Thoughts on my burger? I named him meatboy

Thoughts on my burger? I named him meatboy.

Attached: burger.jpg (3024x3024, 1.17M)

stop eating ketchup

How many are you gonna eat? 5?
Man you'll die if you keep eating like this.

fuck I miss bread

Why dont you own a real plate?

that meat looks so big and juicy

woof that is WELL done. still juicy at all? or is that what the catsup is for?

Nope. Not gonna bite. Don't care.

>no pickles

meh, looks okay. Why did you name it? You're just going to eat it, right?

>tfw fast until 6pm
Hungry as fuck throughout the day but surprised how little I need to eat at night. How long does it take till my stomach stops freaking out about skipping breakfast?

Also that kids plate ewww

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use your burger as a flashlight

did you mean fleshlight?

stop consuming carbohydrates

bout a month
go on keto
hunger almost completely disappears... can even forget to eat on some days

Today is actually my first day doing keto by happenstance, hopefully it subsides soon I have an iron will but can not stop thinking about that salmon in the fridge so I am going to torture myself for 12 more hours but not relent

Absolutely retarded post.

i fasted for 24 hours my 1st day on keto
i've been a sugar junkie my whole life so it should've been hard
gotta admit i couldn't stop thinking about sugar for about 2 weeks, but it subsided after the 1st week
keto gets super boring though. i really miss just stuffing myself like a pig with bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.

I think I can live without the rice, bread, oatmeal, etc. Only thing I am a fan of that I am missing out on is cream of wheat and grits.

I would fast today but I was gonna go hike and eat my dinner out there. That be brutal to not only cut out carbs but not eat anything the first day? Shieeet

Drank water like a madman, had to wake up 2-3 times at night to pee for the first 3 days.

The 24 hour fast wasn't that hard. Didn't experience unbearable hunger, but felt super light-headed.

I am not drinking enough water I already know, been working on this same gallon since damn yesterday

I'm glad I did my research to avoid the keto flu. Lots of water + a bit of salt in to maintain your electrolyte balance is a must. Keto can rek your kidneys if you overdo proteins and not drink enough water.

looks gross desu. I will make a better burger for dinner tonight.

Appreciate the good advice, I am setting up some alarms on my phone to make sure I am drinking a glass like every half hour to fifteen minutes the first few days.

Might do some push ups with that motherfucker, shit boy you already know

I dropped 20 lbs in a month. A bunch of it is water loss. Just hydrate whenever you feel hunger, that's what I did.

Well it looks like a burger, though bland. The english muffin is an intresting touch. Bight have to try toasting and buttering one then using it as burger buns. Seems interesting desu.

Ayy good shit, I am 140lbs 5 feet 10 now but trying to clear up my skin (cystic acne whenever I eat dairy that leaves atrocious raised scars on my back) and naturally large pores with a healthy diet for once. If I can see some more definition in that belly I will happy too

Hell yeah, I also got bad acne after eating candy. It cleared up in 2 weeks, now it's completely gone.

I could live with acne it is the scarring that bothers me, my back looks like 50 Cents but I dont have a cool story about getting shot a dozen times to explain it.

Most likely I will have to have them removed via laser but I have noticed in the past when I ate clean
1. Obviously I was not getting acne anymore
2. Most of the smaller ones and a few large ones that I thought were keloids faded and went away

Redpill me on ketchup

Keto is nice, I was on keto for a year, not on it anymore but I'm actually missing the food, can't eat it now though since the amount of fat in it would make me gain weight most likely.
Favorite easy to make meal was probably mashed broccoli and salmon, was tasty as fuck.
People seem to go for cauliflower but broccoli is better in pretty much every way.
The best snack you can get is macadamia nuts, they're really good in keto.

This is why I named it

Attached: meatboy.jpg (3024x3024, 1.34M)

Get help you degenerate pos
That doesn't look appetising at all

Eh looks dry as black balls.

>eating raw beef
Enjoy your worms, faggot.

Too much sugar, and not the good one.

Not bad. He is quite meaty. Meatboy/10

Fun how you assumed that I meant the patty itself you fucking retard.
There's no lettuce, no tomato, no onion, no cheese, there's fucking nothing on that burger.
It looks like something a 6 year old who can't handle the spice of black pepper would make, minus the mustard.
Ketchup is degenerate as well, mustard is probably some cheap shit you stole from McDonald's or something.
The beef has an odd form and it seems like you put onions into the the beef, it's a little more than a glorified meatball.
Doesn't look like it was cooked well either, poor surface and looks dry.

Handsome lil fella

>Handsome lil fella
Are you blind kr retarded