How do you cope with being ugly user?

how do you cope with being ugly user?

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there's plenty ugly dudes with gfs, stop making excuses

im not ugly
simple as

you mean the rich and successful ones?

>you mean the rich and successful ones?

I've seen plenty ugly and broke looking dudes with gfs

try not having the personality of a wet paper bag

You don't, you just let it eat away at your soul and then you die from suicide or something.

try to be the best i can be personality wise and hope thats enough. its worked a couple times but not for long.

>try not having the personality of a wet paper bag

how do you do that after years of bullying in school and isolation?

>how do you do that after years of bullying in school and isolation?

by leaving your cave and having social interaction with other people; getting a Job and being independent helps too

At least I have a six figures salary. I can afford to pay hot women to have sex with me. It's very hard to cope with never having a relationship though.

>by leaving your cave and having social interaction with other people
how? people are disgusted by my appearance and they usually let me know that or they just ignore me

>getting a Job and being independent helps too
nobody hires someone who has no work experience at my age

another excuse, incels are pathetic

>how? people are disgusted by my appearance and they usually let me know that or they just ignore me

Unless you are literally deformed that's wrong and they are ignoring you because of our autistic and weird behavior, or their 'disgust' exists entirely within your diseased mind.

so you're saying there is no solution to this problem?

>so you're saying there is no solution to this problem?

there are plently solutions, but you ar likely too lazy to pursue any of them

ah the good old "you're just too lazy" argument

all tho other influences in my life made me schizoid so that thankfully makes being ugly not really much of an issue besides it clashing with personal vanity

Yeah this genius found the cure for autism

i just think of all the ugly characters i like in fiction and try to be a cool enough guy like them.

Anime, porn, Jow Forums and drugs. I used to try but now I stopped caring since others don't want me to be part of society. Gonna leech off the welfare system until I snap and go on a killing spree.

i don't, just accepted for the first time that i'm ugly today. literally have been in denial about it for 10 years. i don't even know where to go from here. all i've ever wanted is love from good looking women, but now i can never have that. i think that's why i was in denial for so long, because i'd have to also accept that my greatest desire was unattainable.

>inb4 just get rich
gold diggers don't actually love their husbands

I have that weird psychological problem where when I look in the mirror I see myself as a fit, in shape handsome looking person but in photos I'm Shrek

photos from actual cameras or phone cameras?
phone camera lenses usually fuck up everything
if you wanna see how you really look, step in fornt of a mirror, take a second mirror and place it so that you can see your relfection "reversed"

You can always analyze your behavior and try to control whatever other people find off putting. But that requires self awareness, something the average incel abhors

>try to control whatever other people find off putting
what if they find my face off putting?

so you're still saying there is no solution our problem?

they will always fake their orgasms
chance of getting cucked is abysmal

>what if they find my face off putting?

unless you are literally deformed that's probably just an autism delusion

I don't. that's the way it is and you can't do anything about it except taking care of yourself. I just don't let the fact that I'm ugly bother me anymore

How's he an incel you fucking brainlet. go circlejerk on Facebook or some shit

incels sure are s33th1ng ITT

That's true, but most incels are ostracised and have no friends, because society has no interest in fixing weird people.

It's easy. I just fuck prostitutes. Once you satisfy your biological desire for sex, you couldn't care less about no gf.

>hurr durr you'll never reproduce
Why would I want to subject another being to these rubbish genes? Hypergamy is only going to get worse in the future, so self inflicted eugenics is actually the most ethical choice here.

>society has no interest in fixing weird people

spoken like a true lazy incel

Prove me wrong then, how can you become normal, by watching TV series?

you do realise that is baiting right?

Maybe but not wrong

God I just want to cleave my skull in half at this point

No because i'm a true autist

I'm just waiting for a miracle. And I'm not even ugly, I have to cope with being average, which is basically the same these days.

idk i just don't care. it's gotten me pussy. just stop giving a fuck you fucking normalnigger

You get more normal by accumulating life experience and learning how to act normal

normies always want to chill, even if you're a weirdo like me

>had the perfect job opportunity invitation
>said no cos i didn't believe i'd be hired
>had invitations to social events
>said no cos too lazy
>just had an invitation to join a group on a trip to a foreign country to go to the sea, cheap af
>said no cos why would you do normal things

look back, i'm sure you'll find that you missed out on opportunities and didn't even realize it.

i used to complain a lot too, didn't do me any good. don't talk about your problems and especially don't talk about your mental health. grit your teeth, we've been dealt a shitty deck, else you'll be 30 and still shitposting here.

>else you'll be 30 and still shitposting here.

If i don't kill myself before that