promoting what we're actually talking about, so we might be losing other anons with interesting ideas

if someone from today really got to live for 150 years if wouldnt be a common dude, its experimental now whatever it is they're doing so it would probably be a scientist thats directly working on it that will get the first chance and it must all cost millions of dollars if it would ever be publicly available but i dont think it ever would be, only to very rich well connected people, on top of that we can never know how much they have already done already something like that would absolutely be kept secret you can never know maybe there are people that are 150 yo and we just dont know it, and this is not counting the moral aspect of it which would definitely stall the whole process for years if not forever if some dream like life preserving technology would be made public

You're absolutely right, I guess eternal return is all I have left...

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kys you anime avatar fag.

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this looks like its putting some extra value to life, if we're just matter we're just an complex array of neurons and flesh in an extreme case of negentropy, dying only means we return to entropy and we as we know it cease to exists, we would have as much life as an carbon atom

haha, umm hey there user... haha

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>user, middle age means living another TWENTY years for just about everyone here. It's just staggering. What the fuck do people do with all of that?

Zooms that grew up on the information age will do exactly what you said, some will like it some will not. I don't know about you my plan is to remain as healthy as I can so when I reach 40 years old im still decently athletic.

based 20s mid life crisis, i got it too bro