What does Jow Forums like music wise? I really like Pink Floyd and David Bowie. My favorite album is Animals by Pink Floyd.
Music taste thread
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My favorite band of all time is Smashing Pumpkins.
What's your favorite bowie's album, for me is low
Station to station, fuck do I love that album
Old Hardcore Punk like Angry Samoans
Goth like Southern Death Cult and Siouxsie Sioux
Post Punk like Bolshoi or Zero le Creche
Classic Country like Patsy Cline
Classic rock like Cream
and other various things like swing and rock n roll idk.
Bongzilla, Burzum, Tool, Gojira, The Prodigy. Floyd and Bowie are good. Anything with a good enough beat to bang your head to. White girls love all the feel good tracks from the early 00s btw.
Minecraft music
I can't believe this is an originaI reply
dad rock, so much dad rock
pink floyd
dire straits
king crimson
boomers really got it all figure it out when it comes to making music
almost passable
20 something year old boomer zoomer doomer bro! cringe
more trash
The finest autistic material I've been hearing so far.
what an abhorrent post holy shit, didnt even said what music he likes just talked shit
thrash metal
I feel proud in being almost passable.
The Dillinger Escape Plan. Gold Teeth On a Bum's my jam
You are the biggest faggot.
explain why pink floyd are good please? don't use subjective taste as an argument
i would have said good if you didnt slap on "rock n roll idk" and cream in there. you're almost there champ, keep going. the beauty of true art will find you if you let it
Its not about the meme. Its about the music you retarded jew
wtf are you on about? music taste is subjective
yeah man i'm sure it's about the music if you listen to shitty compilations on 128 kbps. you're a true music fan because you listen to classical!
They just make really melodically interesting music, and all of the instruments work together to produce a truly wonderful sound.
could you please tell me why pink floyd are good? if you're unable to do that then perhaps i'm correct in my assessment that you cannot differentiate between good and bad music and you just believe that they're good because that's what you've been told. dude pink floyd are like... the greatest band ever man, they just dont make em like that anymore!
edm fag here
because i like it, you need something else?
interesting melodies and "instruments work together", so every pop record ever released? and i would say you're reaching by calling them interesting melodically. you don't know music theory and that's the only word you know, you've never thought about what makes good music good before but i'm just a stupid faggot i guess
Viking Era Bathory
Cradle of Filth
Bon Jovi
Paradise Lost
old Behemoth (up to Evangelion)
Basque/Georgian/Adyghe/Mongolian/Turkic music and dance
various underground Punk/Black Metal/Metal bands from my area
>tfw extremely autistic music taste
You can all get fucked
My favorite artist is bruce springsteen
I only listen to the works of Kanye Yeezus Omari West, the only truly transcendental artist of our times.
Fuck off and get off your damn high horse you pretentious faggot. Go suck off Mozart or whatever
how is appreciating art pretentious? you do consider music art, don't you user?
Music theory is a load of horseshit, because it only exists in service to the phenomenology of music. It is irrelevant WHY something sounds good, only that it does.
Music theory is a tool for people to make things sound good, but it doesn't actually have any intrinsic value. So stop being such a pseud and just listen.
Stupid faggot.
you clearly don't make music and only enjoy it on the surface level
What a fucking pretentious cunt you are, you can enjoy music without autistically obsessing over chord progressions and shit.
>he doesnt listen to brazilian old school thug rap
I agree with this good sir
>has awful taste
>cant justify it
>doesnt understand something
>calls it autistic
it's all coming together...
i like acid house, my favorite album is analogue bubblebath vol. 1 by aphex twin
Everyone kys stupid boomers
Xxxtentacion for ever
Also youre all 13 wanting to be like the dad you never had old shit sounds trash no one actually enjoys it youre just lying to yourself
poat your taste then faggot
you wouldn't give anything i link a fair chance because i've clearly already upset you
reported underage b& leave this board 4ever little cancer boy :-----)
ok, hide then in fear of getting called a hypocrite
Or maybe you yourself know your taste is shit and are ashamed
I do not need to make music, I have ears. I can hear and perceive music. The experience of music is the only thing that matters.
Music theory only ATTEMPTS to formalize these sensations.
Kill yourself
OMG look u underage!!1! Xd b@n time XDDDD HAHA LOLEEE kys pls no one likes you mediocre human
do you not think a man with my intellectual might sees through your shabby attempts to get me to post music i like here so you can reply with LOL SO FUCKING BAD ITS JUST SOUNDS HAHA FUCKING RETADR SO EDGY
goodnight cancer kid, i can see the janitor running down the hall already banhammer in hand, hes going 2 kill you kid! its over!!!! see you in a month!
Watch out boys, we got a genius over here
bet you like some punk shit thats barely good and you try to justify it with music theory, guess what, i took classes on music theory, i understand it and i still think its a load of horseshit
can you sweeties stop making this thread about me and go back to posting awful music so i can judge you? ty
Youre obv new to this site, you just violated a rule. Keep talking bro this gonna b good
>wants to judge while he himself is afraid of being judged
maximum hypocrisy achieved, youre worse than sjws with double standards
Chart is a little outdated but eh
Piper is based.
Bowie's music from Station to Station throughout Scary Monsters is really fuckin good
What's your favourite song off of Lodger, desu?
Prog is good shit, don't you worry
Good stuff. Listen to the rest of early black metal if you haven't (you probably ly have but whatever). Shit like Mercyful Fate and Bathory is tip of the iceberg
Diet Liszt
Kanye is good
>inb4 mbdtf
/mu/ faggots are the most cancerous cunts. They think consuming specific art others make somehow elevates them higher than other people. Fucking grow up and get a personality.
Agreed with this great sir
Kys everyone
a little outdated? you just put the top 50 albums from rym's BORING SHITTY OLD ROCK chart
Shall we go there and fuck with them?
>do you not think a man with my intellectual might sees through your shabby attempts
Alright I thought you were a fag at first but you did win me over here
Seeing anons argue over taste make the funniest threads I swear
MBDTF is alright, but everyone knows Yeezus is his magnum opus.
I listen to all kinds of shit ranging from house, progressive metal, experimental ambient/drone, folk punk etc but what resonates with me the most is probably shoegaze, it's perfect for a depressed faggot like me. Too bad the actually good albums are so few.
>experimental ambient/drone
stop making up genres hun. and there are plenty of good shoegaze albums you just don't know them because you've only listened to lush mbv slowdive and kinoko teikoku.
>stop making up genres
What the fuck are you going on about, Ambient and Drone are both very well established genres.
>there are plenty of good shoegaze albums
I know faggot, it's been more than a decade since I started listening to it. They're few proportionally; it's true that they're out there but you have to search through tons of boring garbage to find them.
Cringe. Kill yourself.
neither experimental ambient or experimental drone are genres. your addition of the word experimental to those genres is just proof you're trying to sound like you have deeper taste than you actually do.
There isn't "experimental" anything as a genre, it's just a way to say that you prefer more unorthodox leaning artists, and drone ambient is one form of it as are things like Ryoji Ikeda-ish glitch or dark ambient, which are pretty different from shit like BoC. It's just a way to summarize it, I don't give a shot about showing "deep" taste on a fucking anonymous board. Fuck you.
Ikeda doesn't make ambient you fucking pseud.
drone and ambient are completely separate genres. drone ambient isn't a thing. and ryoji ikeda is neither drone nor ambient. he's mainly a visual artist who accompanies his installations with microsound and glitch pieces. you either don't know what you're talking about or have been misinformed at some point. i understand that some releases get called experimental when they don't fit into already established genres but ambient and drone have plenty of sub and associated genres so you don't need to call them experimental. and if you think boards of canada or ikeda are "unorthodox" artists you really haven't gone deep enough into any aspects of drone, ambient, techno or idm
Burn this fucking thread to the ground along with /mu/
>drone and ambient are completely separate genres.
Drone is literally a subgenre of ambient.
>and ryoji ikeda is neither drone nor ambient.
I didn't say he did drone. Read the post again. But sure some people call it ambient but I guess it drifts away too much, something like hironori nagatsuma or trorez are a closer fit.
>ambient and drone have plenty of sub and associated genres so you don't need to call them experimental
Sorry I didn't know using the word "experimental" was such a big fucking deal to you /mu/tards, next time I'll take my time to list every single genre.
>and if you think boards of canada or ikeda are "unorthodox" artists
Read the post again, I said BoC were the opposite of unorthodox.
you don't know what you're talking about buttercup. it's as simple as that.
Now this is some cope. Learning just the basics of rhythm and harmony has increased my enjoyment of music immensely, I can't wait to learn more.
Reminder there's literally thousands of hours worth of Grateful Dead jams online for free, legally.
I suggest this one
This is one of their most famous shows.
Blue Oyster Cult are pretty underrated. Everyone knows about "dont fear the reaper" but it's not even their best song.
Aether Realm (best and most underrated melodeath band)
Amon Amarth
Children of Bodom
Havok (best thrash band)
Yea... black metal and melodeath, +the classics obviously
you posted the classics though, what did you mean by +the classics obviously?
Bowie is my favorite artist ever. Probably will always be. I also really like sakanaction. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Celtic music and music from (or played in the style of) the middle ages.
Mine as well. Only six songs, but it's perfect.
I just listen to boku no pico ost
Patrician choice there. Although Low isnt far behind.
No one cares about ur opinion fag
cringe except prodigy
cringe except some megadeth
so much cringe
i ended up hating that song
cringe except cob
pic related my favs
absolutely cringe rym user with middle of the road taste
any one know something similar to zaum or om, preferably without the vocals
whats wrong with rym?
sludge, doom, stoner, some dark ambient, some drone metal, some post metal
I love Pink Floyd and David Bowie! My favorite song by David Bowie is Starman
I also really enjoy Heavy Metal though.
thank m8, i'll have to look around its hard find one quite like it
I mainly listen to old eurodance hits/happy hardcore. Mix it with the 80s and some old-school trance and you got my music taste.
I'm addicted to Gigi d'agostino.
Depeche Mode
Human League
Duran Duran
Spandau Ballet
Roxy Music/Bryan Ferry
Bauhaus/Peter Murphy
The Cure
Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Art of Noise
Wham/George Michael
The Bangles
Heaven 17
Talking Heads
Milli Vanilli
Bee Gees
Tears for Fears
Kenny G
Cabaret Voltaire
Jan Hammer
Joy Division/New Order
Phil Collins/Peter Gabriel/Genesis
Mariya Takeuchi
Tatsuro Yamashita
Junko Yagami
Keiko Kimura
Momoko Kikuchi
Taeko Onhuki
Toshiki Kadomatsu
Anything 80s really, I love new wave and post-punk, synth pop and power ballads as well as Japanese city pop
Sonic Youth
At least for now
I like post hardcore, math rock, prog metal and Midwest emo
johnny hobo and the freight trains
bat country
hladno pivo
bijelo dugme
crni bombarder
seemed to be quite a bit of negativity here, no music is worth less or more than another, no shoe fits every foot.
the four most generic classical composers
Electric Wizard
Septic Flesh
Les Discrets
Bolt Thrower
Peste Noire
There's no point in listing all my shit, there's too much and no one cares anyways :)
Have a nice life