My biggest fantasy is to be a lesbian girl. You are a female, so you live on easy life mode but you still get to fuck other women and you don't have to get fucked by men.
My biggest fantasy is to be a lesbian girl. You are a female...
its not easy mode if you're a lesbian retard
its not easy mode you gotta be a woman and deal with a woman, if anything its making it harder for yourself you tard
Bullshit, nigga. Thirsty men will still lay everything donw in your path. Society will still give you everything you want.
Multi-billion dollar corporations will make sure no one hurts your fee fees, etc.
Actual retards spotted.
If we ever get good VR, a la Pendragon series book 4 (3?), this is how I'd live out my life
You can just be a tranny.
But then in the process you would probably start to want some cock.
>You can just be a tranny.
Disgusting and not actual experience. And no, you wouldn't have easy life as a failed man.
Matrix-level VR, but by humans, for humans
Ravioli, ravioli, let's fuckin' bumpoli.
>My biggest fantasy
trannies live in fantasy
>You are a female, so you live on easy life mode but you still get to fuck other women
But then you don't have a cock to blow fat wads of cum all over their face
Men rule the world and we live on easy mode.
>truly believing lesbians have it on tutorial mode despite interacting with the same demographic we do sexually
>not being a brainlet
pick one
I am not a tranny, nor do I want to become one. Read this post of mine I wish I was BORN a woman and a lesbian woman at that. I know I will always be a male.
Cope. If you are not top tier, 8/10 male, you are invisible. If you deny that you are a coping retard or a bluepilling thot enabling shitface.
Create an account on a dating site as a lesbian female. Badoo for example, it will only show your profile to women who also seek women.
You can turn non-lesbian/bi into at least bisexuals. It's not that men are sex hungry because they are men, it's because they are sexually attracted to females.
It works the same for females. Plus you are one too, so you live on tutorial mode indeed. Now, kill yourself.
Autogynephile detected.
>falling for the 'women have it harder' meme
>on r9k
get the fuck out
I don't know why. Every lesbian I know has a terrible sex life and is incapable of maintaining a relationship past 4 months.
Oh, so it must be true for everyone!
Not exactly that, but okay.
the more women's standards raise, the more average-looking "completely heterosexual" men like OP will want to take a bite of the "easy life"
Well yes, I agree about this. This is actually very logical. I mean, I would NEVER become a fucking tranny, but the wish I was BORN a woman is there. Can't blame myself DESU.
It really is true for damn near every lesbian. I've dealt with quite a number of lesbians as my school is extremely liberal and thus people are perfectly open about their sexuality. With me being gay, they're often comfortable talking about their sex lives with no holds bar.
Common lesbian problems
>Girls will hide their heterosexual past
Then after a few months, they will cheat on them with one of their exes and tell them all about how they miss the musk, muscle, and cock of a man and how they weren't real lesbians, but played them to experiment because their ex pissed them off
>Girls will be open about their heterosexual past and lie about how it's so obvious they were a lesbian the whole time
[Insert behavior from previous here]. Except this time it's a grass is always greener excuse
>Lesbian bed death
They will go months or even years without sexual contact with each other and find sex with one another unfulfilling if they've been together longer than a few months.
>Having to deal with other women
Most lesbians I know struggle more than men to deal with having a female partner unless they are a bull dyke or grew up with several older brothers
28 year old oldfag femanon lesbian here.
I don't expect any of you to believe me, and I expect a majority of you are newfag incel crybabies who resent women, blame them for your own failures, dehumanize them etc. (Whilst simultaneously wishing you had one who loved you.) But I want to share my experience in being a cis gendered 100% lesbian.
>disgusting men in skirts invading our spaces, trying to be us
>any community that's "LGBT" expects you to worship mentally ill men pretending to be women
>non-binary snowflakes with the emotional capacity of a 13 year old girl
>girls leading you on only to date Chad
>girls leading you on for a threesome with chad
>girls pretending to be lesbians
>guys thinking they can fuck the gay out of you
>being insulted and dehumanized because you don't want to date a man in a skirt
>your family thinking you're a sinner
>girls cheating on you because they don't think it counts if it's with a guy
>abusive and manipulative relationship
>higher chance of domestic abuse
>any girl you meet who knows your gay is
suddenly into women
>girls expect you to be their flirty college fuck
I was with a girl for three years who had a secret BF the entire time, who completely ghosted me and my friend group when I asked her about it. Said friend group also abandoned me when I wouldn't date a pathetic tranny because "women can have dicks too."
>inb4 just date a guy
what the femanon said is also true. ask any guy with a gf if he has made his gf hunt for a girl for a threesome, and how difficult that is, because women can't deal with women's bullshit. they basically get rejected the same way unattractive men do. flaked on, made up excuses, "i have a boyfriend", etc. it's kryptonite
life must be hell
>tranny steals your girlfriend's boyfriend
>she breaks up with him and comes to you for emotional support
You sound like you are mentally ill yourself. Oh, wait... Technically, bein homosexual IS a mental illness.
It's not that great.
Wow never heard that one before you braindead newfag.
even lesbians are sick of womens shit
Oh man, I forgot about the whole transbian thing. My friend bitched so much about that shit and it drove her up the fucking wall Exorcist style.
you wouldnt have an easy life as a failed woman either retard
contrary to what pol tells you people dont give a shit about fags irl
>Wow never heard that one before you braindead newfag.
>Actually give great reasons in your post for why you should hate women and what they represent.
Mentally ill, in denial AND retarded. God, what a catch you are. I wonder WHY you are unsuccessful. 10 more years and it would be a great idea to invest in cat food in your area.
isn't transbian just that extra mile you go from autogynephilia, but half-ass it
basically a crossdresser who goes out as a girl but still only fucks women
MY biggest fantasy is to be a gay boy. First off I'd be smarter if I were born a male, I could connect to other males even if just as friends. I'd have guy interests and not the girly shit I'm into now (I can't control what I like and my jaw falls off from yawning whenever traditionally male interests are discussed). Second is I'd have a dick of my own. A whole penis! And I could get a bf with a penis so we could rub them and do other gay shit! No periods, white male privilege + gay oppression points. Downsides is I'd be shunned but it's not like I'm not shunned as I am right now. You guys here don't know what you're doing. Stop obsessing over meat pockets, eat a healthy dick.
>and I expect a majority of you are newfag incel crybabies who resent women, blame them for your own failures, dehumanize them etc. (Whilst simultaneously wishing you had one who loved you.)
Try harder you pathetic faggot.
I've had shit experiences with women but at least I don't use them as an excuse for my own shortcomings.
You're gonna rot in your own misery and have nobody to blame except yourself.
I looked up that pic. THEY NEVER KISS!!!
fuck sake
>I've had shit experiences with women but at least I don't use them as an excuse for my own shortcomings.
Of course you wouldn't, because you are a femoid yourself. You only have yourself to blame for being a failure of a human.
Imagine being born a woman and still failing on tutorial mode level with cheat codes. Really proves women are retarded.
Thanks for pointing that out.
>You're gonna rot in your own misery and have nobody to blame except yourself.
Oh the fucking irony behind that statement.
How does it feel knowing a failed lesbian has gotten more pussy than you?
I bet you look like an ogre and smell horribly and wonder why you don't live on easy mode. God damnit you are one giant retard.
It's a transgender lesbian and yes, 99.99% of the time they're AGP's who are little better than cross dressers.
I've noticed that a lot of recent FtM's are basically the FtM version of a transbian, in that they look like tom boys but only want to fuck dudes and get all pissy I want to pound ass and not pussy.
What's funny is, many of my heterosexual friends are extremely jealous of my gay relationship. It's so piss easy to keep each other happy and to find stuff to do together. Even if we fight, it's over in 10 minutes and we're fucking that night.
Their jealousy is in how easy I have it.
tfw collecting yous from a newfag butthurt incel
hehehe keep trying newfag
What does it have to do anything? Do you expect me to rage at this post? You are literally admitting to what I've been saying for the entire thread, that lesbian women have it easier too, they have it easier to get girls too, which for the entire time you tried to deny.
Here's one of my posts admitting that: You may be the most retarded person thinking they are some sort of a genius I have ever seen.
>which for the entire time you have tried to deny
Nice projecting kid.
>Nice projecting kid.
Next time use words you know the meaning of.
>he's so blinded by his resentment for "femoids" he doesn't realize how retarded he is
>"N-n-o! Y-y-ou!"
>me happy stick human
>see hole human
>make grug stick hard
>hit hole human bat on head
>drag hole human cave
>grug happy, time make stick-stick
>remove loincloth
>is stick too
>what sorcery this? witch put curse?
>stick and hole human wake up
>see me see his stick
>say he only make wood for hole human too
>grug sad
>draw angered green demons on cave wall
>many sad days
i pretended to be a lesbian girl on the internet for like 8 years
i didn't really date anyone or erp or anything, it was just part of my autism persona
now i have a bunch of internet friends that think this is me and im not sure what to do about it
So you basically catfished lesbians? Based. I have done this too and even got some lewd pics. Did you do it on dating apps or somewhere else?
>guys thinking they can fuck the gay out of you
lol based
>women can have dicks too
'trans lesbians' are like camouflaged predators
what a weird ass strategy to get laid
>My biggest fantasy is to be a lesbian girl.
same desu