Who here can't even boil an egg?

Who here can't even boil an egg?

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why boil when you can fry

I can boil an egg in. A way that very few ppl enjoy. And it is still correct

The texture is different.

I cant
I can make pasta though

explain your rare egg

Why not just learn? As long as you know when beef, eggs, or chicken look properly cooked, you can experiment with preparation until you find things that make your food taste better/prep faster, etc. Cooking is definitely an art.

How do you ever know when beef or chicken are properly cooked? They always look okay on the outside, but the inside isn't. And then sometimes apparently being red means it's cooked anyways. This whole cooking thing is too difficult robotbros.

Cold Soft Boiled Egg > Soft Boiled Egg > all other boiled eggs

I can't comprehend people that can't cook, you don't have to be a fucking chef. How are you gonna do anything if you can't even fucking fed yourself?

With Beef, you just need to make sure the outside doesn't look raw at all after cooking it some. Search for guides on safely cooking meats or food in general.

Why do people who believe also always believe we can't feed ourselves? Come on, there's more than enough types of food and there's easy ones. From my point of view, cooking beef and chicken is basically being a chef. That's the risky stuff where messing up is deadly. Cooking is too risky to try out and expensive for messing up. Play it safe with boiled eggs and plain rice.

is it even possible to fuck up boiling an egg?

cereal exists

If you can boil water you can boil an egg.

A proper meal isn't chef level and there are so many fucking easy ass things to cook. OP is being a fucking drama queen saying he can't even boil a fucking egg. OP sounds like one of those autists that curl up in a ball when they get nervous.

boiled eggs are portable
do you boil it in your ass or something

I never noticed how difficult boiling water was until you really start to think about it. At what point is it completely safe and sanitized? Is it when it starts to boil or when it has boiled for a while? And for how long is that while? A minute? Does it depend on how much water there is? It's so difficult to boil water safely. Then there's how when you boil water does it start to lose height only when boiling or when it starts to steam? Do I need to overcompensate for the noodles? Then there's how do you know if water is ever safe or if the egg is. Sure nothing bad has ever happened yet, but maybe we just never notice when the egg is bad as it still looks exactly the same. Like how the hell do you know what salmonella even looks like? What's that brown shit that's sometimes on the outer shell?

>is pretending he doesn't know how to boil water
I'm outta here.

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overcooking it and I guess boiling eggs that aren't super fresh, because only assholes like hard boiled eggs that reek of sulphur

you're over complicating things, stop thinking so much and just drop the fucking egg in the water

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You don't know the answers either and have just been winging it too. Just admit it.

That's what ends up happening anyways, but still every time the questions are there for when it may just be the day. Literally living life on the edge.

im an asshole then, i just leave the egg there i dont count the time, sometimes its soft sometimes its hard

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i would think if you were some 5 start chef preparing food for a king you would sweat the details but if you're just at your house making some basic stuff for you to eat you just need the general idea of how to make and it comes out not excellent but pretty good

Pretty sure you can literally just eat beef uncooked without any serious risk

If the beef is in one piece and not ground, the outside at least needs to be cooked. The inside can be as bloody as you want it to be.

why does it matter if its not ground?

Ground meat has to be cooked all the way through because it is mixed up so the unsafe bits can be on the inside.

I have that issue too from years of abuse and my mother not letting me do anything and calling me a failure constantly.

Small steps. I had to boil eggs (and now I'm sure they were fine) 2-3 times where I threw them away out of anxiety before I actually started eating them.

Before that I started out with meat that was already edible cold and I just heated it up in the pan.

What the fuck? One time my spanish friend cracked a raw egg into a pile of raw mince and served it to me and told me that it was a national dish in Spain. I ate it and didn't get sick.

Because the meat was prepared in a certain way, I forgot the word for it. You know how sushi is raw? They prepare it through a fermented bean sauce so that it is safe to eat raw, you can't just eat the fish raw.

i just read that raw meat isnt really unsafe to eat if its high quality, i think the chances of you getting any disease its really low so i wouldnt worry about it, i've taken bites of raw meat and nothing happened

The risk is yours to take.

I can boil an egg

you're a dumb fuck

im a big guy i wont die

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Sorry user but I couldn't help but laugh you're such a sad sack of pathetic meat

Dont care what you think. The only thing that matters is that I do a little bit better tomorrow than today.

egg and soldiers is the only way to go

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At-at least I can drive a manual car :(

Damn, this made me realize I haven't had strips like that ever since the microwaved kind.

nigga it is bread. just bread. don't microwave bread.

you know what to do

>Boil the water in a kettle
>Pour boiling water into bowl
>Put eggs into bowl
>5-7 mins

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If you learn to properly boil water, user, it will make it so that you can safely cook anything given time. You just have to adjust your palate. Boiling is the only cooking technique you should learn. All you need is salt and ketchup to flavor your creations.
If my eggs aren't green when they come out, I ain't eating that shit. No salmonella for me. I also boil steak until it's rubbery to ensure that I don't get worms.

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user, salmonella dies extremely easy with minimal heat
i bet you have never eaten an egg a la coque
absolutely delicious

>Make middle eggs
>Mum: No, those are too gooey and gross
>Mum makes eggs
>The yolks are going grey on the outside
>Tastes like rank shit and is extra dry
>Dad: You outdid yourself again, wife
Why are my family egglets?

i can see these eggs absorbing moisture from the air

>Do they have trouble eating strangely textured food like oysters?
>Do they go to McDonalds instead of trying local restaurants when traveling?
If yes to either of these question their parents probably spoiled them when they went through their picky eater phase and they haven't been adventurous enough to break it themselves.

>Do they eat their steak well done?
They're irrational germaphobes

>No to all questions
Your dad just likes his eggs cooked weird

Sorry about your autism.

My mom does the cooking

idk, but medium boil is best boil.