How about a Beatles thread.
How about a Beatles thread
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this is fascinating........................
My favorite segment of Abbey Road
This would be a good time to mention that ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD is great!!!!
is it true that it's the most pulp fiction like of tarantino's movies?
I think this is the only Beatles song I like, my parents werent fans of them so I only sampled them a bit in high school. Remember downloading each track from every album of theirs individually on Limewire, kek
No... Not at all.........................
in fact, its surprisingly unlike any of his other films
but it was great!! we LOVED it
Its really a shame that your parents had SHITTY taste in music........
the beatles are THE BEST BAND in the history of planet earth.... there will never be any equal
yeah they were so brilliant
....and while The Long And Winding Road is a great song, it by no means comes close to their best work...
My advice?..............
Trust me on this one:
if you smoke weed, SMOKE A JOINT
and listen to ABBEY ROAD, front to back..
My parents have pretty good and eclectic taste, which is why its weird I literally only ever heard one Beatles song via late night infomercial (Help me Rhonda) they werent into Elvis either so idk maybe too pop for them
I will smoke and give them another listen I have not heard a Beatles song since freshman year of high school (didnt even listen to the Paul track I googled)
yessirrreeeeebob !!!
Help Me Rhonda was The Beach Boys
The fact that so many books and online retards still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. Nowonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
spotted the homosexual who thinks he's intellectual
ELVIS was the greatest single entertainer in history....
that goes without question........
The Beatles were the greatest BAND
to call The Beatles a 'rock band' demonstrates that you don't understand The Beatles at all
Kek then I legit never heard a Beatles song until my freshman year in a house that was full of music including, perhaps especially even, pop from the 50s and 60s. My eldest cousin is obsessed with the UK for some odd reason yet never even a Hey Jude on the radio in passing
The only thing I can really recount is my dad explaining the different instruments the Beatles may have used to record a song that was playing on a Goldies station once, then changed the station immediately.
Anytime at all!
Anytime at all,
All you gotta do is call
And I'll be there!
Musical blackface. Problematic as fuck, not ok in today's world.
excellent !!
Elvis is still THE MOST FAMOUS (well known) HUMAN BEING IN HISTORY
and hes still listed as having had more sex than any other human in history
He grew up with black people. And nobody really complained about his music other than being more popular than some better black artists.
As far as The Beatles were concerned, Elvis was the best
do you have ANY idea who you're talking to?
I'm neptune................................................
im THE biggest Elvis expert youll ever find
theres nothing you or anybody else can teach me about Elvis OR The Beatles
That's because he grew a big black dick after he started to imitating the black style. That tricks the body into growing a huge black cock.
Anyone see that movie Yesterday in theatres?
ahhhh dude I was literally just listening to the white album deluxe. if you haven't listen to Revolution take 18. it's like 10mins long and it's SOOOOOOO fucking good.
I bet you didn't know Elvis was a fag...
if you think they didn't make rock music then you're retarded. I agree I wouldn't call them "a rock band" I'd just call them "a band". but they did a lot of different shit.
bet you didn't know that LONDON CALLING's album cover was based on Elvis' first album
i.... never.... said.... they.... didn't.... make.... rock.... music.....
they were an EVERYTHING band
there is no label that fits......
they were genius artists
yeah and I literally just said. lmao dude I think we agree with each other.
yeah I did. although I've never listened to that album, worth it? never listened to Elvis at all really.
I started painting one-of-a-kind portraits of Elvis for celebrities when i was 12 years old....
my first one was for Jerry Lee Lewis....
subsequently, i ended up painting Elvis for everybody from Pink Floyd to DEVO, from Jay Leno to Andy Kaufman, from Mick Jagger to Hank Williams Jr, from Robert Goulet to Johnny Lydon, from U2 to Paul McCartney, etc etc etc
McCartney WAS The Beatles
sure.... its great !!!......
Elvis' SUN SESSIONS work was undoubtedly the purest 'rock' of all....
he was just a teenager who walked in off the street, and INVENTED ROCK N ROLL
The Beatles are considered the greatest band in history for a reason
Please stop replying to the Elvis retard.
Thoughts on pic related? Starting to become my favorite Beatles album.
Rubber Soul is PHENOMENAL
its where they began taking LSD
Q: how long have you been ineffectively trying to control the actions of others, while obviously not being able to controlyour own laughable downward spiral in life?
..........just curious
the beatles were ALL complete Elvis Retards..................
more than youll ever know
What was the song that got you into the Beatles?
For me, it was:
It was in my second year of high school and listening to this for the first time was pretty magical.
what a sissy you are, dude
Fuck, what an amazing way to get into them.
I think it either Yellow Submarine or I Want To Hold Your Hand.
You just read Wikipedia and think it makes you an expert in spite of never leaving your room or playing an instrument.
Paul McCartney wrote LADY MADONNA for Elvis........
He wrote it as a gift, specially created for Elvis to sing, in an effort to help resurrect Elvis'career that Col. Tom had destroyed....
In true form, Elvis' manager Col. Tom refused to allow Elvis to do the song, because he wanted full licensing rights...
Yeah, you got me 'all figured out', huh?
Hahahahaha you're a complete homo
Pet sounds > sgt peppers
........................right, sissyboy?
yeah ok I'm listening to the sun sessions right now. I like it. but do you seriously think that Elvis is better than The Beatles? he didn't even write a single song did he?
Oddly enough, The Beatles were obsessed with The Beach Boys, and would dissect every Beach Boys album as soon as they were released, looking for inspiration
When McCartney was writing BACK IN THE USSR, he was creating a tribute to California Girls, and went to Mike Wilson to play the rough outline....
Wilson told McCartney it needed a break in it, where it talked about different girls from different cities....
So McCartney added
" Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind, and Moscow girls make me scream and shout, in Georgia's always on my mind mind mind mind mind"
well yeah no shit. if you've only listened to Pet Sounds, and not a single other Beach Boys album, then you should kys. or just listen to their other albums. cos those Beach Boys are fucking great desu.
take note Neptune. listen to Surfs Up!
There's no comparison...
They're not in the same category...
You can't compare an airplane with a carpet cutter....
Sun Sessions = you get to hear rock and roll actually being born
What i said was simple:
Elvis was the greatest single Entertainer in history
And the Beatles were the greatest band in history
I suppose while you were typing that post you missed the fact that I just explained the Beatles association with the Beach Boys and how McCartney turned to Mike Wilson for advice when writing Back in the USSR
So I forgive you
with Elvis, it wasnt even necessarily about the music....
it was about HIM
Colonel Tom Parker was an evil piece of shit who single-handedly destroyed Elvis' career, and prevented him from releasing any real Quality Music after he came back from the Army....
Colonel Tom was an illegal immigrant from Denmark... when he was discovered by the government, they were about to deport him back to Denmark, and he cut a secret deal with the United States:
He quite literally sold Elvis down the river, castrating him at the height of his career, taming the rock and roll tiger, and manipulating Elvis into joining the Army and losing his reign as the king of rock and roll...
When Elvis came back from the Army 2 years later, his mother had died and the Beatles had taken his throne....
And Colonel Tom had sold him into an awful contractual prison, making him pump out 2 movies every year (absolutely awful movies that Elvis hated and didn't want any part in) and a horrendous evil maniacal corrupt torturous licensing contractual agreement where Colonel Tom supplied awful music for Elvis to sing....
So unless you're talking about the first two years of Elvis Presley's career, the music is not important at all...
Anything after the first two years, and the music and movies were absolutely horrendous....
But THAT'S not why the world loved Elvis....
we loved HIM....
Not the music...
Not the movies....
............................we love HIM
niggers still bitching about elvis kek
Before Elvis, it was "GEE, SWELL"
Elvis invented COOL
Nobody likes you. Being xD funny racist is ruining the legacy of based Elvis.
Whites still being keyboard warriors
who the fuck is Mike Wilson?
Do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Let me whisper in your ear.
Say the words you long to hear.
I'm in love with you.
That early stuff is the most perfect pop music ever made. I could cry.
If you really enjoy the Beatles you should enjoy this...
Simply amazing, no other words required. RIP ODB
Yeah?... Well I WOKE UP
Got out of bed dragged a comb across my head... Found my way downstairs and had a cup and looking up I noticed I was late
you love him but not his music? wtf? that doesn't make any sense at all. if he made shit music (and he didn't even MAKE MUSIC) then he's shit. why the fuck are you idolising this con artist?
why the fuck would you listen to the music of someone you only like, but don't like the music.
basically Elvis is Lil Peep...
shit music and completely talentless. but a cool guy nonetheless...
Im looking through you is best song
.....says the faceless, talentless, effeminate shut-in about THE MOST FAMOUS HUMAN BEING IN HISTORY....
got it!
just like Elvis Presley's manager told him:
"There's no such thing as bad publicity, as long as they spell your name correctly"
which i see you DID.............
imagine if you could hear ANYBODY say your name......
especially a woman....
Wouldn't your heart flutter if a woman haven't looked you in the eyes and said your name and told you that she loved you?.....
It reminds me of Lennon's song 'Imagine', because imagination is the closest you're ever going to get, unless you're talking about your mother, and I wouldn't imagine she loves you very much these days, what with you still asking her to help you pay your rent and internet bills....
Wrote none of his material, Beatles wrote 95% of their material. Case closed
Astoundingly underrated album, patrician choice. In My Life is one of the most brilliant compositions of the 20th century, the ultimate love song (besides Something.) Though I cannot pick a single Beatles album that I love the most. All of them are just so good on so many levels.
here's a good one. that guitar riff is so dreamy.
Love love me do, but better:
Op im sorry some fag is ruining your thread, I havent listened to that much of the Beatles but I really enjoyed Eleanor Rigby
Eww not really what I was looking for user.
>Danny, boy, this is a showdown.
best song off best beatles album