Negroids are huma-

>negroids are huma-

Attached: vds.png (416x693, 381K)

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At least they are not Syrians.

I am human though, other people don't represent me.

>people don't represent me
topjej mang, never gonna stick

This is a well studied dark colored phenomenon:

Kinda envy niggers. You can have no job your whole life, have the brain of a 10 year old that enjoys a slip and slide inside some poor retailers building for fun, get AIDS from fucking monkeys and die.

sucha jegger thing to be sayin'

well, i am a jaja

>sucha jenga thing to be sayin'
say waaat?

Where's this nigga clip from?

A rare nigga moment caught on film.

Attached: 1505090498218.webm (540x266, 1.86M)

Down the boondocks, broseph
You askin' that saying you be like tupac? Fuck that shit you ain't even quaterpac let alone half pac or fullpac, you just a fool

Attached: pacman.jpg (1280x800, 154K)

if only this were the case

That's not a nagga moment that's just a pussy getting grabbed by the pussy. Facts are if you find yourself in a situation where someone is trying to rob you like that, you need to take action immediately if you're going to do anything other than retreat.

Your options are:
1) retreat (can't act effectively, call the cops)
2) fight to kill (broken bones, smashed in faces, many of the surrounding items could be used as a moderately effective weapon, but the guy probably could have been taken out with a single punch to the jaw followed by a solid kick to the throat and in combination with kicks to the shoulders or knees to disable the opponent)
3) stand around like a pussy blocking the way of your attacker, get your ass beat down

Since the guy was white and the attacker was black, he could have killed him and used an object as a weapon while getting off scot-free. The fact is the guy fiddling around with cash/cards in a public made himself a mark, and he acted like a pussy which got his ass beat down. Demonstrating your own weakness (like Trump) is a dumb thing to do, it just invites someone to take you out.

>Demonstrating your own weakness (like Trump)

Every time someone has attempted to storm the stage at a Trump rally, he has planted his feet, taken a wide stance, and prepared to face off with them physically.

How did they get away with this shit?

>Demonstrating your own weakness (like Trump)
woah what?

For example after a solid hit to the jaw the opponent may become dizzy, after a kick or punch to the throat (note the attacker used this via elbow strikes) he would end up on the floor, where you could then tilt the vending macine cabinet on his head, crushing and likely killing him.

His behavior makes him seem like a coward and he's getting fucked in the ass economically by the Chinese. You might not see it yet, but Trump is the fat whitey blocking the way with 800 million chinese niggers holding his wallet.

>white killers on the news
Totally based! My hero. He's literally me !

>Black killers
Nignogs . It's their DNA . Subhuman

China fucking us in the ass has nothing to do with Trump. He's the only person who's been willing to take a stand against them, and all things considered he's not doing that bad. Unfortunately, they are too powerful and are only going to grow stronger over the next century. They're a 105 IQ country with a population of 1.4 billion. There are almost as many 120+ IQ people in China than there are citizens in the US: around 225,000,000. They are going to fuck the entire world in the ass.

though there isnt an inherent contradiction, i doubt it is healthy to primarily sympathize with killers

Classic Jow Forums: assuming extreme anecdotal evidence = data

>How did they get away with this shit?
Uncle Tom is a common stereotype in black culture of the guy who aligns his interests with the master and defends slavery saying things like "nigger would never know how to survive on his own, it's a GOOD THING the great whiteman turned us his slaves, because the father watches after his poor children and guides them the right way."

They "got away with it" because the whole point of a satire like boondocks plays with is to expose the contradictions and mock these stereotypes. The Uncle Ruckus character is an example of taking that stereotype to an extreme.

>Black people doing something dumb
>"Hurr niggers are literally apes"

>White people shoot up a garlic festival in Cali
>"Ya see, society has alienated the middle class white men in general, causing to them to feel powerless in this generation, causing them to act in heinous ways as a reaction, now let me tell you about Jewish brainwashing by the media and ..."

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>There are almost as many 120+ IQ people in China than there are citizens in the US: around 225,000,000. They are going to fuck the entire world in the ass
this. why don't people realize this? people are always gonna respond with
>muh western civilization is more creative, these bugmen can't invent shit!
but if you look at any academic paper at all chances are you're definitely going to see at least one chinese name as one of the authors. right now china is still lacking in many areas but they're developing like crazy it's downright fucking scary

>China fucking us in the ass has nothing to do with Trump.
Yeah sure, Trump is only selling them dildos and putting huge tariffs on lube. He ain't got nothin to do with the anal rape.

go back to leftypol and reddit where you belong

>White people shoot up a garlic festival in Cali

Ummm ackshually he was Iranian

Attached: 1564422529307.jpg (1242x1395, 765K)

the hood is an advanced society


Aryan = White

okay so if black people do it, theyre animals, but if white people do it its Jackass on mtv.

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>feel powerless in this generation
You gonna tell me this isn't true, you frogposting mongoloid?

Because blacks are animals and whites are not. Wow that was hard

>carlos lagann

Attached: mexican-lagann.png (1200x880, 393K)

The shooter was not white. These americans shooter are almost never full white for some reason. There is always some shitskin dna in them


That's probably because the majority race (80% white in many cases) doesn't feel it's worthwhile to destroy society, since they don't feel oppressed or subjugated by it.

Attached: black_brap_maid.jpg (1280x720, 116K)


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>I'm Trayvon Niggville, and this is Niggerass.

>Guy gets mugged in broad daylight in the middle of a store
>Nobody does anything

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It's just too bad everyone didn't have a gun!

>2mb limit for webms

Attached: white_privilege.webm (720x1280, 1.83M)

Exactly. White people don't know what it's like to be oppressed so they don't know what it's like to deal with the urge to destroy your oppressors.

The perspective that you're portraying is completely right, it's just that one is sociological and one is psychological. If you want to draw an actual comparison, instead of comparing a group to one person, explain why a black kid is more likely to rob you on the street and why a white kid is more like to kill you in a school.

The cops put him in jail for 20 years.
I ca't find that part where they're all up in THE BLACKHOUSE!! Fuck the whitehouse!

Simple. Whites are cowards and don't have the balls to rob someone in the street.

>seemed to hate white people
>loved might is right


I see doctors, engineers and lawyers. What do you see, user?

Nah, most of the time this type of motivation isn't about "making a difference"... two guys with guns shooting up a crowd isn't a demonstration of might.

It's more about instilling fear in the general population as punishment for their nativity which you blame for causing you to experience the oppression and suffering which lead you to this point.

So it's terrorism, plain and simple, without much political purpose. It's simply to instill fear and suffering.

If it had any other purpose they would've used some other method.

Source to light up my world, please.

A proper terrorist scheme with political motivation would be to make some demands... for example polluting a water supply with some long-acting poison that might go undetected for a week or so, but take a month to really have fatal effects and two or three weeks to become evident in those afflicted with it.

You'd poison one large water supply and attempt to poison as many people as possible... the larger number the better (10k+).

The next step would be to rig some other smaller system which would have a smaller effect... you need not achieve any higher kill rate than just a single office tower (1k+). Simultaneously you'd rig a larger system having an order of magnitude larger effect than the first (100k+) if possible.

You'd make your demands and threaten to activate the smaller target. Since the target is smaller this would allow you to make it more ambiguous and well hidden. You'd threaten that if the rigging were removed or tampered with, or within a week if the demands were not met (some unimportant change in law for example, demanding congressional + senate + executive cooperation that would have no significant effect other than to humiliate these branches of government)... so if the rigging were tampered with or removed it would be activated immediately.

This should leave them with a significant confusion, and cause speculation about potentially larger targets. You wouldn't ever publish details about the size of the target, merely "I will do the same thing again, killing thousands of people."

Within a week, regardless of whether your political demands were met you would activate the smaller target and wait for it to be published in the news.

Following that and shortly after publication had reached a reasonable extent, you'd activate the larger target.

You'd then be free to make arbitrary political demands, see utter chaos regardless, and potentially have your demands fulfilled without actually having any basis for further threats.

theyre just young peple having fun and blowing off some steam

i mean yea they went overboard but meh, i can imagine myself in similar situations

The nigger will rob you to feed his family or drug habit. A white will kill you because a girl he never spoke to got a boyfriend.

The reason you don't see terrorist attacks of that scale is because it's a very difficult undertaking. I won't speculate about the potential details... think in terms of sci-fi movies, zombie apocalypse type stuff with releasing an undetectable virus into some widely distributed foodstuff, water supply or into a resource (flour, etc) used to manufacture other products. The targets of the attack are near unlimited, as are the various potential mechanisms (viruses, etc.)

The focus and dedication, long-term planning and execution and intelligence required to undertake such is the main reason you don't see it actually taking place. There are numerous very dangerous pathogens that used to exist (such as measles or worse!) that could be very effective... so it isn't so much a lack of potential as it is lack of motivation for those capable to actually execute such an attack.

I love this. That'll teach that pasty bitch not to condone racism

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Whites were genocided in Haiti.

Proto-human species were likely genocidified everywhere.

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What makes them special? Happens to everyone

It might be true that you feel that way, since you're the first generation to have to acknowledge that people other than white men are also human, but it's not true that you're powerless. White people want to be oppressed sooo bad.

Lol shit bait m8

Just another thing they copy from the black man, the need to be oppressed.