>be me
>27 year old fembot and virgin
>get sad
>talk to friend
>try to laugh but basically say I gave up on relationships
>he asks me what would I do if I met a special person
>laugh and say it wouldn't happen but obviously I'd be happy
>he tells me I'm really funny and wuirky, that even if I'm not conventionally pretty some man might like me because I'm "not bland"
>he shows me baby photos of himself
>I jokingly say "I love you" the way friends do and he says it back
>we videochat often
>sometimes he falls asleep talking to me
>happened three or four times now
>actually start to think he likes me
>remember that, along with his best friend, I'm the only one he told his grossest masturbation habits to and that he's dated way hotter girls than me
Everytime I think I left the friendzone I get roped back in. Everytime I think I gave up hope, something makes me hurt.
Be me
I wish i had a girlfriend who had no previous partners so i could be her first love but none of them live in washington state...
Dude, I'm OP, and I used to live in Washington.
Daily reminder that everyone on Jow Forums is a male
LARPing faggot
Wish I was LARPing. Believe you me.
what were the top 3 grossest masturbation habits?
do you have oneitis? what about other guys? what makes him so special?
Literally why are you asking me all these questions about some guy whos been causing me harm, just because I needed to vent about him doesn't mean I want to discuss him at length.
>3 grossest
Mostly it was stories about where he jerked off, getting cum on his wall by mistake, etc.
>do you have oneitis?
Well, like I said, I gave up on romantic relationships when I was 23. I have lots of friends (mostly online, most are men and don't know I'm a woman) but generally conditioned myself to not ever factor in romance. This guy makes me feel romantic feelings for the first time in years. So I guess that's oneitis. Help, doc, I think it's terminal.
>other guys
Like I said, I gave up on other relationships. I work in a male dominated job, have mostly male friends, and none of them ever showed interest and thus I never allowed myself to feel anything for them.
>what makes him special?
He's super sweet. He's way nicer to me than anyone else. Again, a lot of this likely has to do with the fact most of my male friends think I'm a man and this subject me to banter - but even my IRL friends of both genders love taking the piss out of me. My best friend made me her bridesmaid when I was 22 and when we were dress shopping we bumped into my cute classmate and when I asked if he was out of my league she said, "yes". He never talks to me like that. Ever. He makes jokes about my weird /d/tier fetishes but it's all for a laugh.
You're not me.
If you don't want people asking don't post on Jow Forums. Go talk to a friend
Ugh sorry I'm just sick of anons trying to orbit me when I say I'm a fembot lol
You're trying a bit too hard to troll. What's next? Imply the guy in question is black?
Sorry I'm trolling? That's rich, I deal with trolls and their shitty "please by my gf" bait on here on a daily basis, it's not fucking easy being a femanon you know.
Well, I know you're trolling since I'm OP. I appreciate the (You)s, sincerely.
sounds like a tough gig then
I have no advice, I stay away from relationships. I had oneitis for a girl once. She had just broken up with her bf. We met in the spring and hanged out all summer, she was perfect to me. On our third date we were on a beach by the fire and we smoked weed, cuddled and even kissed once. I was so in love. Then a month later I crashed my car and I couldn't go meet her anymore. I was super depressed and distanced myself from her for some reason. Then she got together with her ex boyfriend.
I cant really gice you any advice. I deal with those moments when you feel the crippling sadness with heroin
>I can't really give you advice
That was all you needed to tell me, this thread isn't about you.
>On our third date we were on a beach by the fire and we smoked weed, cuddled and even kissed once. I was so in love
Geez, you're making me tear up user. Legitimately. That honestly sounds like a perfect evening. I can't really approve of drug use (although I'm one to talk), however. How long ago was this? How'd you meet her?
Look I don't care if you have some weird vendetta against women but can you leave that user alone?
he saw my reply and bounced lol do you still "appreciate the (you)s" you mopey cunt?
Well, assuming he isn't just taking ling to reply..,
>being proud of the fact that he went on the internet and berated a heartbroken drug addict's feelings
Hey, no matter how bad things get, at least my life isn't that miserable.
2 years now, met her trough my friends girlfriend. She was finnish-swedish gothy looking chick with short hair and im a finnish guy, tall and pretty good looking I think im better looking than her ex, but Juni was never a shallow fuck who cared about looks that much. I loved eeverything about her, from her looks to her smarts, arts and her name. Now im all fucked up, all the girls I meet seem so empty, shallow and boring compared to her.
Its really stupid but cant help it, total oneitis
I blame you for any beratement of user's feelings, it's your fault for making an imagurl thread on an anonymous board.
Can you live with the shame?
>two years
Been there, m8. I had oneitis for a guy in first year university. That was 7 years ago. I still have dreams.
Well, I'm a 'Murrican, so concept of what Finnish people look like comes from memes that make you look like Asiatics.
>empty, shallow and boring compared to her
Huh. I'm actually surprised that's the main draw for you. Part of the reason why I gave up on men was that they all seem focused on appearance and nothing else mattered. You're a special guy, user. I hope we both make it.
>total oneitis
Tell me about it. I told my D&D friends about the guy in the OP and they all yelled "lol friendzoned" and went back to talking about the game.
Gross. Besides, I met a guy off Jow Forums and it ended very badly.
Fine then. Just stay in the friendzone I dont care. I was alone already anyway.
Fembot, please kindly kys yourself.
Oh, finally, some coochie. I'm starved.
I am talking to a femanon who is 18 and virgin and lives in Washington. I have met maybe 3. Try living in North Dakota.
I can clear away the mothballs.
Nice satan trips user its good luck he definitely likes you if he is single you need to say something I promise you the worst that could happen is a tiny bit of awkwardness and the best that could happen is everything you have ever wanted so please user say something to him dont keep going through life alone take a chance please for your sake
Haha, you're the first to say so.
Well, we are going on vacation to Iceland together and it would be more than a tiny bit awkward to be rejected there. Probably ruin the trip. Plus I'd lose the nicest friend I have. It's not that I'm opposed to asking guys out - that's what I did consistently before I gave up on guys. I just doubt this will go over well.
You're sweet, user. Maybe a touch sentimental. Thank you.
>Maybe a touch sentimental
You're one to talk.
at the end of the trip go to dinner with just both of you and tell him how you feel I promise he wont stop being friends with you and he will most certainly understand and most likely will love you back if you need any advice or even just a friend add me Standarte#9998
I feel I'm pretty cynical. Who knows, maybe you're right.
That's a good idea. Maybe I'll nut up and do it. He'll probably say no but he's nice and I can play it off as a joke. Maybe if I get drunk I can play it off that way, too.
>turns out mean fembot posters are just men