
Do curls get girls?

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No. Curly hair is disgusting and literally nigger tier. I want my babies to be straight haired so they can look like animu characters.

Only if your face looks like that or better

Yes curls are sexy
Go back to /cgl/ retard

I'm a guy with curls and I hate them. Thanks for making me feel even worse.

I agree.

Yea curls are the best. I like to play with a guys hair when cuddling with him, and curls are perfect for this.

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Nigger/spick genes are a turn off 99% of the times.

curls aren't the most attractive thing on a man honestly. Its not like a deal breaker though but I would prefer if he kept his hair shorter if he did have curls

curls can be cute, they seem fun to play with

Why? It's more low maintenance than straight hair. Even long literally all I have to do is shampoo/condition, don't even have to brush it like straight hair does. My sister is jealous of my hair.

I literally got my curly hair genes from either native, British, or Ukrainian genes. Plenty of ethnicities have curly hair.

ew that shit looks so gross

Curly hair has nothing to do with genes you dumb Jow Forumsfag. Just let your hair grow out a bit, use pomade/wax and then dry it with pic related

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Probably because it looks like he hasn't washed his hair in 3 days.

>t. hairlet

There is a reason why 90% of the tik tok chads have curly hair

>Curly hair has nothing to do with genes
Nigga u dumber than the Jow Forums shithead.

Yea man you are right. Look at this fine 100% Nubian negroid with curly hair. I should have known that white people dont have curls.

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Naturally curly hair is literally genetic though. For all races. Even some Asians can have curly ass hair.

You said curly hair isn't caused by genes. It is.

I literally did 23andme and they showed me the exact genetic variants associated with my curly hair.

>I literally did 23andme

Good goyim

is intelligence genetic?

Acurly haired friend of mine was pretty popular with girls when Sherlock was popular, then he cutted his hair and like Samson he lost his powers

>Even some Asians can have curly ass hair.

Pics? Don't think I've ever seen that.

Not femanon but I love curly guys

Yes. My hair is just a weird mix of wavy and curly (mostly at the ends) and I want to cleanse my bloodline.

I adore curly bois
But like everything it comes down to personal tastes

based and straight hair piled

Not hey guy you replied to, but i knew a guy of Japanese descent who had very curly hair.