
Not Feeling So Well Edition

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The weekend edition

Howr we doin tonight lads? Im taking it ez with some phen and steel reserve.

Im too depressed to do anything should i just start using meth? I can grow ephedra

Thread theme: lainon.life/radio/cyberia.ogg

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From what little I understand the extraction process is piss easy but maybe find something more worthwhile user. Meth is whack.

How did i eat 1200mg of Cannabis brownies and only got a hard buzz at most.
Is that it? It was also my first time.

Who here opiates? I'm on 30mg oxy just watching some baseball

I get bullid by the other opifags but Im trying to be a gud boi so Im just taking some green malay. Who u watchin user?

What does oxycodone feel like? Opiates are depressents?

The Mariners tigers replay

too thick for my blud. Have fun anonymous.

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Like a warm itchy blanket

>should i just start using meth?
The answer to this question is rarely "yes" user.

Preparing for 1p-lsd to take
Thinking to put 150-200 ug ...
Not sure what setting should I be tripping or is it good idea to trip alone maybe just in room

What are different doses you tried with LSD and what were your experiences?

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>What are different doses you tried with LSD and what were your experiences?
I took what was presumed to be 200ug, experienced a tremendous mindfuck and a good lazer show.

where 2 cop fentanyl now that dream got v&?

The street corner.

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Do you guys prefer lysergamides or tryptamines? Trying to decide what to order

no thanks i dont want to deal with nogs or go outside

clonazepam knocked me out good last night

so the plan is: get more clonazepam

>just woke up
>smoked 2 hash joints
>back to sleep

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>took an addy break on sunday and I just feel completely off

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fuck i really want to get high but i just started taking an NDRI and all i have to get high on is a THC vape cart that may or may not be laced. should i do it?

ran out of weed today. have to wait til payday. thinking about getting coke maybe

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>my pain pill/xanax plug got arrested
>my klonopin script got pulled
>my heroin plug got went to rehab and moved away
>my only other hook-up is this sketchy black guy with shitty dope
just end me

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well theres always DXM
just go to walmart and buy a 5oz bottle of delsym and drink it all when you get home

nah I've just been smoking weed, helps with the cravings and helps me sleep. unfortunately I'm broke and jobless atm

would it be effective to shoot heroin into the veins of my cock

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Any lurkers remember this spack? He's seriously socially retarded and emotionally unstable, kinda feel for him to be honest. Hope he's doing better these days.

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I'll be doing 330 mg of codeine no tolerance with 25 mg diphenhydramine and weed tonight I hope it ends up being worth the extraction.

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elaborate on the extraction
do you have 30/500 pills or 8/500? how much water in ml do you use per pill?

Is empire down for anyone else?

I lost my pupils while getting cozy. Let me know if you find them. Thanks guys

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Effective? Sure. It is a vein like any other. But it would be an awful place to get infected so don't do it

>tfw out of codeine
>tfw out of morphine
>tfw out of xans
>tfw nearly out of weed
>tfw no money
>tfw likely to go homeless soon
>tfw realised having withdrawals is not normal

f-fun times h-haha dont regret trying drugs h-hahah

If you get withdrawals, you didn't just try drugs, you abused them. It's your fault.

Yes. It works for me. Amphetamines are prescribed off label for depression when nothing else worked. I was prescribed them but my body metabolises that shit too quick and I found it gave me terrible anxiety and suicidal crashes (not comedowns, just the wearing off of the drug). So I self medicated with meth which gave me no crash (seriously) and lasted longer. For me there was more anxiety and more crash from oral than smoking or snorting but this is not the case for the majority of people. Now that I have given my life story this is how to do it

Firstly research all the vitamins and shit you need to take. Do it yourself I cannot be fucked. Secondly make sure you eat as normal and stay hydrated. Also even with the right minerals and shit eg magnesium you will build a tolerance so try to only use it on your worst days and do not use it when possible. I usually use it as a means to get the ball rolling, clean my room, catch up on study, catch up on errands. And use the least amount possible, you need to exercise a lot of self control if you want it to be beneficial and not ruin your life. It will not cure your depression permanently but you will feel better while high and you will live a more fulfilling life which might be enough to at least make you genuinely feel less depressed (as opposed to masking the symptoms which will occur while high).

Ok I am tired and going to bed soon so that is all I will say for now. I will get back to you tomorrow if the thread is still up (I live in Australia it is 11pm)

Your fault for being retarded. I (ab)use numerous drugs including heroin and am severely depressed but I know that there is a price to be paid and I am also careful to minimise harm and make sure I still have money. Also you sound like a 16 year old fuck off

youre 10 years out on age but mental maturity not so much

>dime, eighter, quarter, half ounce, ounce, etc
>instead of X grams
Burguers are clinically retarded

No even better 30/300 pills. I heard something from one guy about two mg per 1 ml of water so approximately 15 ml per pill is a good amount I'll be using about half a cup. All you do is put the pills into a glass with a pouring thingy on it then put lukewarm/room temperature water in it and stir lightly until completely dissolved. after that put it in the freezer until there's a slight amount of ice forming at the top. while in the freezer take two glasses and 4 coffee filters (2 per each glass) put em together and wet em so that codeine doesn't absorb into them then wrap em around the glass lightly and put a rubber band around the folded part of the filters (top of cup). gently take codeine out of the freezer and pour into the two glasses wait for filter to slowly drain then pour more in and repeat until all the water is gone. all you do after that is drink the result (unless it's really cloudy still that means the filter probably ripped which can happen if your not careful) you'll lose about 10-20% of the codeine during extraction probably so add a bit more then you intend to consume. I've never done more then 150 mg before so I don't know how tonight will turn out I'd probably recommend staying under 250 if it's your first time.

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Oh I forgot to mention don't crush the pills as you'll lose more codeine and you won't be able to tell accurately when they are dissolved.

30mg codeine 300mg paracetamol? if yes that's really quite great
please report back when you consume this concoction, the effects of it etc I'm curious

Lol enjoy having your dick rot off

On my third day on 400mg tramadol. Lads, how long can I be doing this before stopping gives me withdrawals

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Yup I believe there's 15 mg of caffeine in em too. I'll probably end up consuming around 270 to 310 mg of codeine depending on how well I do it.

Honestly, first time, couple weeks. Longer than you think. However, once you get em once you will get em easier forever in the future so stay well clear of that. Cap it at 3 days from now on and take that much time off in between with the occasional 1-2 week break.

Sounds about right cheers for the advice, tramadol-user.

based, love me a couple steelies to kick off the weekend

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>sipping 8% cider at 10:30 in the morning
lads I-

Ooooh. Shiny lad.

>Effective? Sure
Not at all, veins shrink when you hit them and a penis isn't hard nor stable, it's a fucking mess to slam your dick.

>namefag has to post a screencap of himself because everyone filters his new names on sight now and this is his only way of getting attention

i took 5 tabs while on a dex comedown and had a traumatizing experience. scared to use acid again. im also retarded.

for me meth just gave me worse suicidal crashes than amphetamine, even when I just took 10mg oral and didn't skip any sleep

tfw can't afford any drugs at all
kill me

Then do some sport and farm dopamine.

Any other ADHD fags online
>don't sleep all night
>morning comes
>take adderall xr
>take 1 hour nap before it kicks in
>wake up
>good as new

did you guys ever pass out from ectasy and did you woke up energetic because i sure did

is Phenibut worth it?

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How long should I wait between lsd trips?

It's a must have, in my opinion/experience. It pair well with a lot of drugs and is pretty good on it's own. You can get addicted to it easily apparently, and the withdrawal is extremely harsh.

will it help with my social anxiety?

phenibut is actually one of my favorite drugs. it's pretty subtle but effective on its own; it makes me really talkative with some slight euphoria but anytime I see someone going into phenibut expecting to "have a good time" or "get high" I cringe because I know they're gonna come back here and rage about how phenibut is a scam and doesn't work and blah blah blah
also like the other user said it makes for god-tier combos with pretty much any other drug (especially psychs), just try not to take it more than twice a week
start with a gram, it has helped me pretty well with social anxiety

I'm myself autistic when it come to socialization, and it help a lot for that purpose, yeah. Don't get addicted though, not more than once a week and no more than 1g with no tolerance.

Doesn't mean it won't be effective if you actually hit it which is what I was going y. I assume anyone resorting to shooting into their dick was aware that some veins are more difficult than others

sounds great. I'll try it, thanks.

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Yeah that is retarded and people like you are the reason relatively harmless drugs end up with a bad name.

Yeah? I said that my experience wasn't the norm. Oral meth gave me worse crashes than smoked meth. 5-10mg d-amp gave me a worst crash than I get smoking and snorting meth all night.

>farm dopamine
I like it. Thanks

Respect the dosage, don't be retarded like me. My first time was eyeballed and i threw up for 24hours while sweating then had a literal shit storm diarrhea for a few hours. Phenibut is wild if abused.

Which makes me wonder. If I am a sad cunt. But relatively fit naturally. If I work out for a few hours, say a mix of weights, punching bag and making some sprints or skipping rope it a jog. Will I feel better right away?

It take a few minutes of physical efforts before feeling good.

Where did you buy it. It's legal here

Nootropic depot or some shit like that, it's legal everywhere unless you live in Australia.

that's bizarre indeed. although I feel like the times I smoked meth the crash wasn't as bad relative to the dosage, it's just that anytime I smoked it it was hard to exercise self-control and I just ended up going full retard.

>any ADHD fags online
Yes hello, this is me.
Been running around unmedicated for years I refuse to be on mind altering meds, the effects arn't worth it for me personally. How are you coping, lad?

>Considering getting a job just to afford all the drugs I wanna try.

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Did 400ug of acid yesterday. Wondered why did I bother with the 200 or 300 trips. 400 is so much of a better jump. Trying 500 the next time. Wish me good luck anons.

Where tf do I buy MDMA, none of the dealers I know have any and I've always wanted to try molly.

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hahaha normalfag

Which is better to try Ket or MDMA?
I've done shrooms and would honestly only stick to them if it werent for the fact I keep running out of sources, everyone near me sells ket or MD though. MDMA scares me because of the week long downer after the fact but Ket sounds intense

responsibility and having no time will hold you back from ever doing them again if you get one
so don't

>week long downer
This depends on the kinda does you take and if you decide to redose. The more you take the longer it will take your brain to replenish the serotonin you use up.

Do 100 - 150mg in a parachute (or bomb) and don't redose or it'll just make you depressed for longer on the comedown.

smoking weed and shooting bupre
fuck i will never get off opioids
>tfw 99% of IV users stay hooked

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Is Tramadol worth it?

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>Which is better to try Ket or MDMA?
They're two different drugs, they have nothing in common. ketamine is so fucking weird at high dose, it's worth a shot.

yes, if you can get your hands on it. easier to get gabapentin/oxycodone/hydrocodone though

I have some tramadol but I'm just scared of the seizures. I've probably taken like 100k+ mg of gabapentin in my lifetime but I think the magic wore of and I gained 40 lb in that time also. Only tried oxy once and it just made itch, hydrocodone was way better and amazing in the time I tried it

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>Talking about drugs on Jow Forums
Sure why not
>Wasting your trip talking about drugs on Jow Forums
wtf is wrong with you, jesus christ.

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even though seizures are possible without family history, it's pretty hard to have one, esp from a narcotic and esp if you aren't genetically vulnerable. for example, i was taking heavy benzos for over a year, went to jail where they don't give a fuck and w/d didn't give me a seizure

first MDMA then on the comedown take ketamine
you have to try this once in your life. amazeballs

I would say 100mg orally and whe you start to feel the comedown then snort 40mg ketamine

ketamine slows down serotonin oxidation and has amazing synergy with mdma. I swear with this combo music has never sounded better. If you can handle it you can also smoke weed, I like doing this but sometimes it makes you trip balls

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>2fdck has made it past customs
based chinamen

I want to do something similar to pot without having to risk psychosis (my dad is schizo) what should i take that is not addictive?

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>Be disgusting neet.
>Save up money to buy weed cause I'm bored.
>Smoke weed.
>Still bored.

I'm a fucking mess.

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smoking cigarettes
yes or no

The worst thing about psychedelics is that if your family disapproves of it, it ruins all your trips. They have to power to make the drug un-fun for you

I like using LSD to curb my urges to eat unhealthy food. but my dad stubbornly disapproves of it. Not just for legal reasons, but things like "all drugs have side effects" and "you shouldnt take anything without a doctor's prescription" and "you dont need hard drugs" and "you need to face reality". The first time he caught me tripping, he was looking at me with a concerned face because he thought I had permanently fried my brain into schizophrenia. He thinks LSD will make you lose your mind and drop out of school, but I've tripped dozens of times and still make straight A's.

Because of his disapproval, I can't have a good trip. He's an old wise man so he always knows what you're up to and you can't hide anything. Parents can tell if you're been tripping because of subtle changes in behavior. so my trips are always wracked with paranoia and un-fun. I can't talk to people on discord when I trip because i suspect my dad spies on my internet use and I'm 20 years old