Tfw literally nothing on the ceiling to fit a rope on

>tfw literally nothing on the ceiling to fit a rope on
will this be ok to suffocate?

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It will be enough to asphyxiatie yourself with a rope, but can I ask why you want to? How long have you been concidering suicide for?

long story desu, I just can't live a normal life because of mental illness
>how long
Attempted 8 years ago, started considering again in 2015 after I dropped out of college, now I've reached a point where I'm completely hopeless

Now I gotta wait till my parents go out for a long time so they don't interrupt me

No, if you really want to die you need something high up on a ceiling. When you drop down your neck should snap. Instant death.

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it can get better if you're still alive not if you're dead

Ya right youre just gonna choke yourself while jerking off

you could be cosplaying sanae

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Nah, I don't want it too fast, I want to suffer on my last moments, adrenaline will rush through my brain and I will feel an extreme amounts of pain and pleasure at the same time
I'm 26 and nothing ever changed user, I'm tired of living in misery, there's no hope for me

That sounds really shitty user, have you ever sought help for your mental illness? Maybe being put into a mental health institution and getting fucked up on pills for a couple of weeks helps? I'm not anti suicide as I think you should be able to end your own life whenever you want, but are you sure you've looked over all other options?

you know people can easily live to 70+ right? 26 very young still and a lot could change, missing out on teenage love and whatnot is not that big a deal

Lol you're not going to go through with it if it's not an instant kill. Your body is going to fight to survive as much as it can and I can almost guarantee you will save yourself.

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I had two psychiatrists and used pills at the same it, absolute waste of time, i was paying money to a conversation with a middle aged woman, it's fucking retarded, there is no treatment for mentally deranged guy like me
Ain't gonna reach 70 cuz I'm already ill as fuck

Have you considered going into bumfuck nowhere with light packing in the wilderness?
a) You starve, die of thirst or exposure or get some kind of infection. Might be a long, painful and dragged out death though. Mission accomplished.
b) You survive, and the efforts that were required to do so spark something in you to realize why wanting to killyourself is a stupid fucking idea.


we can all still make it user, its only too late once you're dead

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Nah, my parents will call a search on me, they still consider me as a child, I don't want anything to do with cops and shit, it's a desperate seek of attention

But death will destroy your pain so maybe it's good to end it once and for all? Trust me, I've already tried a lot of things, nothing worked and it's only gonna get worse

get a twp servo motors and put a cog to them. Place a hook on the inner part of the door handle and connect a chain to the hook. hook the chain onto the servo motors. Have some sort of stand with a divider to take off some excess chain (as it tightens). Connect the two wires going from the servo motors onto one wire that goes into a switch that you can control from the other side of the door. Hook a really short rope to the other side of the door and hit the switch.
Alternatively, if you're feeling creative, place the chain servo combo to the other side and close the door around your neck.

All of this sounds like a bad idea so probably don't do it.

I agree with if life is still shit, see to it that you freeze to death or something. I was really close to freezing to death once by accident here in Sweden (around 6 degrees Fahrenheit) just by being drunk and fucked up by benzos as I misses a bus home. It didn't hurt for more than like 15 mins, which was more like discomfort than pain. Remember feeling really warm and then I woke up in an ambulance. Was pretty comfy desu.
Atleast you would get some time and give it a last chance to see if something improves.

it will also destroy all your chances for anything good to happen

What is your illness anyways? Give context

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That's way too much effort to kys
But I won't know that cuz I won't be conscious anymore so whatever
Had depression pretty much all my life cuz of abusive parents and bullying in school, medication suppressed it a bit but it didn't help me to improve my life in any way, pills are just faking a good mood

>give me attention waaaa

exactly, you'd never know how it feels like

Honestly dude if you're going to kys you might as well fuck around for awhile. Go order drugs off the dark web or something

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Dude, I'm not gonna wait for x amount of years for anything good to happen, I'm really tired of simply being alive
I couldn't even if I wanted to, I live in a middle of nowhere and don't have a single cent

you not supposed to wait theres lots of things you could do in the mean time and everyone is tired

OP have you taken steps towards self improvement or are you just complaining? Honestly you have to take the first step to get out of your situation before you rope

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You could rob a bank like that one guy on reddit. If youre gonna kill yourself might as well do something crazy. The guy didnt even have a gun or anything, he literally just handed the teller a note saying give me all your 20s or something like that and they just do it. The guy never even got caught he eventually turned himself in

>I'm not anti suicide
>Proceeds to moralfag
>Recommending someone go to a psych ward
Gtfo normalfag

NVM guys, I found a spot on a ceiling where I can fit a rope, now I need to find some high stand so I can drop off and die an instant an painless death, it's gonna be trouble bringing in something from another room, my house has 3 people in it and they rarely leave, fucking cunts

Live steam it
