
>Be Danefag
>Get 1000 usd per month to go to school in government gibs
>If you fail to find a job afterwards state will pay you 2200 usd net per month until I find one (spans max two years)
>Labor market is comfy with only 37 hours a week with long vacations and 6 months paid maternity leave (more government finanzed neet time)
>Lots of slutty girls who dont care if you are robot as long as you know how to fuck
>Cheap beer
>Cheap and strong weed

So..why havent you moved to Denmark yet, user?

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I refuse to be an immigrant, you will never integrate into the society correctly when you're fresh there

yall westerners racist AF, pass

I wan't to Sweden is fucking hell. Everything is better in Denmark except for shit nature and shit language.

Because I seek to help and preserve the village I am from and do what I can to make life better for those around me.

Do you know how strict your immigration laws are, naive retard?

Your language is ugly as shit, I don't want to have to learn it.

I would but I don't want to learn Danish.

I am only 176.5cm.

You gotta know the language. You gotta live among the absolute worst immigrant scum and work with them for 5 years, unless you move with money and can afford a decent apartment in a decent area and a decent job because you already studied the language in school and come pre-equipped.

Immigrant life is the struggle bus. And you immigrate because your country is worse. Your salary will go towards higher-lvl immigrants with citizenship and you won't see any of the sweet privileges you came for for years.

But yeah, if you're prepared, come with money and are willing to make a sacrifice, you can give your children a taste of the real 1st world as full-right citizens.

Ez as fuck if you are an EU citizen.

No we not

Like I said, beer, pussy, weed and free gibs. You can always drive to Sweden if you want to experience more southern alike cultures.

Not if you have a job lined up


Everyone speaks english

Still fine a little bit below average

I love how Sweden just has special stores where you buy alcohol that work limited hours on weekends, and you get taxed 500% on vices.

I feel like nordic girls don't like americans though. plus you probably can't get gibs as a fresh american immigrant.

>a little bit below average
Also this. Even if I bothered going through that mess it doesnt mean I automatically get gibs. And I would like to one day get into dental school, which is likely a very different thing compared to Burgerland.

>Labor market is comfy with only 37 hours a week with long vacations
20 hours the week or GTFO
>6 months paid maternity leave (more government finanzed neet time)
who cares about maternity leave?Paternity leave is what matters
>>Lots of slutty girls who dont care if you are robot as long as you know how to fuck
How the hell do girls know if you know how to fuck moron?do you go to random girls on danish streets and tell girls that you know how to fuck?
>>Cheap beer
beer is for degenerates
>>Cheap and strong weed
drugs and especially nigger tier drugs dont belong to denmark. If i knew a girl who takes weed i would immediately call the police on her

>Lots of slutty girls who dont care if you are robot as long as you know how to fuck
that sure seems nice if you're pathetic enough to date a whore

This desu, money won't satisfy you in a land where everyone's a stranger

Only a few per town and the open hours are shit at least the state trusts us enough so that we can buy 3.5% beer for the price of regular beer at normal stores.

Aren't most people in Denmark from Africa? I seem to remember them being excited when they got a few million doctors and rocket surgeons. Anyway I'm a doctor and it seems like they require doctors to be from Africa so I'm not welcome

because im not euro

How hot was it in Denmark last week? I can't stand temperatures above 20c and had to go to the hospital when it was 35c because my body start malfunctioning when it's too hot.
I'm really good with cold though.
swedecuck by the way.
fuck this country and its inhabitants.

>Your salary will go towards higher-lvl immigrants with citizenship and you won't see any of the sweet privileges you came for for years
so the funding if immigration programs is almost like a ponzi scheme or some shit?

nah, taxes are fair if you wanna live in a developed country
it's just that you pay ridiculous amounts and the other guy who's been there for 10 years gets the decent healthcare, social aid for his children and better access to institutions overall, etc..
while you stay in the cold
and in a lot of these countries the student grants and loans are only given to citizens or people from 3rd world shitholes they have agreements with

as long as you ain't a nigger, you will be fine user.