How long does it take until your brain starts working normal off SSRIs again? Or am i fucked forever...

How long does it take until your brain starts working normal off SSRIs again? Or am i fucked forever? I stopped taking them 1 week now and don't feel much of a difference.

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I mean how long until it will be like before you used to take them again.

how long did you take them for? it could never be back to what it used to be

>be like before

Oh shit, 6 months.
That's why i'm asking if people had any experiences.

You should not quit them cold turkey.

What do you not understand about it, user?

I did though and felt a little dizzy afterwards. But otherwise fine.

read this

I'll check it out user
Would still be nice to hear experiences from other anons though

Things can never be like before. That's the point of Rip Van Winkle.

That is a beautiful cat. I would like to have that cat around just so it could lay everywhere and look pretty.

Well, i mean if it somewhat goes back to it's natural state.
Guess i'm screwed for life.

Really? Nobody with experiences? ;_;

enjoy your brain zaps
don't SSRIs just stop working after a while but if you quit cold turkey you can rek yourself even worse than had you never gotten on them

I haven't experienced any brain zaps yet.
Did you take them? Have you returned to normal before?

i've never taken any, but i researched them after a buddy of mine died from a benzo overdose

Oh that sounds awful.
I hope you never experience such a thing again.

nah it was just an online buddy
we had an international skype group some years ago with some people from Jow Forums and /soc/ just to make the shitposting more intense
he was on the autism spectrum and was just heavily depressed despite being a chad
a lot of people on there took some heavy shit, he was not only into benzos. he was taking stuff i can't even pronounce.
but i later found out he mixed booze and benzos and just stopped breathing

a woman i know IRL has been on SSRIs for years, recently quit them cold turkey cos she ran out of money, and broke down into a psychotic episode, got hospitalized and had electroshock therapy lol

i've seen some youtube vids of people with depression get on meds and develop schizophrenia a week later. i wouldn't honestly put shit in my system that's designed to prevent a suicide but actually make you more likely to do shit cos you stop caring, and making me more depressed cos my pp doesn't work. also clinical trials show that taking a placebo is just as good for anxiety and depression.

I don't think i'll get a psychotic episode.
And electroshock therapy is even worse since it causes actual damage i think. Did they force her?
And yea that emotional numbness and being without imagination makes you depressed too.