I'm far too undateable for dating. My body is ridden with blade scars. My thighs...

I'm far too undateable for dating. My body is ridden with blade scars. My thighs, my arms and even breast is covered in ugly scars. My very soul is scarred, I can breath, but I don't feel one bit alive. Everyday I am constantly reminded that a walking mistake like me should shouldn't have came to life. My parents? Disappointed, to them I am a trouble, mistake. Friends? They do not exist. If I die, it would be as if nothing has happened, if anything to my parents, they would a sigh of relief, and pretend that they are crying. I wish I could find a person who will save me from this hell one day, but it is would be too late, I would have already becomen a piece of a walking hell.

Attached: Rollingirl.jpg (700x1000, 201K)

Cutting scars are not a dealbreaker for many, don't belittle yourself please.

you know that no one cares about that right? what scares people is you not being loyal or hating the person because of your issues

Please tell me why has my previous boyfriend left me. I showed him my scars. And he left me. Why. Because I am a failure. I'm a scary piece of hell. I am too broken.

Please take my virginity fembot, idc how you look, at least you'll contribute to a good cause

I have old self harm scars all up and down my arms and he still married me
Chin up user, just focus on getting better

For many, not for all. If he left you for your scars, I don't think he'd be a good partner in the long-term anyway.

I dont even have a boyfriend.

I think your guy smelled your psychosis when seeing your scars. I wouldn't blame him too much, if you're pretty and have scars, i doubt anyone would leave you over just that, just for the physical aspect.
But i'm sure there a virgin robot with no other options will pretty much try to tackle your shit head on rather than avoid it, since his other option would be loneliness.

That does not mean you never will though
Exactly sounds like you dodged a bullet with this guy anyway

I wish I could have saved you. But you are right, you are beyond repair. Wanna be my gf that I strangle to death while I hate fuck you?

Stop crying and/or kill yourself

I'm a 30yo incel male and when I make a thread like this I don't get half the sympathy or marriage proposals.

Sucks being a male. A female in ANY state is worth more than me.
Pls pity me too.

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>be a 29-year-old male physicist
>jog 3 times a week, have no unhealthy habits of any kind
>look like guy in this pic
>have not dated once
>haven't even kissed anyone or had sex

Get to my level. OP you're probably 19 or so anyway, you have plenty of time.

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Yeah will you give this guy a chance? He sounds like a pretty decent guy.
You know why you won't Because roasties of this website only come here for attention, to stroke their ego and feel accepted by a community.

Oh and OP, if it helps you in any way, there used to be this famous girl on the Internet a long time ago. She was obsessed with cutting, and took it way too far. Far than you could imagine. She literally chopped up chunks of her flesh and threw them away. It still gives me chills. Doctors patched her up time and time again but she kept on doing it.
She did eventually survive and found a boyfriend who accepted her.

It makes me very sad when people cut themselves so don't do it, cuz somewhere someone cries every time you hurt yourself.

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Based reply. I kinda want to see if she would attempt to talk to and date a cute robot boy. She will not because she is just some damaged whore who needs validation. I hope she becomes anhero.
If you kill yourself please stream it. R9k never had a girl livestream her suicide and you seem like someone the earth would be better without.

I would but I don't know him and he's too old

scars on a girl are so sexy to me

>cuz somewhere someone cries every time you hurt yourself.

>you had a bf
>you have parents
Fuck off. Do you really think you can relate to the anons here? You do not belong here whore. Kill yourself.

Thanks for your support I guess.

>I would but I don't know him and he's too old

I get this a lot from girls, and it's a problem. I've talked to a lot of 18-20-year-old women and they all say we're too far apart. I try to deny it since I have the relationship experience of a 12-year-old boy. I literally don't know how to kiss, so I can't be compared to a normal 29-year-old who would probably have a family already.
Now the real problem is that this means I should date 30-40yo women and I literally can't. From never having kissed a girl I should jump into the deep end and have my first girlfriend be a single mom? I couldn't handle it. I'm far from ready to be a father.

t. robotic physics guy

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>too old
Means he has the means to provide for you and since he's a physicist he's also a smart guy
Go ahead drop your contact, i'm sick and tired to see shit like this with no conclusions.

Sounds like a problem with your personality.
I've fucked like 8 girls with a shit-ton of scars, lel

But that would be creepy if we dated irl and we wouldn't be on the same level, he will most likely babysit me

I mean a massive amount of my body is covered in burn scars from when I was a kid. I'd be happy to talk to you but we both know that won't happen.

Post pics PLEASE

I had some ex gfs with cutting scars

>Go ahead drop your contact, i'm sick and tired to see shit like this with no conclusions.
My 'cord is Tussi#8084
Anyone reading this, feel free to add me

And what's wrong with that?
He's a 30 years old single man that looks for a woman with his same experience, read very low.
You're a young girl that will face hellish wagecucking if you don't settle, and this guy appears to be top tier, but left out because of the day and age of shallowness we live in.
I'd say screw the age difference and grab him now.

tussi as in tussilago?

Posting a scar girl for all those scar lovers out there

Attached: 7BB82C04-8188-4B82-B2F4-0B0F0B7DD1C7.jpg (958x719, 120K)

You watch JoJo, right?

Attached: jojot.png (998x560, 762K)

>woman posting
>immediately gets men that want to fuck or be with her
Boohoo with your self made problems

Yeah. And women still claim that the dating game isn't unfair.

Then why are you on this board.

Please, can you politely go fuck off

Queue the 250 replies saying how they would date you. Please keep in mind most of these guys would just fuck you then ghost you. You need to find a guy who is understanding maybe even a guy who has went through the same thing as you.

Because I've been here longer than you reddit incels have.
Eat my ass, fag.

Holy shit how could this post fly above my attention.
No! I've already told the slut who's the good choice in here, she only needs to do the right choice.
And to prove i'm not him samefagging here a picture of my screen.

Attached: 760577460.jpg (960x1280, 269K)

This might prove the point a bit better.

Attached: 34242.jpg (960x1280, 179K)

Let me use your wounded body as a cum dumpster, since you're barely even living. It's all you'll be worth.

why would you match op with a guy who compares himself to Patrick bateman, a murderous psychopath

He's comparing physically user, i don't know if you caught that part.
But also the pic wanted to convey the way he's feeling currently.

I know it's hard with the autism, you'll also make it user.

Attached: autism-speaks.jpg (1100x1056, 171K)

>a phoneposting faggot has the nerve to call me the normalfag

Woha there faggot, explain to me how that's phoneposting?
I've made a picture of my PC screen with my phone, uploaded it on my PC and uploaded it here.

I dont know why scarred women are such a turn on

Attached: Amy_Calvert_Scar_Z6815.jpg (760x1140, 135K)

Men are turned on by absoutely anything, whereas there is only one ideal male that turns on women.

Fuckin oppression I tell you.

Owning a cell phone is more normalfag than dicking these bottom of the barrel whores with pisspoor self esteem.

>He's comparing physically user
>But also the pic wanted to convey the way he's feeling currently.
So He is comparing himself emotionally and physically to Patrick Bateman. Nice reading comprehension.

Oh well i guess i'll have to pick up a bunch of rocks then, give me your address so i can message you with them.

Same lol I'm finna kms I can't even make friends let alone keep people closer than that

Reminder that men are attracted to female psychos.

Autism is really strong in this individual.

Ok let me take out the book on how to talk with autistic children:

Ok user, observe the image, in that very moment how does the face of the person appear?
Does it convey anger?
Why do you think he feels like that with blood in his face?
Do not think about what's going on in the movie in that moment.

As long as you are not fat and have a decent to average face, NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT BLADE SCARS! You know how I know you arent as desperate or sad as you say you are? Would you date a fat user with a decent face? Your answer is no because of the totem pole, fat is aaaaaaall the way on the bottom. Sort your shit out mate! Unless of course you are fat, in that case, tough luck.

haha You have AUTISMM XDD you are the autisticist XDDD. Can you 14 year olds ever come up with better insults? What kind of retard uses a picture of murdering psychopath with blood on his face to compare themselves to? sounds like some edgy faggot who thinks murder is le epic win XDDD

"HAHA THIS IS TOTALLY ME (Points to picture of patrick bateman with blood on his face) Wanna date me? I'm totally not going to murder you in your sleep"

Dude i'm not insulting you, i'm genuine, you have unironic autism.

my gf has scars

dont give a fuck about how they make her look

I think you are overanalyzing the pics I posted.
I just like Christian Bale in almost every role of his and I have the same hair he has as Patrick Bateman so I posted the pic.
Girls have come up to me in anime conventions telling me I have American psycho hair. I take it as a compliment since my hair is nice and wavy.

Fuck off. not everybody on /nur9k/ is a normie rping as a robot. I don't care if she has scars or anything. As long as its someone who loves and excepts me for me then I could care less about it.

>you're overanalyzing
Well that's to help the autistic dude up there to understand in which context was the picture posted.
Anyways hope you get to talk to the girl, else i'm going to return being angry

Look man, I larped as a female on some other boards to test things out.

On places like /vg/, they basicslly told me to stfu and not mention my gender.

Jow Forums is a place where the thirstiest of betas gather.
Their sudden "be my gf" proposals as soon as someone says they're a girl are beyond retarded.

Just remember, Jow Forums is not a good reflection of reality, and neither are dating apps.

>What is the real purpose of dating apps?
Hooking up - quick sex.
Men are biologically thirstier for sex.
Women are only horny either when a man seduces them, or that week when they're ovulating.

So you have men who always wanna fuck, and women who don't care nearly as much.
The thirsty men would take anything, so the women can choose.

However, when it comes to actual dating, especially serious relationships, things are different, as the demand on both sides is equal.

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Have you ever interacted with a girl before? They look for any little tiny red flag they can find real or not. IF you show them a picture of Patrick Bateman with blood on his face they'll get scared off pretty quickly unless they're super desperate or something, I guess. Anything you do they'll always be looking for something to prove you're actually a shitty person

>the demand is equal
Equally in its inexistence, you're correct.
Ok let me translate the picture to you in this context.
Not only the guy posted the picture because he looks like him, but the expression of bateman in that picture expresses lack of any care or hope left when paired with OP's post.
Now i'm seriously doubting if you have autism or are just retarded.

Attached: 1446389718832.jpg (567x561, 32K)

>Equally in its inexistence, you're correct.
Almost, in this degenerate world.

However, some demand does exist.

And i hope to find it, no luck so far, else i wouldn't be here, sperging to make it happen, at least to a "lucky" user.

I cannot believe that you even had to lay this out to this total retard. His brain is completely gone.

Waiting on someone else to save you is asking for failure. Save yourself. Find things you enjoy doing and do them. Exercise daily, in whatever way you can and slowly progress. Eat healthy, get a good amount of sleep and quit waiting for a Knight in shining armor. They do not exist.

Me neither.

Although, I just stay at home and jerk off most of the time.

As you can see, I'm not doing anything to look for that, and I assume neither are you.

I think i got this sort of weird protection/saviour complex

I got a thing for mentally and/or physically damaged girls

Attached: large.png (500x383, 25K)

>weebs can somehow conjure up something this edgy
I couldn't do it if I tried have a bump for that

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Yeah, basically i'm trying to scope out girls that aren't complete roasties, and this is already a big filter, then there's the girls that are interested in you. And this is where it drops to zero.
My IRL environment go to the two extremes, total autism friend circles or normalfag gathering grounds at my work with the only possible decent girls being the very young proto roastie virgin girls going there for the first times.

So i've turned online, since i don't want to use social media i've been scouting anywhere that doesn't require an account or pictures, and it's grim.

>tfw live in a country where everyone hates sluts, faggots, trannies, etc.
I think my pond has more of the fish that we seek.
Less women become roasties here.

I wouldn't sweat it. Not all of us can control what we are given. But the fact that you recognize there's something wrong is a step in the right direction.

We may not be next to you, but we're with you

I've done that years ago. It was a bit unorthodox of an experience. At the time, I saw a bit of myself in those I helped.

Okay. You send this picture to a girl. You say "This man totally looks like me right now"
Do you think she is going to instantly orgasm or do you think she'll be super creeped out and block you?

Attached: axeman.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

shut the fuck up retard nobody cares about your stinky ass mental problems

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Cringey as fuck user I hope you dont unironically believe this

I actually believe this, is it not true?

Not OP, but r8 my scars
I stopped self harming over 5 years ago but I forever get weird looks from people if I leave my arms exposed

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Of course it isnt true
Just shitty myth that guys perpetuate over the internet because it is easier to believe women are shallow than actually examine the real reasons they are undesirable, which almost never has anything to do with looks, money, height, etc and everything to do with being an unpleasant person

>what is a reaction image
>what is context?
I bet you also think that grabbing your own dick is gay, it's a dick after all.

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Literally if I saw scars like that on my girlfriend, I'd hold you close and have to hold myself back from crying. Guys worth dating would want to protect you from that hurt.

10/10 would smooch gently

I unironically offered to let my ex to cut me instead when I found out she was doing it

funny how attractive people are automatically assumed to be pleasant and ugly people are automatically assumed unpleasant

What experiences do you have?

I liked all my relationships desu

how did you get the scars?

Ahahaha get FUCKED cunt, absolute shit tier cope method. Even fatties are less pathetic. Cutting truly is the subhuman cope and I'm glad everyone will be able to tell you apart from the humans, faggot.