
Comfy NEET enjoying a lovely midday wank while wagies slave away edition

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where is my plump i have been missing youcome back ...

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Desperate for a shit lads ngl

>you need to lower your standards

Already lowered them to include Chinese women.

Westworld, Vikings or Peaky Blinders?

ello?? ello????
dis pizzapoppin bootydroppin'????
one big fuckin wizza pizza wiv da salty fisha willy wisha????? da chovie novies ?????????
spin da dough twice maker tizza pizza poke a fackin baldy geeza!!!!
ta ma haas mr whackaPaka!

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might look at pics of girls and touch my penis

I hope you mean women.

yes m8 adult female women with vaginas

makes me so happy seeing that scumbag tim waddle away in fear

his fast shallow breathing, his fat little heart racing in terror and impotent rage
hes in pain and being mentally tortured

its fucking based. what all self centered schizos and autists deserve

he called a brown man a terrorist, on camera. the police will get him.
mental illness wont save him from jail or sectioning

suffer you fat fuck

yeah alright we already seen these posts in brit/pol/

Used to love Tim but his constant harassment of those builders is getting sad now

Don't reply to the uni incels

cant wait for him to be sectioned or battered off screen

Bloody hell Kane lad, bit malevolent that is

*smears own shit all over britfeel*

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>going through girl I briefly dated's facebook photos
>overwhelming sadness that it didn't work out
>wonder if I should message her

im not kane. all i know is this general hates him because he dared to visit the spacker you worship

Tims an easy person to hate.

>tfw 25.1 bmi after being 40 10 months ago
feels good lads
another 4kg to lose

that's fantastic m8 well done

What's the secret? What did you cut out of your diet and how did you stick to it?

congrats, Im 29.5 fatty boom boom, I hope to join you in normal weight. Any loose skin?

Tim's a special lad.

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ugly pedophile schizo

Post by me and of me Amrit Singh at my current workplace the construction site located at 44 Amersham Hill.
Please someone shut down and evict the racist terrorist thug turd terrorising me so i cannot lay bricks or use my drill.
this vile terrorist thug ruining my work please shut him down evict and section him today

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Intermittent fasting and low carbs.
I still allow myself crisps/chocolate, but in highly moderated circumstances. Before I'd eat an entire share bar of chocolate or all 6 bags of crisps, but I've built eating habits that I can have one or two squares of chocolate and be satisfied.
It was hard at first, but onceI got into the routine of it, it was fine. I'm also Autistic though so I don't mind doing the same thing over and over, can imagine restricted diet choices for this long might be harder for non autists
It's just basic CICO (calories in calories out) but due to my eating habits before dieting, I needed to severely restrict myself or I knew I'd cheat.

Good job mate im about to go for a run myself haha just taking a shit at the minute. Im not fat though, ran a mile up a mountain the other day for the first time without stopping, felt good to not give in

Wacky new guidelines set by the WHO are to classify those unable to get girlfriends as disabled.

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thanks, user! You can make it too. My arms have a lot of loose skin, my thighs and my belly still is pretty plump.
I might end up with body dysmorphia. I see no difference in the mirror.

ok then la

So I can get bennies for being an incel? Or will it be like vouchers for escorts?

Did you take progression photos?

I mean they unclassified trannies and added gamers as mental conditions, you figure out (((who))) is behind it.

>all i know is this general hates him because he dared to visit the spacker you worship
Also profited off of his mental illness by selling t-shirts and donations with Tim soundclips, and built an entire career out of Tim and poking fun at a man who is mentally-ill.
>I-I'm still not Kane but h-how based is that
Imminent, but save it and just focus on making yourself actually entertaining and the subs will be back pal (he's lost 60% of his subscribers since dropping the Tim stuff, Kane is a cornered rat).

A very special lad indeed

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>da jews are targettting us poor gamers pls rise up

>Daily Express

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Timothy Byrne, 41, of Whinneys Road, Loudwater. Failed to give information relating to identification of driver alleged to have been guilty of an offence. Fine: 60 pounds. Costs: 145 pounds . Six penalty points.




what's this one from?

not when I was my heaviest but from about 250lb downwards, every 25 lb or so.
good job user! I hope to start walking in the mornings, make my neet life a bit brighter

Earlier today
His only worthwhile video in a few weeks

Taking my 7 year old tablet to CEX.
Hopefully it last long enough to past their tests.

Tim is in his 50's. Nice try though!

you're gonna get like a fiver

says 15 on their website.

wow three fivers
you'll be able to get kentucky fry on the way home

to all of you who think fatty tim received any money from the gov

hes not a based neet

hes an ameriboo race traitor
get fucked neet. he has to pay for everything out of his pocket money the social workers have his inheritance and he lives in shit squalor

the moment he has to deal with the DWP, hes on the street lmao.

no more videos for you autists. dead daddys money will only last for a few years

hes draining himself. congrats you played yourself
i hate the weak and cowardly, the rabbits as germans call them. the kind you are so desperate to protect

get purged you subhuman

Oh better than nothing I guess.
Is there body damage? Might be less. Things like that are often if they are in good condition (unless their website asks you to say what condition they're in before giving you a price).

takung my sexdoll to the repair shop today. getting her fitted with a tighter vagina and new mouth



15 in-store credit or 4.96 cash

15-21 cash actually, trying to find which revision mine is.

leave him alone you freak he's brought more joy than you ever will.

Which tablet is that?

His 8 year old mandy page? Kek, how fucking new are you lad?

the OG nexus 7.

I thought everybody knew this

>About me
>Located in Hazlemere, near High Wycombe. I have some acting/extra experience, and seek to gain some more and broaden my horizons. I like to try and keep reasonably fit by walking a lot.

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Almost like the profile is outdated

He's posted his birth certificate to Twitter multiple times mate, he was born in 1965
Also, at that time he was living in Marlow next to Vinay

Tim needs to lay off the steroids.

Moni wants it known that she supports the Tim bullying

He's a worthless freak

need some weeb apparel
it's time to show my powerlevel, let people know who they're dealing with
no more hiding in the shadows

Ooo you filthy little basterd!

And you're a sex offender.

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>there are poor people in this very thread

I think it's the bio oil that blocks his pores.

I'm about to become a lot poorer next month

>He's a worthless freak

I'd like to lovingly pleasure time with a hand/blowjob or a dildo. Very slowly....

>Messing with Timmy
Bad idea

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who, what give you the impression?

>getting paid at the end of the month, 1800
>expecting a 1600 bonus soon
>full deposit of 900 confirmed to be returning to me

I'm going to be flush. But with nobody to spend it on it's just going to rot in my bank account.


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1800 pre or post tax?
what do you do?

>he boasts about his finances on /britfeel/ to a bunch of poor neets
He's made it lads aha
inb4 hurr durr you're jealous
Make similar to that and moving on up myself fool.

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Post, I'm on a little over 28k. It's not enough to settle down, I couldn't raise a family on this.
I'm a junior developer for a company in Kent.

i just finished schooling you all over in brit/pol/

tim fanclub, absolutely rekt

a stopped clock is right twice a day

even other freaks dislike freaks

he doesn't shag underaged boys mayurinonce

Junior dev in kent 28k.
My friend was a java dev in a company in London on 50k. Said their apprentices get paid 30k. Now she's a team lead on 72k.
Why are you limiting yourself?

my wagie days come to an end soon, 30k in savings. plan to NEET it up for another year at parents and spend next to nothing.
i might go travelling if i can befriend some people so i can sleep on their sofas.

It's weird that Pubes knows who Poley is

London innit. Non-whites and other subbos everywhere, crowded, dirty, noisy. Cost of living means that 50k is more like 20k.

>sitting in the park for lunch
>they're playing some kids dracula movie on a big screen
>some retard just threw loads of bird feed for the pigeons
Need a job out of the city lads, this is hell.

wtf some cunt is feeding birds in the park, hellish existence this is

Guess it depends where you live in Kent. Not that different if you live in thr commuter belt.

Imagine getting into this much of a seethe over a mentally ill middle aged guy.

I don't go on brit/pol/ either, full of underage edgelords like yourself.

The only thing expensive is housing and pubs. anything else then you just dont know how to budget.

I'm more Canterbury way. The seaside is shit but at least it's pleasant here. Couldn't see myself living somewhere else.

I don't need to budget where I live, that's the difference. I'm not counting the pennies and worrying about rent prices. I can buy what I want and have enough left over for splurges.

letterboxd is a fantastic website, added loads of films to my watch list.

an annual train ticket to commute into london is 5k alone.

Kurtis? Might not be you though because he has a chink GF from what I saw on Facebook and he could spend it on her

>imagine getting in this much of a redditor seethe to hugbox a freak
leftism would be proud

tim by itself isnt of any real interest, except the hilarious videos of him breaking down and having hissy fits with the general public

what i dislike is hugboxers, people who defend degenerate internet personalities like pamperchu, cosmo the tranny, chris chan, contrapoints etc

i dislike freak fanclubs. simple as.

anyone who defies normality and the rules of nature. deserves death.

this website was built on edge. the term edgelord was invented by reddit and reddit, that betrays your newfaggotry.

you are a hugboxer, no argument about it.

your jealous of kane, because hes you h and normal, unlike you and spacker HQ idolising tim

is it cause he reminds you of the popular kids who bullied you in school? that would explain your desperate white knighting.

8 redditspaces lmao. EIGHT

It's SCORCHING out there, mate.

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Haha yeah totally mate
*turns away to talk to somebody else*

kind of a stupid way to live

>black and white film


>'''arthouse film'''


You can project all you like, Tim's a good lad simple as.

You run along now back to Jow Forums now you've had your cry

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