How do I meet girls or trannies?

How do I meet girls or trannies?

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you answered your own question idiot
make sure to get someone thats actually close to you though
or just put enough effort into meeting them
having a e-gf is fine, as long as you turn her into a normal gf in

What's the point of dating a girl online if you can't be physically intimate with her.

yeah thats what i meant
you have to get someone either close to you, or put effort into meeting up quickly so it wont be some weird long distance shit

Not him but I usually get ghosted after a few days on discord or just outright ignored in DMs. Plus I live in a flyover state so the odds of finding someone here is small

then muster up some cash and go meet someone
if people ignore you then you have a diffrent problem
try smaller servers, or like. idk either its you being an arse or they're being fucks idk
make it last

discord gg hWeD4Yn
By joining this server, user. Theres plenty of women for you to orbit here infact the admins female

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how long should one wait before meeting up with a girl they met online? and how many times do they have to see them in a year for ldr to work? I'm assuming you also have to have plans to eventually move closer to each other as the end goal right?

well im lucky in that flights are piss cheap between us, so i can kinda go whenever i just feel too lonely, but try to atleast do it when you're on break from work/uni/whatever. (like, actual breaks, not weekends or something. then again, if your flights are cheap enough why not go meet up on a weekend?)
and yeah, the plan is obviously to move in together soon enough. gonna be some work, but i think it'll work out...

>then muster up some cash and go meet someone
If I ever actually find someone then yeah I would and I have no problem doing that
>either its you being an arse or they're being fucks idk
It Usually goes: talk about stuff for hours, then suddenly I don't hear from them anymore
>make it last
I have to get it first
I don't want females to orbit damnit. I need love

(oh, fuck, forgot the first part)
well, in our case it was around 5? months. so like. have an actual bond and what not.
honestly, if they just randomly leave you after having a good time with you, its probably not your fault. i feel bad for you :/
you'll find someone though, i mean this is coming from some fucking waifufag just a year ago who thought they'd be stuck alone forever.

how long have you guys been together? and how long was your first trip visiting her?

20 days, was supposed to be shorter, but neither of us wanted to leave so i rebooked my flight.

and how old were you guys? did she still live with her parents? that's the case for the girl I like and I'm still trying to figure that part out

me-2 years, both of us still with parents.
believe it or not, its less of a big deal than you think, i mean she didnt want her parents to know anyway and we somehow managed to keep it covert.

so you stayed at a hotel right?

no, her house.
>hotel for 20 days
what are you, insane?
she just told her parents we were really good friends.

>tfw don't count as a potential tranny gf because too ugly to pass as a girl

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just find chill discord servers, not big ones with too many people, just smaller comfier ones. thats a good way to find a kyoot trannies at least

t. kyoot tranner

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Not unless you be my potential gf user

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can I dm you then?

what's everyone's experience with talking to robots on discord? ive spoken to a few but i ended up ghosting them after a week or two because they're always just such a drag.

How can I be a gf when I look like a man

Just ganbatte I guess famalam

I don't think that would work because she did that with her ex and her parents hate him now, also there's a pretty big age gap between us

To ganbare is difficult when you're depressed like me!

yeah gimmie your discord and i'll hit you up senpai

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obviously true robots aren't going to have great social skills. just find semi normies like me which is pretty much this entire board nowadays

Bpd trannies really are a yikes
Thats very true user, just take everything a step at a time and maybe one day things will look up for you, good luck paisano

i may have bpd but i'm still the cutest tranny on this board, user.

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Delusion is common among bpd trannies after all so yeah I'm sure you are sir

lol not thats me

you give me your fucking discord and i'll fucking show you bruv, those are fucking fighting words that i will not stand for
shut up user you're gay

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seething hon, im the prettiest person here :)))

Why would I give my discord to a lowly rat? I don't want to see your recycled attentionwhore selfies

shut your agp ass up before i take away your estradiol supply :^)

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lol fag i transitioned at 13 youre agp

scb#0757 go ahead

the only rat here is you, user. is it opposite day or are your opinions always this backwards?

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trannies are sleeper mode

literally just people who cant live as they were born.

and its gay as fuck so...

Girls are supposed to be nice


comfy server with many homos and a few trannies gg/F26Dasq

What a waste of bandwidth that post was, non passing trannies really are sensitive huh

jokes on you bucko i transitioned at 12 because i stole my moms estrogen patches and bought anti-androgens from ihp

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Well OP Your probably not going to find any girls (excluding me) in this dumpster fire of a thread, just trannies. Ah I can see they're already here and infesting the place. Gross.

I feel like trans are more likely to be catty bitches than cis girls

>He thinks anyone would believe that
The absolute desperate cope from hons lmao

Well they developed severely incorrectly, it's only natural. I personally ended up bipolar

Much better than bpd scum so you have that going for you at least

I've also gotten lots of therapy so I'm pretty tame and mentally healthy considering my condition. But to balance out my stats I'm just ugly manly

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Yeah, guess so. When you grow up with problems like that there's bound to be personality disorders that also form. It makes complete that so many have borderline because they crave validation so damn bad. Being bipolar is probably better than being bpd.

When did you start the trans stuff btw? I remember you posting quite a while back but from what i recall you said you were a gay guy

In what way do you consider yourself manly user? Do you have super masculine features or are you exaggerating due to low self esteem?

I've literally always wanted to be a girl and I caved in at 21. I don't think I would have been much better off starting earlier because puberty hit me really hard really early. I was about 12 by the time I realised I wanted to be a girl but I was already 5'10" and bulky.

I'm basically still effectively a dude, just more gay looking.

My chin and browbone are the main problems for my face. My body is terribly huge. 21 inch shoulders, 43 inch underbust (though i will lose some while I lose weight) 6' tall, girthy wrists, etc. My face is the best part about me but even then it's still just masculine and I'll never afford ffs. Basically no one other than thirsty boys trying to hit on me say I pass. I've asked /soc/ and I'm about a 4/10 and either gendered male or unknown

If you are going to fuck something with a penis just fuck a regular gay guy. Trannies are worse than women, they are 10x more self absorbed and catty.
t. recovering from a strong tranny fetish

What the fuck were you eating to be 5'10 at 12 lmao?

Just a ton of food in general
I was raised by my grandparents so it was constant feeding every day

burn in hell faggotss .


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discord full of trannies, no real women. don't bother

post new link need trannies to orbit