Why do white people do this?

I though they were a complex race and not people shooting up random food festivals?

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What is this referencing? When was the latest shooting?


Because gang shit pew pew die wuman!1!!!!!1 im incel loleee now I kill ppl because Im too lazi to do shit me 200lbs with no deo want gf NOW!!!1!

>it's real! it's real!

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Why do white men do this*


If you look at more of the video's on youtube. One of the witnesses said: "I saw bullets flying over my head!" That's some fucking amazing eye sight.

Lets be more precise. Why do white MEN do this?

The video cuts out at the end, what did the gunman start randomly spraying the crowd with?

Because white people's bottle their emotions because outbursts negatively affect their lives, niggers chimp out at the first sign of a problem and yell and hit releasing their pent up rage.
Embracing the chaos is the final step.

You're not men, you're cowards. Cowards fight with point and die toys. Men fight and kill with their hands.

You have to be high IQ to understand why they kill random people instead of solving their problems? Talk to girls? No, they are too busy playing 4D chess. You wouldnt understand.

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As alienation grows, so does violent, antisocial behavior. As more and more heterosexual White males feel that they're being dispossessed, being edged out, being marginalized so that homosexuals, feminists, and other minorities can have a bigger slice of the pie, some of them react violently.

How do you reduce the amount of antisocial behavior? You reduce the
degree of alienation. You try to rebuild the spirit of community, of solidarity, of belonging that we used to have in American society: the spirit of community and solidarity and belonging which
has been destroyed by the policies of all these "right wing terror experts." Every one of these Jewish "experts" on violence is in favor of continued non-White
immigration, more "diversity," more racial mixing, more multiculturalism, and all the other policies which have broken down the ordered, homogeneous White society we used to have in America, a society
in which most White people felt they had a place, whether it was at the top of the social ladder or at the bottom or somewhere in between. They had roots in the society. They felt a part of it.

>trap on r9k.

But I though California had an assult weapon ban?

>Why do white MEN do this?
Most shooters have been Jews, niggers, spics and asians.

I watched videos and read articles on this one last night. It really seems fake. All of the people just randomly filming right at the time of the shooting while walking in the direction everyone is running from, and the reports were all extremely vague. Wouldn't give number of victims or description of suspect despite eye witnesses reportedly seeing him.

>whites are so weak to flavouring that even cooking garlic makes them die

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That's funny because everytime the monthly mass shooting happens it's a white guy behind it.

Really depends on your definition though

Blacks are overrepresented as murderers. But white people are more effective and they are often ideologically motivated, rather than just chimping out selfishly

It's a symptom of a sick and dying society

Remember: when America was whiter and more armed, there were fewer mass shootings

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>All of the people just randomly filming right at the time of the shooting
It's a festival of course there's going to be people filming their families
>no description of suspect
Good. The media needs to stop giving these clowns the attention they so desperately want.

genetics don't mean shit you're all about your choices


Weird, right? Schools are also gun free, I don't know how they get shot up.

You were wrong. Whites are anything but complex, just complete trash.

Another racemixed mongrel incel just like your hero Elliot Rogers.


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who tf shoots up a garlic festival
even obscure events aren't safe from the eternal mass shooter

Whites keep shooting up comiccon

The guy is a Italian Iranian nigger.

Shooter was an Iranian terrorist who hated da whites and spics

>being beaten down by society
That's not exclusive to white people. If anything minority had that for hundreds of years

The mayo was too spicy I think was the problem

>That's not exclusive to white people.
Correct. But
> If anything minority had that for hundreds of years
In white majority societies yes. And now white people are having this, and you see the result


Just accept it. You believe the world is better if every white country becomes mixed and the whites become minorities. You believe this. And this is just a result, very predictable

Well we can agree it's not innate to nature but depends on how society treats you. Brown people don't have evil dna that makes them do crimes. Neither do white people. We live in a society...

Why bring up white people when he was half Iranian?

White people cannot cope. They are easily influenced due to their low IQ. I would feel bad if they didn't immediately attempt to demonize minorities for their own shortcomings but instead, they double down and continuously shill imaginary enemies to their own people. The only people that don't see this are the white people that eat it up. It's clear and obvious to anyone that doesn't really care.

Shut the fuck up, you stupid neo-hippie faggot. There absolutely are genetic variants that make some people more prone to crime and violence than others.

Iranian's are considered white by the US government. Nice cope though.

shooters name was santino, a literal fucking mutt
whats wrong with mutts? almost all mass shooters happen to be mutts.
we need to bring back segregation, women who fuck nonwhites deserve the rope

Race-mixing creates mass shooters.

why bring up iranian people if he was half White?
god i have people with poor rhetoric

you hate yourself? as is standard with you deranged mutts, i suppose

Until a white guy beats up an Iranian and then Iranians are considered niggers

garlicpilled as heck

>spirit of community
whitoids do this to themselves, spics and nig culture is completely different even if its gang violence sex-club no-father shit, the families are still closer, whitoids are just soulless husks (and much more likely to be atheist-claiming)

>this ban exists
>cnn is reporting the story
>they quote a bunch of tweets
>like a assembly line of robot shills, each one is a politician of their party that tweets about gun laws and "gun violence"
Holy shit I want them all dead, these dead people don't exist, all they see is a political pulpit, fuck politicians

another prime example of pathetic reasonig and the inability to have a dicussion
pls let people near to you make the critical decisions in your life

kek and tripspilled

It's because Jews put minorities in their countries and make them foot the bill for it.

Yeah, you're not reasoning properly unless you want to use a crime committed by someone who was mixed-race to slam white people.

Weren't the victims all illegals? That makes them willing victims or more accurately willing participants ie accessories to the crime. Hopefully Trump will deport their corpses via catapult

It's the exact same argument you mogrel

>durrr why are the male inhabitants of a country reaction violently to other male invaders
gee OP i don't know

We feel and take things to extremes, look at sjws, mass shooters, high end business men. they all are white and are extremely emotional with no moderation. Whites are patrons to Slaanesh like how blacks and hispanics are patrons to Khorne

No it doesn't. Being an illegal isn't deserving of murder, incel.

this guys is unironically right the wasp ruling class in america basically gave up at the beginning of the 20th century and international interests slowly took their place.

White people brought minorities, retard.

This is the extent of white culture. Mass shootings by pussies.

No human being is illegal, Nazi bigot.

and so garlicel was born

There are only mutts in America. That's why always the criminal is a mutt.

>There are only mutts in America
Over 90% of white Americans have no detectable nonwhite admixture
Proving that USA has the highest number of pure white people of any country in the world

It's actually 95%. And the 5% who do have non-white admixture, apparently have very little.

They still are euromutts.

So are virtually all euro ethnicities

pic related is what happens when you mix a german with a french

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Soooo you're admitting you're a mutt.

I am german anglo Scandinavian baltic & southern euro

A mutt then.

All euros are mutts


The right really does suck at jokes

Society has always been split between the decent richer folk and the undersirable underclass and working-class scum. This has always been regardless of race.
So-called "race realists" are always the underclass whites who want to shift the goalposts so they can be excluded from the upcoming genocide of scum lineages and unwanted people, by replacing some upstanding citizens of colour amongst those who will get to live.

Name 1 society in history where whites were the majority but willingly became the minority

Nobody is 100% anything, you guys kick your selves over pure bloodline that don't exist. Especially if you only classify by physical territory and not dna ancestry

Even if euros are mutts, that doesn't change the fact that american are even more muttish. Just look at the your people, their faces are very weird compared to native europeans.
>you guys kick your selves over pure bloodline that don't exist
Europeans didn't create the one-drop rule nonsense. Ironically, those who are completely obsessed with pure blood are Americans.

That's irrelevant to my point. Notice how those who complain are always
>That kid who's a "different" kind of intelligent
I never said all non-whites are good or all whites are bad. I just said good people are good and bad people are bad, and we need to kill bad people.
Why did you get so defensive about that?

>Notice how those who complain are always
What about Dr William Pierce?
Dr Kevin Macdonald?

Poor whites have to interact with nonwhites more. No shit they will hate diversity the most

>I never said all non-whites are good or all whites are bad. I just said good people are good and bad people are bad, and we need to kill bad people.

I agree entirely. but i see no reason why white people having their own living space is bad

>Why did you get so defensive about that?
I didnt. Can you name 1 place where whites became a minority and it all worked out well?
Otherwise you must admit this is either unprecedented in history OR has never worked out well for whites

He bought the AK47 from Nevada

Blacks kill other gang members and adults who wronged them if they go Psycho
Whites seem to take joy in killing kids and random innocents

>So-called "race realists" are always the underclass whites
Totally wrong though
But poor whites are the ones who actually deal with blacks and see how race is real with their own eyes

But a large % of scientists are in fact "race realists"

I think race is objectively real but no race is "superior" or "inferior"

That is obviously because they are alienated and have no roots in the society

When America was more white & more armed there were basically none of these mass shootings
