I'm off to bed. Goodnight, my r9k frens!

I'm off to bed. Goodnight, my r9k frens!

Attached: Karen711.jpg (612x857, 57K)

goodnight user.
have original dreams.

God I wanna fuck Karen so bad.

You still don't pass, ugly ass tranny.

>ywn pass
>ywn be pretty
>ywn be comfortable in your own skin
>ywn be happy
>ywn attract another human being other straight women

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goodnight, bandage-chan. Remember to stay trans and BASED!


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dilate and then have sex

awww man... You didn't make this thread just to get sad before bed did you?

I still stand by what I said, I just wish that was enough.

Attached: cry just a little.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

rent free newfag

I'm always sad you dingdong

I know... I just wish you could find a way to make that a little less true. Talking with niceposters like yourself has helped me with my own... sadness. Does it help a little to know you've helped others?

Attached: feeling a bit despondent.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Yes. Helping others is the main goal of us INFPs

Attached: Karen144.jpg (443x768, 37K)

Then help me out and stop being an attention-hungry tripposter please.

true or not, why does it bother you so much?

I was genuinely quite suicidal before I decided to frantically shitpost all over this place. Point being, why hate something that helps them feel a bit better?

Haha, good. I'm always glad to help a niceposter any way I can

Attached: ENOUGH.png (657x357, 58K)

because attention-seekers and histrionic people are a nuissance and an eyesore to everyone around them, stop directing attention to yourself in a place that is known exactly for the lack of an identity of its poster. go to a discord server and interact with people there, just don't be that one person that so desperately needs to stand out.
>why hate something that helps them feel better
completely irrelevant, just because it makes you feel better doesn't mean it's acceptable or good in any way, murder may make a lunatic feel better.
true charity is done in silence, you act nice because you want the personality you created to be perceived as nice

I've posted anonymously and I've avatarposted. I am the same person when I do either. There's really no persona here. I think you've greatly overblown the impact of shedding a bit of anonymity. I do appreciate the thoughtful post in any case.

I'm bothered.... I called someone else nice. Let's not read so deep into that.

Attached: feels pretty comfy, man.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Nah fuck you he's right.

>I think you've greatly overblown the impact of shedding a bit of anonymity.
I think you underestimate just how affection-attention starved some people are. They want their slice of the cake and will go for it once they lose their inhibitions and see how equally starved others are, this is not a good thing in any shape or form but I know that's exactly what you want, more vapid "friends" for your little circlejerk that belongs on discord, reddit, anywherebuthere.

I'm fully aware that what I'm doing isn't ideal nor is it what's best for the board

To me the crux of the issue is this: I asked why he would hate something that helps them feel better, and I got nonsense conflating something close to harmless with murder.

Simply put, right now I feel that I need to selfishly pursue something that makes me feel better, and I respect the intentions of someone else doing the same.

I think you'll find that the others doing the same are a far cry from mental stability as well. It helps and we're rather trivial to ignore, frankly.

Attached: heh, I'm in yer coffee, anon.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

hey, your personality is fun to read so please keep evading avatarfag bans. thanks.

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I'll join you in a bit fren

you don't mean in HER bed do you, user?

Attached: heh.png (854x480, 215K)

>why he would hate something that helps them feel better
You answered it yourself in the first sentence of your post. Selfishly, just like you said. It's no wonder people like this often have issues maintaining long-term relationships, are you the ghoster kind? Maybe you're the exception and only recently started doing this, I don't know.

>far cry from mental stability as well
Are you sure about that?

>are you the ghoster kind
hahahaha lmaooooo
user, I've talked to a girl in a non-platonic sense exactly 2 times in my life. Once 12 years ago, and just recently I sent a message to someone who I kinda liked on here.

I don't know what image you have of me, but I doubt I fit your archetype.

I have ran from friendships a few times in the past though. I still feel bad about it, I just felt like I was losing control and I got scared. The mechanisms behind that sound familiar to the sorta histrionic, bpd. "ghoster" type though, so I've been scared that's what I'll turn out to be for a while. Hopefully my own awareness of that inclination is enough to stop it.

>far cry from mental stability
of that I have no doubt

Attached: really does feel bad, man.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

I mean if you wanna snuggle up I'm all for that, I dont mind cuddling until we are ready to sleep.

good night anime friend
bumping your thread

Attached: 5y440308.jpg (486x498, 41K)

die in your sleep tripfag


Pick one.

Thanks for keeping it alive until I woke up!

R9k is my frens and you cant do ANYTHING about it

Attached: Karen650.jpg (1105x1055, 103K)

>went to sleep
>woke up
oh no... I'm still here shitposting

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It was a very short rest because I had to wake up early