this zoomer just won 3$million and can retire at age 16
how does that make you feel?
fuck zoomers
t. salty boomer
This zoomer just won 3$million and can retire at age 16
from playing a crummy battle royale? they should be playing an arena fps!
You are a fucking idiot if you think he can retire on 3 mill.
happy for him, it probably took a lot of effort
in eu i could retire easily on 1 mil $ and live an average lifestyle. idk what you talking about
Eh good for him. I feel more anger at the guys who have billions and dont do shit with it.
I feel indifferent he earned it more than most millionaires
Lucky guy, it is impossible to get gud at those games unless you're a teenie bopper/baby.
You can live off of the dividends retard
I don't begrudge him this. As someone who has been following competitive video gaming for two decades it's cool to see esports become so lucrative. However, I can't help but miss old school esports. Back in the day people didn't play for money, they played for pride. There was no fanfare to these tournaments. It was just a bunch of sweaty nerds gathering in dark hotel basements to duke it out. I wish I could go back.
>teenie bopper
Thank you very much for this.
are you fucking retarded?
if he kept it all cash
with just using 2 million he could spend 2k per month for 80 years and still have a million left
>Lucky guy, it is impossible to get gud at those games unless you're a teenie bopper/baby.
Early/mid 2000s counter-strike was something else. I pity the zoomers who will never experience anything like that.
When you realize the prize is paid with money zoomers wasted on vydia.
My old man brain can't learn new things. That's why I hate it when a game sequel changes mechanics too much. I just want more of what I already know, not learn from the ground up again.
hes a fucking zoomer hes going to burn his millions away in a week
25 year old user here, spent the last few years married/in the military, doing the whole family thing and did not have time to play games. Nigga, try that shit when you get old. You will not be good at all and I use to do cats dirty in 2k
We all know they just play it cus theyre hormonal teens
He'll be broke in two years unless his parents take his money and lock it, in which case hell be broke in like 5
>the trophy is a shortbus
How the fuck do I get this good at a video game? I don't get how a zoomer especially does it. It's only down hill from here too. Once you get too old, you'll lose those reflexes.
*siip* yup unreal tournament was better than quake 3
>born with money
>wins a lot of money
>he can still retire with a lot of money
Wow. Real amazing you cunt.
I watched it for 5min and it was awfully boring. Battle Royal is shit tier esports. You need 2 Teams compete against eachother.
fortnut has been ruined by its community and itself. I used to play it back in the days because it was a lot of fun; it just felt like a random game which no one could play really well. But now? a couple days ago I've tried playing it again and it's full of zoomer tryhards which make playing for fun impossible
the endgame matches are kind of intense, but that's all. The rest of the competitive games is awfully boring.
What happened to benjyfishy? I wanted that kid to win because he was mature about everything and just wanted to buy his poor single mom a house.
Eh, a lot of it is skill and strategy and there are old pros in CSGO, DOTA (30+) etc
Fortnite is a lot of RNG - where you drop, where you get loot, etc.
He got all the way to the end, but lost. He still got like 250k though.
>Once you get too old, you'll lose those reflexes
you can keep your reflexes until well into your 50s
what do i need to do to get gud enough to win money?
and do apex and overwatch have prizes like this?
Overwatch requires you to be a team, so it's shit. Apex does, but at least it's only two other people. All you need to do is qualify for the tournaments they hold.
Didn't Dota have the highest price pool ever in esports? 30 million or something.
How does it get split? Is it split on the team members who participated based on how many games they played or?
how to a become proeffiant?
gold iv in apex rn 300 hours
How do I become good and want to play a game every day to reach hundreds of hours like you?
>How do I become good and want to play a game every day to reach hundreds of hours like you?
find joy in it
this is how i feel but unironically:
Currently it has 30m and rising, the previous was 25.5m. As far as I know (from the time I played at minor tournaments in Germany and the like) it get's fully split by the members unless there's a special case like somebody needs to leave after the first game and we need a sub. They might do it based on performance or total games played on shit like TI though
>it's full of zoomer tryhards
this is the biggest reason i don't play online multiplayer anymore. esports and streaming have made everyone into a sweaty tryhard.
I feel like a worthless shitter
Who gives a fuck? If someone earns money legally I dont get the hate. Even porn and shit. If people are willing to pay for it let the person pay for it
>muh dignity
Like ok? If people are happy with it why id it yout buisness. Again if its legal obviously if its like child porn than thats different but like thats free market. If you dont like it take it to/pol/ im sure there are plenty of fags who would love to have that discussion.
I wish they had that for ds1 or even bloodborne pvp
i was god tier in ds1 despite never using tryhard builds or chain backstabbing
>3$ Million
Hes a zoomer, hes going to piss away that cash on nonsense in less then a decade
>being a libertarian
>Be a millenial
>Actually care about the world
Ok retard
>cares if stuff is legal or not
>Not shooting each other
Im not even lib im lib left centrist. I just dont fucking get why people care. Its not a problem or your buissness so until it starts hurting people directly IDC
>I am better at eating shit
>No I am
>I am actually only eating organic shit
>Yeah but this shit is the shit of god.
He's talking American
>lol at not taking as much of that 3 mill as possible to the unknown third world and live like a king
$2k a month lol? As if he's just gonna buy a modest house and cook regular meals for the rest of his life, get an average car and never splurge on anything, ever. His PC probably costs more than 2k.
>already lives the perfect life
>wants more expensive goods just because
Yeah right.
i don't think you know how being rich works, especially for someone who hasn't finished developing.
is he supposed to game on the same PC for the next 80 years?
zoomerfag can probably barely lift that trophy lol
tryhards have ruined every game
Don't worry tfue, I'm sure your fans still love you