
Hello everyone, hope you're all having a nice night. Welcome to the creative general. Share your creations here and I'll try and let you all know what I think of them.

Here's an album I did: soundcloud.com/user-262160346/sets/black-ice

I'm playing a show on October 12th, and I'm going to text a girl that I lost contact with and see if she would like to go.

Attached: ss+(2016-10-14+at+11.47.04).jpg (596x591, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If evens i draw something

Post it and I'll tell you what I like about it

my band recorded an ep today, first time iv ever been in a studio. Really excited for when we can release it and stuff

Attached: 1560475486598.jpg (800x1024, 81K)

thats really cool

Can I hear any of your stuff?

tonight's sketch. will clean up the lines and color tomorrow

Attached: fdsjlkgdsgfds.png (1647x1727, 538K)

Dude I really wish I could be in a band, but my country sucks and there are a very few people who play instruments. You are very lucky. What instrument are you playing?

What country are you in?


fuicking ropgignal

fucking stupid bot

bingus ori

not a fan of pedo stuff but this is a very solid composition

its not quite out user, if you want me to send it to you when it comes out in a few days then you can add me on discord Electric Guy#1015
Im really excited about this because my band has been practicing these songs for months now

I play lead guitar, my band consists of a vocalist (probs gonna play rhythm guitar at live shows), a drummer, a bassist, and me (lead guitar)

I'm new to drawing so i recreated an image I liked. I hope it's not too abysmal of a drawing.

Attached: 20190729_010328.jpg (1358x2142, 1.98M)

Reference i made drawing from

Attached: 1525062765079.jpg (1045x1071, 151K)

Something I wrote a whole ago. Comments and critiscism apprieciated.


Drew this some time ago

Attached: Neighboorhood mailbox.jpg (1912x2824, 460K)

Artistwannabe here, here's my still life drawing i did while i was on digital painting courses, it was a while ago

Attached: tumblr_ohqx5pipzI1u2khvqo1_1280.png (1280x320, 583K)

i used to be all about this. i've been too depressed to work on my skills for a while now. idk, maybe i should just quit.

if you don't masturbate to what you create
you are not an artiste

I feel you user. But try to make something small every other day. At the end of the month you'll have lots of pretty little things done.

Just gonna post my last drawing again for the Anons who have missed it this night

Attached: Catto.png (1280x720, 20K)

I edited a video for me and my friends song
it contains a resident evil sample

Attached: re.png (831x635, 256K)

the editing could be way worse. wouldve put more effects on it and better transitions though. im working on some music too, ill post a beat i made soon. super generic but im still learning :)
bamping with wallpaper i made ages ago but i might as well contribute.

Attached: borntodiewallpaper3.jpg (1920x1080, 793K)



A new song I made.

Attached: Music background(resize).jpg (2000x1125, 437K)

Still looking for people to send me songs for a /creative/ compilation

[email protected]

Shilling my youtube channel where i post music videos, nothing impressive, just me with my camera and shitty editing skills

Attached: cover.png (800x800, 1.31M)

I don't have anything new besides my last beat from 2 days ago, so I'll post it here again for those who might have missed it


Lovely song, user.

I usually just mess around in ableton

got some vaporwavish vibes from it, very cool

"""""creative general"""""
a thin veil to spam shit. go fuck yourself

T. Mad because Uncreative

That looks so nice, gonna use it as my back ground :)

good point, the endless barrage of tranny and discord threads are so much better

Hardly spam when most threads don't even reach 200 posts and can can get as little as 1 post every 15-30 minutes.

you have some really nice shots there, but have you thought about getting something to stabilize your cam? otherwise it's not that bad


something i made a few months ago. Its the best song i have on my soundcloud at the moment.

Attached: cars.jpg (403x398, 11K)

Get out faggot. Why don't you go back to your lovely and way better plebbit?

Attached: artworks-000180643522-c0g7kc-original.jpg (480x480, 51K)


here, some music i made. i like sad vibes

Attached: ant.png (480x400, 8K)

really like the science fiction, it was a real treat user

I want to thank all anons who contribute to /creativegeneral/. I love all your art and I want to say you guys are inspiring. I'm even feeling a bit more motivated to make more songs so I can share with all of you. Thank you, anons, I wish you the best.

Attached: UtawaKamen_06_1-700x385.jpg (700x385, 40K)

I get alot of feelings from playing PS2 games listening to this, especially shit like Butt Ugly Martians. Thank you user

I actually haven't thought about it
sadly, but I do have a tripod which I could use. Thanks for the kind words, user.
Same words back to you

Attached: w.png (909x673, 674K)

Absolutely based lolianon

Attached: 1496671563588.jpg (1153x614, 505K)

Dicking about with photoshop

Attached: Screenshot_20190726-115536_Instagram.jpg (1080x1071, 700K)

Screen print on metallic paper, been really enjoying the procesd

Attached: 20190729_173231.jpg (590x893, 458K)

honestly , i want that as a poster in my room, i love it.

Anyone here rmake hip hop or at least free style? I used to free style a lot, but my friend group I'd do it with dissolved and I feel awkward doing it alone, especially if my parents can hear me from another room.
saved these. both very cool.

Thanks man appreciate it, I printed some on blue but it didn't really work

Same, these generals often give me the motivation to actually get out my tablet and get to work on something

I really like these. They'd both look great as posters

Bumping out of mere curiosity.

looks psychedelic

Thanks, I love psychedelia. Originally started with those old vhs blanks art

Attached: Screenshot_20190726-002640_Instagram.jpg (1012x1062, 708K)

i've been trying to get back into digital art lately bc i feel like i can grow my instagram presence quicker with digital than traditional /:

Attached: sadfloating1.png (3024x4032, 293K)

That styles super dope, what's your Instagram out of curiosity?

Why worry about instagram presence? Are you trying to make money?

sort of, yeah. i feel like i need a valid excuse for letting doodling take up such a significant chunk of my time that could be spent doing more productive things, so if i could turn it into a side job i'd feel more justified.

Looks awesome user, keep it up
Looks like a 80s movie poster

an idea i had
new song
and two music videos done by cool guys online

Love you user for posting my video, check your soundcloud messages btw

OP here

Sorry all, I fell asleep! Thank you for posting i my thread and keeping it alive :)

I've appreciated this thread op

Attached: Chungking3.jpg (1080x1428, 1.12M)

no worries and yeah man thats cool with me go ahead :D i replied on soundcloud

photo edit i did awhile back
yooooo, this is nice.

Attached: 20160520_200854.jpg (1366x768, 1.04M)

I'm mostly into cartoons. Got a few character ideas

Attached: Betty smiling.png (5787x4092, 619K)

yeah, i saw it.
once again, thanks man :)

thak you user.

did you do that art?

shilling again
[email protected]
Maximum 2 songs per person

pic related old art

Attached: rejection.jpg (1200x1183, 115K)

Yeah, I've messed around with print quite a bit.
Pic related
Really digging that art.

Attached: School0.jpg (1080x1471, 995K)

the proportions are off but im jealous of your lines, they are very clean user

Attached: happycat.jpg (355x300, 38K)

Wow that ones gorgeous! I really like the gradient in the background. What kind of print is that?

Thanks, that ones a screen print I drew the separate layers with charcoal before exposing them, I've done a bit of link and letter press too

>Really digging that art
Thanks, user


bumplng agaln

Posting more trying to not let it die

Attached: Screenshot_20190729-173053_Gallery.jpg (1080x1388, 1.11M)

I just posted my last track forever so i would like to hear some opinions

Attached: 0111.jpg (400x400, 25K)

Old art that I did, consider it as my favorite I've done

Attached: 11111.png (1000x1000, 574K)

Proportions in general are a bit funky, I think the most glaring things are that the head seems too tall and the eyes are much too small. Try finding measurements between different areas (e.g. width of head is roughly equal to the top of the head down to the shoulder) when you're laying down the initial shapes to get more accurate proportions. It also helps to continue to do it periodically as you work. Your lines are nice and clean, and the detail on the eyes is nice. Hope to see more stuff from you around here in the future

It sounds like a mashup of several songs, some I'd like to hear a full version, some I wouldn't, but great job user

Thanks and its mashup of songs that i made this month and put in this pack

Slowly starting to just give up on comics and art as I get older because of mental state, but I like to lurks these threads so least can share something to keep it going.

Attached: 572A05E1-2648-4265-9EC6-B4108F56B7D3.jpg (900x1200, 277K)

bladee vibes from that pic related haha

this is really cool user is this a character for a comic?

>tfw haven't played music in what feels like years
>want to do it but never do

Attached: 1436160303903.jpg (3264x2448, 1.05M)

It was a request I filled for someone in /tg/ drawthread I think. This is something from the last webcomic I intended to start but dropped, though.

Attached: 9ABC8A98-36B8-48E8-8B87-190D985702A3.jpg (800x1280, 199K)

That's some solid inking.

>initial shapes
Wait how do you do this? I just drew lines that were adjacent.

This is good wtf user, gives off Whitearmor/Ripsquad vibes. Do you do collabs?

Ty and we can make something if u want

>cool guy
The pleasure is all mine!

Might as well bump with the latest: youtube.com/watch?v=Y2SHHyjtLxg

very surreal
what's the anime's name?

I figured that layering footage was the best approach in terms of editing.

The one with the fishing scene is Tom Sawyer: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer_(1980_TV_series)
The other with the girl lying in a bed is Hinamatsuri: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinamatsuri_(manga)

i just mean like quickly and lightly blocking out the whole thing, to roughly show all the main areas before going into much detail. something sort of like this, using your reference. once the general idea is there you can tweak proportions by doing the rough measuring thing and then add the details

Attached: zzzzzz.png (770x1032, 208K)

L'enlevement de la princesse Peach.

Attached: YPIAC.png (800x800, 561K)


Attached: l.png (400x400, 6K)

Thanks, that will help me a lot I think. I used to draw too bold to sketch outlines but i need to learn it.

Last bump of the day

I don't know if it counts as creative but considering the state of Jow Forums and many other boards, I've been thinking of making my own imageboard or BBS in an effort to recapture the comfy feel I remember.

Sounds like a cool idea, but I think it just won't be/feel the same. Nonetheless, good luck. Will you give us a link afterwards?

Fucking dope. Best of luck to you anons.

Attached: IMG_3118.jpg (2000x1500, 877K)

It probably won't, but I think it's worth the try. The difficultly lies in getting a large enough userbase for it to be fun and lively, but not to attract any undesirable people.