Would you date a 3/10 if it meant she had a good personality and would always be on your side?
Would you date a 3/10 if it meant she had a good personality and would always be on your side?
personality is just a meme.
Depends on if her looks would improve over time, like maybe I would encourage her to go to the gym and eventually she gets really fit.
Definitely. I value personality and loyalty above looks because I'm an introvert that has to have a partner that is a best friend as well.
Fuck yes I would.
Sadly for you, I have a 9.7/10 titcow qt 3.14 who does that already.
sure why not, everyone is starts to look average after a while together anyway
No, as harsh as that sounds, I feel I need the physical attraction.
Its okay. I couldn't date a guy whose had partners before especially if his previous girlfriends were 10X more attractive than me. Would accelerate some negative emotions on my part desu.
I almost dated an overweight grill until she ended it because I kept encouraging her to lose weight, and how I would take her to the gym with me, and prep our meals together. I don't know whether I was trying too hard, or she was a lazy sack of shit that didn't want to better herself.
Not to be a dick, but probably not. Maybe, but likely no. Relationships need sexual attraction. She should consider finding ways to improve herself physically (doesn't have to be pornstar sexy, just closer to average)
I'm not fat, just ugIy
in what way are you ugly?
Face ugly, physique ugly, or ugly overall? You need to be specific user.
Id date an invisible chick, before Id date a 3/10 fembot. You girls are literally worse than nothing
I would date almost anyone who is not landwhale-tier fat. I just want a girl with a good personality. I'm no prize trophy either.
Going to need to see some pictures of what constitutes a 3/10 in your mind to know.
No. I only date 6+
Nope would not
My own parents tell me how ugly I am everyday. That should be enough info about my ugliness.
You may not be ugly at all user, maybe quit being a tranny?
im a biological born female but I may as well kill myself lol
No user, I would date you.
give a recent quote from them saying you're ugly.
no exaggerating, no paraphrasing.
no, i would likely not even speak to her
That says a lot about your parents and nothing about yourself.
Bet you're not even that ugly you just slept too many nights with the thin lizzie infomercial playing
>tfw the boys are back in town
>you cant be my daughter, you look so hideous
Obviously it was said in a humorous tone, so it doesnt sound as severe when I type it out but it still hurts.
Oh, great, I get to have an incel date me... now I definitely DONT want to kill myself....
Fuck off
Oh here we go, dm your pic on discord.
what this user said it's not news to you probably, but your parents are assholes.
next time just say
>you can't be my parents, you're retarded assholes
Better idea: you get out of my thread.
See, attention whoring will get you nowhere.
>implying you wouldnt use my picture to dox or blackmail me
Yes as long as you're not fat. I think most guys would.
I will send my pic as well.
I real want to fuck my neighbour she's quite big.. pretty tho
Yes, but only if she was a virgin, wanted to be married for the rest of our lives, wanted kids, and was 100% loyal and trustworthy and would always love me.
What if she agreed to everything else but no kids?
yes if she was average to skinny
Then she has to be willing to raise kids that aren't here because I want to have kids and a family at some point in my life.
Yes but good personality is subjective so I probably wouldnt date you specifically OP, I'm only into dominant women
Just jump on tider and find someone as ugly as you? Chicks can even date up a bit.
Is she fat or just moderately ugly?
Yea I would but you have to not be fat or a nigger
You're not ugly you're just broken, which is frankly worse.
But how so? Acne, poor facial features, malnourished?
Yes, said this before. Looks aren't really all that important if they're enjoyable company, make you happier and not make your life worse with nagging and drama, loyal, take it up the bum, etc.
Absolutely, but there's a big if there
>she had a good personality and would always be on your side
No one will ever "always" be on your side. This is the same issue that fembots have with dating incels. The moment you get a bit of self-confidence from having someone date you, you'll start feeling that you could do much better than me. And before I know it you'll have ditched me the moment a better prospect came along.
So yeah, if I could trust them to not fuck me over, then there's no reason I wouldn't date a supposed 3/10 with a great personality who'd be loyal.
>be retard
>want only online relationship
>this means appearance isn't important
>everyone, including supposed shut-ins, wants to meet in person
everything is pointless.
it's honestly sad how far this board has fallen.
>would you date an ugly chick because you're a lonely faggot afraid of dieing alone?
No, i wouldnt date a girl i don't find attractive.
Yeah. But i'm a lazy sack of shit who would eventually crave unreasonable alone time.
Wouldn't be fair to her.
Not if she's a fatass
>My own parents tell me how ugly I am everyday.
What the actual fuck. Your parents are clearly horrible people so I wouldn't put much stock in their opinions.
>Would you date a 3/10 if it meant she had a good personality and would always be on your side?
Emotionally I would not be qualified to date even a 0/10
Yep. Where do you live, user?
>9.7 out of 10
Why so specific?
What the fuck does this even mean lmao.
Good personality but she should call me out on my stupidity. Have some self resect woman.
Why are you here then fag
She had a weird shaped head.
I'd have to see a pic first. I find some girls who are conventionally unattractive to be attractive in a weird way. Not a huge fan of the cookie cutter Barbie look a lot of girls go for.
>its the same thirsty virgin bait thread with the same thirsty virgin replies
grow up, the only way any of you faggits are getting a gf is if you get your real life in order, go outside, and talk to women.