First job in month after being a glorious neet

>first job in month after being a glorious neet
>survive first week
>second one starts
>already on the verge of quitting
how tf do you work your whole life wagies? Please teach me...

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I enjoy what I do and feel rewarded by the money I get for having to do it.

Well what's the problem you have with your job?

How can anyone work for 8 hours a day 5 days a week, year in and year out. Just work 6 months, get fired then collect unemployment for 6 months rinse and repeat.

it's tiring, like every work I do
peak wagie

that's what I do kinda. well I get autismbux so there's a yearly exception fee of $12k so I just work the last few months of the year.

how do you get autismbux? sounds comfy

been working for 9 months. last week was the final straw for me and i told my boss that i'm going to quit.
he told me to wait while he hires another person to replace me and in about a month i'll be free.
>how tf do you work your whole life wagies? Please teach me...
i managed to work this long because of some cope methods:
>caffeine pills
now i'm starting a anxiety treatment with lithium and lamotrigine. i managed to purchase a gaming computer and a phone but at the cost of my mental health.
can't wait to be a neet again.

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a diagnosis of autism or even some other mental illness. probably helps to have had no history of employment prior to applying since they'll think you were too retarded to work. autism is the best diagnosis though. then you convince a doctor to sign off and he files a bunch of papers. they review your files and approve you hopefully.

i'm not american though, so not sure how it works there.

You need to use your words dude, for example. I hated my job at Walmart despite it being the highest paying job I had because I was constantly running around trying to clear 8 pallets of food by the end of my shift and management bleed me dry for every hour they could. Now I work elsewhere that's more relaxed with a more flexible schedule. See? Not hard.

>How can anyone work for 8 hours a day 5 days a week, year in and year out. Just work 6 months, get fired then collect unemployment for 6 months rinse and repeat.
Because I get holidays, sick leave, carers leave, 401k, I don't have to worry about bills and have a huge amount of disposable income.
Once automation really kicks in I'll use my money to either study or insurance I'm not in the initial wave of people starving to death/tied to UBI aka ramen noodles and a loaf of bread.

The key is not waging whole life, but to save up money and start your own work. From a sandwich stand to a software company, your own work is many times more rewarding in both money and fulfillment.

Literally more than 50% of businesses go out of work within the first year.
You are responsible for literally everything.
You expect Jow Forums faggots who struggle to talk to women to do this?

Stop trying to force this retarded red pepe
Fuck you

it's fresco user

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I struggle to talk to women, and through investments I am set to retire at 45 worst case. Is you have to wage, find a fun job. Work with animals, at airports, whatever floats your boat, just never go behind a desk or worse yet, cubicle.

Still seems miserable. I just want the government to give me $20k a year and I'd be able to live comfy

>tfw walked out of my dishwashing job today

Kinda feel bad because I left my co worker with 100s of dishes to clean

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>how tf do you work your whole life wagies? Please teach me...
Many wagies want to kill themselves. They don't know the answer either

based Fresco posters
Fresco shows the absolute state of wagekeks

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Have you guys googled Andrew Yang yet?

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I dunno user. I graduated 2y ago and I've already had enough.
Quitting at the end of the year to go traveling. You could do the same user, come join me.

I traveled for a year and can't find a job now... fuck traveling.

Sorry to hear that man. I'm lucky enough to have a job that pretty much guarantees me employment at the hours of my choosing so I don't need to worry about that.
Did you at least enjoy that year away?

Really? What do you do?
It wasn't really traveling. It was just taking time off my previous job which had me working crazy long hours. And I got laid off last November. Applied to over 600 jobs since then and 0 offers.

I dunno, I guess Ive always been naturally passive and subservient. I dont do much with my time anyway so Im glad to trade away worthless hours for spending money.

how to i escape this miserable cycle outside of the suicide. all anyone ever tells me is >find a job you love

the goal is to get a job that doesnt suck the life out of you

I cope by knowing I'll probably be dead in 50 years, possibly sooner.

Nothing lasts forever, even cruddy things like working fortunately.

Get a small plot of land with a foreclosed house in buttfuck nowhere or a small village by saving up a bit, then slowly over the weekends instead of wasting your time online learn to work the land. Eventually you will be able to move there, and even get bucks with dropshipping or another activity, slowly syphoning extra cash monthly and putting it into P2P lending, mutual funds, etc.

Security. But with experience and training that puts it above the usual rentacop bullshit.
Got a near constant stream of texts advertising crisis shifts at 120-160$/h but the contracted hours I'm already locked info (at a far lower rate) mean I'm too exhausted to accept them.

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>he can't hack two weeks of work


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Basically by realizing your job is the only good thing going on in your life

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Where the fuck do you live I think I only qualify for six months despite over four years of working

I show up because I have to pay for food and shelter and shit.

even if you have a shitty abusive family who constantly yells at you it's still better to be NEET than to work a meaningless job

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Anyone else remember the glory days of 2008 when you could get 108 weeks of unemployment?

i just started my second ever job and i am already prepared to quit soon. everything is disorganized and i hate dealing with old people all day. in fact, the three most socially awkward people here work the most socially stressful job. its like theyre out to torture us

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