Hey r9k. Do you think it's a little gay if you are in a relationship with girl who has a boy haircut?
My brother's long-haired girlfriend cut her hair into a cut like this, and he started arguing with her about how he felt like he was dating a "little boy". He also called her a lesbian.
I want to know r9k's sentiments on this one. Would it honestly make you feel somewhat gay to be in a relationship with a short-haired girl?
Hey r9k. Do you think it's a little gay if you are in a relationship with girl who has a boy haircut?
Other urls found in this thread:
Those women r sexy you fucking reeeeeeeee
Example 2. Gay?...
p. fuckin gay
Yeah it's dyke shit, I'd have all women who get their haircut like this killed
No. I honestly feel that women who can look good with a pixie cut are more feminine. I actually prefer pixie cuts to regular hairstyles provided that they actually look good with it. If a fat butterface slob has a pixie cut, I'll probably feel less gay sucking Chads dick.
As long as she's feminine, what does it matter? Your brother sounds like a closeted fag
Short haired chicks are patrician as fuck. Bonus if they are tomboyish.
Just admit you're a fag and you like men, it's so much easier than pretending women look good with this haircut
girl in pic is cute
This. Only a faggot would feel gay while dating a cute girl.
Thanks for your opinions.
I'm asking because I'm a girl who wants to cut her hair short like this, but don't want to make my crush feel 'gay' about dating me.
Don't you'll lose all market value and become worthless
I would if I were. No need to project user. Why're you recruiting new fags anyway? Don't tell me you're an incel even among faggots.
If your crush thinks dating a girl with short hair is gay, he's an utter bellend.
I think he is gay if he is worried about it so much.
If it's just a crush, you have nothing to lose. If he wouldn't date you because of your haircut, he's not worth your time anyway. If he'd nag you and feel insecure because of YOUR haircut, he's not worth it. If you had a boyfriend, you could talk to him about it, but same things would apply. Just do what you want. Get that pixie cut.
Honestly can't accept that people find something this gross attractive, hate must be spread
>tfw only attracted to tomboys
this thread is offending me.
I am inclined to agree, but I don't know if it's a gut reaction that guys have so wanted to check in with an actually honest place on the Internet that I generally agree with. It would be really weird to make a guy feel gay. I dress "gender-neutral" so I also think people might think I'm FTM. But I like the idea of having short hair, so it's annoying.
Inb4 you're one of those girls(male). If that's the case, it's the dick that makes it gay. Not the haircut.
No I'm not trans. Sorry if my thread is attentionwhore now I just wanted to know what people honestly thought about this. Thanks for the input.
A haircut does not define sexual orientation or gender. There's more than enough heteros with short hair and lesbians with long hair and whatever is in-between. Don't worry about it. If your potential boyfriend thinks your hair of all things is a dealbreaker you're probably better off without him.
Litterally the perfect haircut
Your brother is a fag for not liking short haired girls, it's cute as fuck.
A girl cutting her hair short is a way of saying "I'm bipolar please avoid me if you want your sanity"
>elliot didn't die, he just transitioned
what is it with females and shilling their gender for literally no reason? you really didnt need to mention your gender for this.
Just cut your hair, you dumb cute bitch.
He's not wrong, short hair on 99.99% of girls looks like absolute shit, it's unflattering and not remotely pretty except in very rare circumstances. Depends how much you like the girl and how important her being attractive is to you. In general I wouldn't want my woman cutting her hair like that
It would be hilarious if you cut your hair short, then cucked your brother from his girlfriend. Even if you're not lesbian, you should still do it as a joke.
Do you have a feminine voice? I think it's cute as fuck when androgynous or butch girls speak with their high pitch girly voices.
No. First she should convince him that he's gay, then she should steal his gf once he dumps her.
Haha. I could hear my brother basically yelling at her and he sounded kind of psycho. At one point he was like "NO, DON'T WEAR THE HAT. THAT'S EVEN WORSE". They've been together for like 3 years but he's acting like he hates her now.
I would fuck the shit out of Elanor Rodger
That is fucking hot as fuck. Girls with pixie cuts, dazzling smiles and girly voices are the sexiest thing on this planet. No faggot, you can not prove me wrong.
Agreed, the fact that someone would "feel gay" for fucking an attractive girl is gay in and of itself.
So you can tell your brother not to worry because he's already gay.
That girl is pretty good looking, but I do think women are generally more attractive with hair that's at least slightly longer
Seems like she is not a little boy, but a man and your brother is a little girl and a huge faggot. I bet he wants her to peg or cuck him.
>implying theres anything gay about pegging
I have a high voice so it's good in the department. I don't do anything particularly "feminine" like wear makeup so if I do it I'm just waiting to get Sir'd at Starbucks or something even though I'm obviously female.
I'm glad majority seem to have a positive idea about short hair on girls but the Strawpoll still has a decent chunk saying it's semi-gay (4 say gay, 8 say not gay) so I don't know. My brother's reaction just kind of shocked me but it does seem like it's a common gut reaction. I'll probably go for it anyway. Thanks for the opinions as always.
He unironically looks like that. Patchy beard and thick glasses. That meme is so good at observing reality.
>so if I do it I'm just waiting to get Sir'd at Starbucks
Memes in general are about taking abstract concepts in reality and compressing them into a single digestible image.
You should really reconsider this whole "dyke thing* before you can only date women, only the desperate neets of r9k would settle for such
Settle? Hoo boy, I'm in hog heaven just thinking about it.
The only girl I've been with had short hair and 99% of you incels would die to be with her
>short hair are a man thing
Are you retarded?
Stop shilling your shit roastie. You're just jelaous that you'll never be a qt pixie cut girl
i'm dating 2 girls with short hair. They both love cock, checkmate incel faggot trash
They don't even look like the same person. The one on the right is no longer reasonably attractive to look at face wise because of this hair. Hair is far more important for a womans overall look than people give it credit for. Again, short hair is doable for some women, but not the short hair where they just get it cut to shit and then never do anything with it or put any effort into it, they still have to work to make it look feminine and attractive. What a waste
if you do threesome with other girl its ok
its also ok because you will weed out robot
>2 girls
Oh user, I think there's been a mistake
I agree they don't look like the same person. She looks WAY better on the right. There's definitely something different about each picture, other than the hair, but I'm not very good at pinpointing that kind of shit. Whatever it is made you not like her face, not her hair.
40% have answered 'yes' on the Strawpoll.
What the fuck!
Ugly I understand, but 'gay'? Are people just answering 'yes' because they don't like short hair or does it seriously inspire gay feelings?! This is really interesting/bizarre to me.
I literally prefer them. Especially if they have a tomboyish personality to match.
>She looks WAY better on the right
It must be very difficult to get through life with such abominably shit taste user. I wouldn't have any interest in the one on the right if I saw her in passing, the one on the left I'd have some interest. Hair and face are not separate entities, they are very much connected for a persons appearance. Hair frames the face and accentuates or de-emphasize parts of it, you cannot separate the two.
you're not even trying at this point, virgin.
would bang & mess up her hair.
It's not gay, but it's a big negative and a dislike for me. Again here, left girl looks cute, right girl looks way less cute, the change of hair changes her face substantially. These look like pictures taken a while apart though, her hands are a fair bit fatter in the 2nd.
>even chocolate bars have cameras in them these days
People have different tastes. The gay responses are either because they want to accuse those who like it of being gay, or they're insecure and gay themselves. Either way, you chose the worst platform to ask. Stop caring about what incels think.
Short haircuts are very hard to pull off as a female, because if your face looks even slightly masculine it will look awful and lesbian. However, if a girl has a very feminine face, a short haircut can look very nice and flattering, as the juxtaposition of feminine features and masculine style highlights just how feminine she actually looks. It's the same way with men and long hair: you either need to grow a beard with it, or have a very masculine face, otherwise you will look like a failed tranny.
This length doesn't give off 'dyke' vibes, right? Or does it?
>He also called her a lesbian.
And I bet she will now start wearing long haired wigs. Women are so TOTALLY MANIPULATABLE. You only have to say to them that they are lesbians or ugly feminists, if they do something you don't like or don't do something you like, and they stop doing it or start doing it. And even the most intelligent women are TOTALLY BLIND to this type of manipulation, as they are too fucking AFRAID OF BEING CALLED FEMINISTS FOR NOTICING IT. Women are so totally dependent on men's acceptance.
>Would it honestly make you feel somewhat gay to be in a relationship with a short-haired girl?
Only if you are completely blind idiot and a homophobe.
It would be even better if he was the one who started wearing long wigs until his hair grew out.
>t. feminist dyke
It wouldnt be gay but you'd still be really fuckin ugly
Bell hair is the only acceptable short hair.
>I wouldn't have any interest in the one on the right if I saw her in passing
That's because you're a right wing nationalist, who wants women to stay home breeding, cooking and cleaning, wearing dresses and having long hair. Any woman in jeans and with short hair is a "dyke" to you and your kind.
would get even more rock hard tbqhwyfam
>t. lying retard
If you're not a feminist dyke, then you're a soiboi sucking up to them. No normal person makes posts like the one you just did.
What is bell hair?
I like that there is a feminist voice here.
I can understand the negative responses about short hair on girls though. Because I myself don't like very long hair on guys.
However, it's a pure aesthetic dislike. Not something that makes me think they're secretly MTFs, haha.
People, which hair is best in pic related? I have that sort of hair texture.
Kinda does and kinda doesn't. The length can be okay, but she's still done sweet fuck all with it. That length needs a style
>Any woman in jeans and with short hair is a "dyke" to you and your kind.
If she looks like a dyke, sure. Except she could be one of the rare ones that doesn't look like a dyke and be hot. Or be in jeans and have long hair and still be incredibly hot retard. There's no argument that a bald woman without a wig on is generally unattractive, even if they have very pretty faces. Short hair is barely any different from that in terms of how it affects the face
The first is definitely the best. The other two look like jew hair.
Honestly none of her hair is particularly good there, but the 1st is a hundred times more awful than the other two.
Follow-up question.
This is it when styled.
Which is preferred now?
[is using r9k as a stylist]
Short one still looks cuter. I guess I'm just biased for short hair. Long hair just looks so bland and boring.
You sure are a LOUSY LIAR.
If little boys had real vaginas I'd totally date them.
Thanks. I agree with the way you see things!
The fuck am I supposedly lying about?
Deal with it.
So then why don't you just date little girls? They look the same as little boys, but they have vaginas.
Friendly reminder that people who dislike short haired girls are gay
How insecure is this dude?
Overcompensating faggots are the worst faggots.
I do date little girls. I was just recently hitting on this 22 y/o and she seemed into it. She sent ahego faces of herself though and my boner died.
Bianca used to have short hair.
now she has a short life and a short neck
Just do it femanon. You'll feel weird at first, but you could potentially increase your cuteness
>I like that there is a feminist voice here.
It has nothing to do with feminism to be able to perceive when people are being manipulated. It's only a sign of clear mind.
>There's no argument that a bald woman without a wig on is generally unattractive
That is because baldness in both sexes is associated to illness or old age, unlike short hair. So, having a short hair is very different from being bald.
Shoulder length officially DOES NOT COUNT AS SHORT.
gosh, I wish I could kill a short-haired cutie.
I want my women to look just like the buzzcut raider chicks from mad max or fallout.
Feminists are the only ones calling stuff out like that though. Probably because it would be weird to realize things like that yet not ID feminist.
no penis? not gay.
Guys who are insecure enough in their sexuality to worry about their gfs haircut are the same who won't wash their asshole out of fear they might like it.
Pixie cut is extremely cute.
When you tell people "there is no difference between a BOY and a GIRL other than that one can have babies and the other can't"
That is VERY SCARY for them.
It's the same as telling people "SANTA CLAUS IS ONLY MAKE-BELIEVE!"
Destroys their entire faith in the world and themselves because it makes them realize what fools they are.
There are definitely differences between boys and girls beyond penis and vagina.
For instance, pain receptors, body temperature, reaction times, strength of course, and even brain differences independent of simple size.
You're invalidating the truth presented by another person by trying to invalidate that person with presenting lies/erroneous assumptions about the said person. It's a very common and transparent method used by people who are not very intelligent.
Oh well, gotta go to read some news now.
>not wanting your pixie cut emo gf to peg you
>afraid NEETs will think ur homo for having sex with pixie emo gf