I want to kidnap a girl, but what would I do with her? Should I take her to an abandoned building out in the desert...

I want to kidnap a girl, but what would I do with her? Should I take her to an abandoned building out in the desert? I know where a few are that are out of sight from the road. Then I could finally have a gf.

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Saw a horror movie that was set in Australia about the same scenario.
Dude lived in the outback which is literally mostly uninhabitable and just kidnapped two stacies and would kill and rape them. rinse/repeat.

Kidnap her into the atlantic ocean.

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Why kidnap a girl when you could just trade stocks instead

Stocks won't suck your dick

I cant afford a boat that can go out to the ocean. They cost like $40k

I dont want to kill and rape them, I just want cuddle them and play with them and kiss them and pat their heads and watch movies and nice stuff like that.

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consider suicide incel fag

A-are you a fembot? Why dont you love me?

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Is it weird I prefer this fantasy to just finding a gf the regular way?

>Assuming you'll be able to do any of this with someone you fucking kidnap
You'll probably be on the run for 48 hours before you get hunted down by the cops and shot or jailed. Nice try though.

Use the Masterball, it has the best rate of capture, but use it wisely, save before using it in order to get a girl with good IVs

You can make her your gf, you just need the right form of discipline

It be plausible a few decades ago, like pre-80s. Not now though.
Too many cameras, forensics, smartphones with gps etc. Maybe if he lived in like Brazil or some other lawless country it could happen

How do the police find people? They would have to know where I was hiding beforehand, right? If I just leave my and my new gfs phones behind, they shouldnt be able to find us.

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You sound really dumb, you don't understand how cops work and yet you want to kidnap a girl.

You cant force somebody to give you the gf experience. Its impossible. You either get it the real way or you dont get it at all. Kidnapping somebody is a horrible idea you fucking idiot.

No, you can... not that you or OP have the capacity of doing so.

I just want a gf, but no girl wants to be my gf. They arent giving me a choice, I have to make them be my gf.

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I too mentally ran this scenario through my head and found it to be quite enjoyable. Definitely not going to be doing it though FBI

Cope. There's millions of cases the cops either 1) can't ever solve or even 2) just stop caring about

user, there's a difference between doing a successful crime and being caught for being dumb.
You are not smart enough for the first case, just don't do it.

This allegedly happened in my town a long time ago, think 60s/70s

>man kidnaps mid-20s girl from 200 miles away using drink and drugs
>brings her to his cabin in the woods and chains her to a wall using a neck shackle.
>4 miles to the nearest farm, deep in the woods, surrounded by nothing but trees that reach far into the sky and beyond that, acres and acres of farmland, this woman wakes up completely naked next to a fireplace
>The guy walks in and introduces himself and tells her that she's never going to leave
>She resists, she runs out of the door and is immediately bought to her senses with the snap of her chain flicking her off her feet and onto her back a mete 6 feet outside of the cabin door
>The man leaves her there to scream for help at the top of her lungs, before too long she realizes the reality of the situation, that she's all alone in the middle of nowhere with nobody but her captor.
>When she's done screaming she realizes that she's cold, she can hear strange sounds, she's scared so she heads back inside
>She can hear the man behind a door, she tries to reach him but realizes her chair stops her a full foot before the door.
>She realizes that as far as she can tell she has not been harmed.
>It wasn't long before the captor started to get angry with her crying, and would frequently hit her when she complained.
>She was held captive for 4 years. the whole time, whenever he went out, she would search for the key but she never found it, she figured he kept it outside somewhere.
>He only ever took her for a walk in the woods once a month
>Although kept naked, he never once tried to rape her
>One day he came in unshacked her, gave her a boiler suit to put on and left.
>She got help, the police went to find him, only to find the cabin burned to the ground

Here I drew a picture of what I've always imagined the cabin looked like with her effective radius of movement range (of course, she couldnt go through walls, so just ignore anything past the north wall.

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all depends on where u live

It make you money tho :)