Self-conscious because I'm 6'4

>self-conscious because I'm 6'4

You manlets will never understand this feel.

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>self-conscious because you are the ideal human male height

I'm tall but pretty skinny and pale. I feel awkward and lanky.

Consider taking a stroll down to Jow Forums. They can sort you out

5'10 is ideal, 6'4 is too tall.

There is literally nothing positive about being that tall.

>There is literally nothing positive about being that tall.
I noticed that a lot of girls seem to like it. Of course not all but many.

>self-conscious because I'm 6'6
I hate it. Myheight does nothing for me and being 140 lbs and white as snow does not help either. I look like a skeleton and practically glow. I am very shy and always want to hide but people always stare at me. I got made fun of and called a lot of names because of my appearance as well, originally it was from being short, pale, and chubby with a dumb hair color so now it is for slightly different reasons. I always hit my head on stuff, cannot sit comfortably in most vehicles, and in bathrooms and stuff, always have my head above the stall which feels gross. REEEEE I JUST WANT TO HIDE, BE UNSEEN, AND NOT HAVE ANYONE KNOW I EXIST
Fuck. And height like this does nothing for getting a gf. I am a khhv and have never had a gf. It is all personality.

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I am 6 ft 3 and have never been 200lbs, grew up working poor, so I feel you on this OP. I have recently just embraced being lean and decided to try and be able to have the most defined and athletic body I can

If girls comment on your height it's more because you're like a circus curiosity, not that they're attracted to you.

When will y'all lanklets and manlets realize its all about the face?

why are you so salty Mr.manlet ?

just like my oneitis, you're not T are you?

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A lot of guys on r9k are tall, lanky, and pale.

>A lot of guys on r9k are tall, lanky, and pale.
sure but they're not T, so what do you mean by this

Nice humblebragging you stupid faggot.
I hope your mother gets raped.

>wahh im so sad because i posses attractive qualities that i was literally just born with wahh

I know at least 3 tall, lanky, shy, pale anons whose names start with T. The point is that assuming someone here is your oneitis based on general descriptors is pointless and creates false hope which only puts you down in the long run.

You're right. I've heard them mention this place so I have a lot of false hope but I've been put down for a year already. Tell me something I don't know user.

>Tell me something I don't know user.
Superjail is my favorite animated show.

Fuck off lanklets.
t. 5-9

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Lots of girls like tall skinny guys.

Boo Radley? Is that you?

>tfw 6'2
feels good not being an ogre

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No, I am a mix of bill skarsgard and theon greyjoy with the personality of an autistic bob ross who spent too much time in r9k mixed with some pinhead but idk my personality is weird.

>140 lbs
Holy shit I thought I was skelly at 6'4 160 lbs. Damn user I feel for you. All I can say is that the best way to gain weight is to eat many small meals throughout the day, you'll constantly feel sick if you try to eat huge meals. Also I agree that it is all about personality when it comes to attracting a girl. My fat, balding, manlet, minimum wage cousin just married a legit 9/10. Meanwhile I am khhv and I am 6'4, not fat, and make more money. The difference is that he is the life of the party, while I sit there quietly.


Actually never mind I am a lot like Boo

knew this would happen, bingo I don't know this lol but I'll check it user thanks.

6'4 and 5'10 are not ideal. 6'0 to 6'2 are ideal.

I like average height guys the most desu. So around 5'7-5'10.

I used to be 130 lbs. i eat over 3000 calories a day, sometimes 4000. You and me have some similar feels. Pic related may or may not be my blurry wrist

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I was gunna say an animal fact but I could not risk saying something you already know.

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>i eat over 3000 calories a day, sometimes 4000
No, no you do not. You are exaggerating or you are just guessing amounts. You could be 7' and still gain weight from eating that much.

Well there goes my one single attractive quality. Being 6'4 is all I have. I literally have the face of a mole rat/baboon hybrid. I look like a fucking ogre.

I guess it it more periods. But I do, or at least know I did in college because I would go to a restaurant and get a 2k calorie breakfast of eggs, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, and fruit every day. Then I would eat a muffin going to class, two tacos and some milk for lunch, then usually stir fry, crackers, and more milk for dinner. I also would bike and run crazy amounts. I may be off now though because of summer it is less predictable. I just make a fancy meal for dinner that could be 800-2000 calories then I get a lunch which is usually 800-1100 calories depending on where I go.

holy moly user, you are the king of wristlets

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I'm just a single femoid going against the grain, don't worry about it.

pfft you could've said anything I'm a literal brainlet.

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I found a dead cecropia moth (pic related I took it) and was gunna tell you that they are the largest moth native to North America and as adults, cannot eat.

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oh well did you at least give it a proper burial?

That one I wore on my shirt and have it preserved in with the rest of my bug collection. If I find dead, repeat butterflies, moths, dragonflies, etc I often burry them in a matchbox and mark their grave with a small stone or stick. I also burry my dead fish rip pinky 2005-2016. I have one fish who was born in 2006 and is still kicking. Crazy stuff.

See you cant just guess these amounts, you have to be exact. Eat exactly 4000 calories every day and you are guaranteed to gain weight.

Fuck off. Tallfags can't be robots.

Depending on how tall you are, you can just avoid looking up at my face. I'll wear a bag over my head for you femanon. Be my gf please.

Do you two have any idea how many foods are out there that are absurdly packed with calories? Take it from someone that used to be 6'9", 200 pounds. I'm the same height and 260, I actually ballooned up to 310 but got back down to a good weight eventually.

Seriously, there are so many delicious foods packed to the brim with calories. Combine that with soda and beer that basically add more calories to your meal without hardly making you feel any fuller and I'm astonished people have a hard time gaining weight. I was only a skelly while I was growing crazy fast and playing two hours of basketball a day. If you're done growing, even if you're active it's not hard to eat like 4000 calories a day. It may not be the healthiest way to gain weight but if you're struggling that hard there are certainly ways to get it done.

cool user, I have a fish tank and the works too but I've stalled on getting a fish since like, last December. I've also stalled on planting some milkweed for butterflies but I guess I should finally get around to doing it lol.

I have 3 fish tanks and four sections of my yard with milkweed. Fite me. I used to capture monarchs and raise them safely in my home. I did the same for tadpoles. Good times. I only found one monarch caterpillar in my yard this year though and he was already off to go make his transformation. I have pics of my last moth funeral btw.

>talking in group at work today, mix of girls and guys
>somebody talks about a meme comparing boris johnson vs peppa pig like 5'9 and 7'1 or some dumb retarded shit
>one of the girls says thought he would be taller, says 5'9 is pretty short for a guy, murmur of girls agreeing

Tfw 5'9

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Mogs me. I'm 5'6.

Those are just hateful stacies, user
5 foot 9 is an ideal height
Im 6 foot 3 and Ive never even held a girls hand

It killed my brother in law.

>self-conscious because I'm 6'5"
Get on my (height) level kiddo. People see me as a circus freak and/or serial-rapist-murderer, nothing else. I'm so damn lonely. Since I live in America I'll probably be shot 100 times by police for "walking in a threatening manner" and the pigs will get medals and raises.

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6'4 160 lb user here. I cant eat gluten which makes eating that much calories 100x harder. I am figuring it out though.

Add subaru_kitten on snapchat! Huge tits and great ass. I

Aw seems like I can never find caterpillars, always wanted to raise some butterflies too. Pfft only milkweed? I've grown some herbs & have some seeds like zinnias/pumpkins ect..& awesome user.

>Since I live in America I'll probably be shot 100 times by police for "walking in a threatening manner" and the pigs will get medals and raises.
Where did that drivel come from....
Clearly you're just a fucking nigger who hates society and laws.

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Breh not only milkweed. I have 3 gardens. I have a massive raspberry patch, peas, basil (thai and Italian), corn, strawberries, and radishes this year. Also you seem alright if you wanna keep the convo going somewhere else. A good thing to note is I have a big crush on someone so I am not going to try and gf any femanons, I am in it for the relatability.

I am the 6ft6 user. Get on my height and quit trying to flex on the manlets. They are friens and usually better than tall people. Most tall guys I know, especially on the internet have some retarded mix of narcissism and self-hatred. They always feel the need to state how tall they are in any thread they can and I feel like they are worst online because some e-girl called them cute or said they have nice hands.

>self conscious about being a billionaire
>you poorfags will never understand this feel
This is how you sound you whiny fag

>A good thing to note is I have a big crush on someone so I am not going to try and gf any femanons, I am in it for the relatability.
Everything you said was fine up until this
No one should rationally drop contact for this user

Wait, why me? Shouldn't you go for the lanklet chasers? Oh and don't wear a bag over your head either, user.

we appreciate your cooperation #5557239. for spreading the true truth about American law enforcement you have been awarded 15 minutes of protection and .02 goodgoybux.

remember: the enemy isn't the organized international gang with more members and firepower than any other in the country. it's randoms on the internet, especially the gays.
continue to help us spread this truth and your freedoms will be "safe".

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Bruh I am saying that I am not looking for anything. I have a major case of oneitis so I am not interested in orbiting girls or talking to any in a sexual or flirty way.

no girl, E or otherwise, has called me cute.

ofc manlets are usually better than tall people, they get treated better. treated like actual humans. they get to socialize. it's the Halo Effect.

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Guess I was wrong, my bad. And I can get that manlet thing. The really short ones are usually not treated like humans though. At least the ones who are not Asian.

>I'm self conscious over this genetic gift I've been given
It's a fucking free pass in life and here you are bitching about it.

The user you were talking to hinted at nothing romantic. You added that disclaimer unprompted

Its like a rapist saying I WILL NOT RAPE YOU when no one is talking about rape. Either way you scared the other person off

I don't know any of them, I dont know how to meet them or any girl for that matter, and at this point I don't care because I met you, and you seem like you are a special girl and you seem very nice. I meet a girl like you, I got to try. Give me a chance femanon, I'm a lanklet freak but I can sweet talk you.

True. I am autistic and come across weird. I would rather delete my post. Honestly I should not try talking to people online or irl I an too weird and am not meant for it.

If you want to but I have nothing but a hangouts since I don't have friends.

I dunno it is only if you want to. The user was sort of right. I am an autist and do not know how to talk to people well so I dunno how good our conversation would be. I used to use google hangouts to talk to one person but we stopped with time.

Oh sorry, that was a thoughtless reply. And thanks, I like lanklets just as well btw. Where are you from though? I don't mean to be a pessimist, but this is usually the part where both parties get severely disappointed.

It's okay I enjoyed the conversation we had right here so I don't mind chatting some more.

>tfw 6'3 172 pounds
>tfw everything I eat goes directly to tummy and face
I'm doomed to be skinny fat unless I start seriously working out and get swole. Ive been lifting weights and doing chinups but I need a more serious routine. Any anons bike for exercise? I've been thinking about buying one and riding it at the park just exercise.

I am from the us. I want to get to know you. feardivision319#4644

Okay well I will drop my throwaway email because I think my google hangouts has my name so I can give it to you in an email
[email protected]

I've added you

Please respond pretty fembot

Wait that is not my google hangout. That is my email for me to send it to you. Try the name Ice_Machine

[email protected] is just my throwaway because my real google hangout has my real name in the email (I was a dingus) but the name it is under should be Ice_Machine ahhhhh

Honestly if just a tall version of my incel self I would rather be 5'8 than 6'4. At least I can get gains quick and blend in with people easier.

lol well alright I think I've added you now.

Could you drop yours maybe? It is not showing up. Sorry for having this be complicated or weird.

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Sure, [email protected]

Women are literally too retarded to know what height is/means and never need to worry about their own or measure themselves

I have a 5'5 friend who was with a 5ft QT and in a casual convo about height he literally told her he was 6ft tall and she smiled very impressed and then turned to me (just barely 6ft) and said "wow, so tall...Hey user how tall are you??" and i just said like 6'3 or whatever to help him out and she lit up

Basically if you're taller than a girl you can probably claim to be anything and their brains will latch onto desired meme numbers like 6ft or whatever rather than blatant visible truth

I added you ty user

you did? I probably deleted my gmail too soon but I don't see it.

EU here, I'm sorry user.

check this shit out

wtf areyou talking about

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I'm a 6'4 GIRL provide me DEATH SWIFTLY