I never understood why people thought I was funny, but now I get it.
It's because I'm a fucking joke.
I never understood why people thought I was funny, but now I get it.
It's because I'm a fucking joke.
Haha faggot fucking clown
I can't believe that this was an originallio comment
>muh "now i realize my life is a comedy"
welcome to the clown world my friend
Hahahahabahabahbababsbab fucking clown hahahahababbahahahabababa
why did they lie to us all our lives?
Eat my ass you fucking niggerfaggot
Haha faggot fucking cIown
It took being treated like absolute shit by all of my "friends" in high school to make me realise this.
I always had a large group of people to hang around with because I was the 'funny' one. I always thought I was popular and one of the cool kids.
Then, after:
>getting put in headlocks
>called fat every day,
>sandwiches in the face
>put in a trash can
>my shoes thrown around at a party
>told to kill myself and that noone will miss me "ironically" but with genuinely malicious undertones
>sexually harrased
>blamed and made to get in trouble for things I didn't do
All by the same people I was dumb enough to call my fucking friends, I realised that I was just their court jester, and never actually an equal member of the group.
I was only allowed to participate for their entertainment.
Now I have literally zero friends and am more of a misantrope than 99% of the larping normalfaggots and redditors on this board.
I am incapable of being friends with anyone because of pure, raw bitterness.
What is this magic?
Word for word exact same post.
I may be a normie compared to you but don't let these people rob you from the ability to experience the friendship they denied you with better people. Don't let them win that way over you.
I don't know what friendship is.
Don't let them stop you from finding out.
I'm rly good at r9k
I'm rIy good at r9k
I am incapable of associating and interacting with people beyond the superficial.
A girl invited me to her house and she was being nice to me, hugging me etc. and it just did not register.
Intellectually I thought
>holy shit, if I can keep this charade up for another few months I can actually start living like a socially functional human being again
But guess what?
I couldn't keep it up.
I simply thought
>fuck this
and never spoke to her again.
That's it, I just thought, I've had enough and want to be left alone so
>fuck this
l'm rly good at r9k
l'm rIy good at r9k
L's and i's dummy
I mean if you don't over this the people who fucked with you in the past are still fucking you over now by denying the happiness that comes with positive social interactions.
kys massive faggoti