Girl I like sends me a song out of the blue at 5am

>girl I like sends me a song out of the blue at 5am
>asks me to listen to it because it means a lot to her
>song's really good
>send autistic message explaining why I liked it followed by "I'm not good at articulating why but I appreciate the rec"

Why the fuck am I like this

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>read OP
>don't see any issue at all
>forgot i was retarded too

Whats so autistic about it... Unless it was literally 300 words you acted like a normie

Maybe there isn't any issue. Maybe I'm just overthinking shit and overanalyzing every conversation I have with her, because that's what I've always done.

It's so weird, man. There isn't any hidden meanings, no subtle cues I need to worry about. I know she likes me, we've been over this several times. How do I stop reading into this shit?

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Completely normal behavior. Are you so far gone that even normie behavior seems autistic to you?

That's literally the appropriate response, also go out with her already.

Why would a girl send you a song at 5am in the morning.

not OP but i assumed it was 300 words because that's what i would do.
i think maybe i read too much into your post. you're just a normalfaggot too dumb to realize what you have. please leave.

You don't realize, man, this is fucking uncharted territory for me. Someone genuinely caring about me and enjoying my presence in a romantic sense? It's legitimately new for me, I had a little in HS but not to this extent.

Hell, it's still novel to me that she texts first. I don't fucking understand how to do any of this shit so I keep coming back to the angry bitter virgin board to try and learn how to not be an angry bitter virgin?

We've done some shit, I guess. Neither of us want a full relationship, not yet.

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>Neither of us want a full relationship
Then she wouldn't send you meaningful songs at 5 AM retard.

literally send her this:
>You don't realize, man, this is fucking uncharted territory for me. Someone genuinely caring about me and enjoying my presence in a romantic sense? It's legitimately new for me, I had a little in HS but not to this extent.
>Hell, it's still novel to me that she texts first. I don't fucking understand how to do any of this shit so I keep coming back to the angry bitter virgin board to try and learn how to not be an angry bitter virgin?

I'll leave when I stop being insecure.

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user you're retarded if you think he should mention the bitter virgin board, he should definitely tell her about how new it is that someone cares about him and enjoys his presence romantically.

>tfw this is true
Damn, did we mess up?

fine, replace "bitter virgin board' with "my friend"

You didn't mess up but you should start dating already.

This was a whole thing last night man, we've talked about it.

I won't give you the whole story, but this was last night:
>we saw Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
>she's leaning on me the whole time
>we make out a LOT during
>very cute, very physical
>I honestly just really enjoy her presence
>and also getting her nipples hard at inappropriate moments
>we get back to the car
>more making out, she's gotta get home because that movie's like 3 hours and it's like 1am at the time
>"So what...what all is this, then?" I ask
>she lets me know that she does really like me, she appreciates me being around, thanks me for everything
>doesn't want to get into another relationship after her last one ended REALLY badly
>in her words, "I don't want you putting all your eggs into my basket, put all your hope into me, because I don't want to hurt you".
>I'm totally supportive of it since I know I'm too much of an autistic manchild to truly handle actually being in a relationship, knowing it'll more than likely end badly
>"I'm happy with...this, though. Whatever this is." She says
>"this" being us making out and cuddling on my friend's couch when no one's awake to see us, maybe once or twice a week, and texting in the middle of the night since we're both 3rd shift at different jobs.

Since then I've been trying to figure out if I actually am okay with this being...this. I actually told her in the car, this is the first situation I've been in where the line between whether we are or aren't dating is so blurry, and how I never thought I'd get to this point because I was so retarded with people in the past.

All I know is I really like her, and I'd like to keep her around, and she seems to like me

based. You're kinda a genius, you know that?

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There might be something there, but she's saying that she's emotionally unstable and doesn't know how this relationship will end. So if you're fine with putting up with the uncertainty and dealing with the relationship being a bit shallow and maybe ending before it goes anywhere, definitely keep going because she definitely wants to hang out and sleep with you to see where this relationship will go in the future.

>she's saying that she's emotionally unstable and doesn't know how this relationship will end
And that's been readily established by her before this point. If a relationship were to come from this I have no doubt it would be shallow and end early, but I definitely wouldn't want her to think it's because of her. Like I said, I'm an emotionally stunted manchild just barely entering normiehood, that's the whole reason I made THIS thread.

I'll definitely keep going though. She's a great girl and I do want her to take my virginity.

don't send her that lmao

Just ride it out user and see how it ends, also chad out and stop acting like a virgin.

Don't listen to this Anonymous, she will value your honesty and be flattered that you're so nervous about all this

She's already heard as much in person. She knows how worrying this is to me.

From what I can tell she's okay with it. I like seeing her get shy and back away a little with a goofy grin when I kiss her or rub her the right way, and she likes seeing me get flustered when she gives me affection.

then stop making these threads you normalfaggot and go have your cute time with her

Thanks, user. I needed to hear that today.

here's two more for the next two times you feel like posting this thread:

>sounds cute and comfy, fuck off normalfaggot

>your problems are other peoples deepest wish, fuck off normalfaggot