Cat's can't take care of themselves, pay for their own food, or insurance. You can you pathetic fuck.
Jonathan Harris
Well are you older than 18?
Carter Scott
It shouldn't matter. I'm their son and their job is to take care of me. I shouldn't have to survive on poverty levels of rice and beans while they waste $50 a month on cat treats
Nathaniel Price
if you think that your parents owe you anything you're a retard.
Connor Carter
And before the invention of those things how cats used to care of themselves?
Bentley Bennett
Don't listen to these normalfags, your parents had you, they should pay the price, fucking boomers
Jonathan Richardson
They do. They brought him into this world and it's their job to take care of him. Saying they owe him nothing is ridiculous, he didn't ask to exist and probably doesn't even really want to.
Parker Gonzalez
If you're an adult go get a fucking job.
They probably are paying the price knowing their son chose to be a manchild genetic dead end.
Noah Hill
Sorry to hear man, I did not know I had no insurance until I broke my arm in college. Part of becoming an adult is realizing your parents are shit and largely incompetent, like most everyone else around you
I used to think my dad was beating us up because he wanted us to be tough and strong, but in reality he is just a fat alcoholic manlet suffering from ED in a pretty disgusting marriage. My mother the Goddess who was so kind to us? An enabler that comes to me every week telling me how done she is with my father, despite me specifically telling her not to talk to me about it after I beat him up, only to go back to him within a few hours at most.
She claims he is abusive towards her first granddaughter and that was the final straw but as far as I know is still kicking it with him. Parents are garbage, I am glad my ex wife miscarried
David Brooks
cats > some sad incel that doesn't even have a job
Ethan Cook
>Part of becoming an adult is realizing your parents are shit and largely incompetent
cats can't have jobs, but you can, so go find a job you NEET
Gavin Gonzalez
>get a job
I thought this was NEET HQ?? Where did all the wagecucks come from?
Anthony Butler
Lmao, they do until he reaches the legal age of adulthood. After that he is the master of his own. He can work, whine or an hero or beg his parents to help him. But they don't have to. Fucking idiot.
Brody Martinez
You are piece of shit and for every bit of joy you have in your life you should be thankful to your parents for you could feel this joy if they didnt generate you. And dont start with they made my life hard, my joy is a consequence of my actions. My argument still stands. No parents equals no joy for you. You are such a piece of shit I hope you get what you deserve.
William Mitchell
Oh please, every bit of joy in my life I have worked for myself. I put myself through school, moved out at 15, and the only reason I can experience joy today is because I have cut my parents out of my life entirely.
My parents were completely irresponsible to have children knowing that probably 1/2 of the meals in our lifetime came from getting free lunch. They were a waste but I am fortunate that I was raised in an environment that prevented me from making their same mistakes, a la having kids.
Ian Smith
He is not wrong, many parents are incompetent at best and often its better to just cut them out of the picture like a decaying limb than stick around. Performing a basic biological function should never be something that is praised and it is astounding how so many think they just turned into god himself for it.
Jacob Gutierrez
Your parents are horrible people, both because they disregard their own son and for their shit taste in pets. Why do they have these toxoplasmosis sacks around - three of them? It's not like they're kidless whores, what's their problem?
Cameron Myers
influx of loser normalniggers from you know where
Nathan Clark
This is why i refuse to reproduce
What if my son doesn't want to wageslave? It makes me miserable. I am absolutely depressed because i must wageslave. I have hobbies & interests & passions but they won't make me a dollar. What if my son is like that? This is why i will refuse to reproduce. Hopefully i'll just wageslave for a couple decades and retire early and then finally be able to start enjoying life
I was NEET for almost a year and it was the greatest time of my life
If i was rich i would have a lot of children but no, not if they will be forced to work. That is basically a punishment for existing, a choice they never made
Benjamin Edwards
Because cats are far superior and they obviously love them more than they love you understandably
Elijah Nguyen
The cats give then unconditional love. You give them headaches and shame.