What is the ideal age for a gf

What is the ideal age for a gf

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It's personal preference to the individual.
There is no ideal.

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Anything lower is just too low.
Anything higher and chances of her already being a slut with a past grow exponentially.
You make sure not to fuck her in the first few years though.

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90% of Western have hit the wall by the age of 18

Perfect age is 18 of course like the girl in pic related ;)

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For some reason I have the number 21 in my head. Like she's young, but still old enough to go to bars and shit. 21 yo gf would still probably be more of a mature adult than me anyway.

I have met 14 year old white girls without any innocence left and foreign 25 year olds who are still filled with childlike wonder. It really all depends on their culture and upbringing.

I can't imagine wanting to kiss that girl, let alone have sex with her. She's so tiny and cute. All she invokes in me are fatherly feelings.

>would still probably be more of a mature adult than me
Jesus christ you sound so young. I refuse to believe you're over 18
Are you trying to adapt to normies even though you're a complete loser and that's what made you like this? also desu

Then you're just getting an old wrinkly hag.

11-12, clearly

How the mighty have fallen. hag tier now

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>All these lower than 18's

boards full of pedos nowadays

16 to like 23?
16s usually seem not mature enough, but can be decent. I think. The oldest girl I know and I care about enough to know her age is 18, but I think she won't hit the wall for a few more years.

She survived the prequels, give her some credit

I think some people are memeing, and 16 is legal in most countries. I think that people saying lower than 16 probably haven't seen women of that age in a while.

Go to the granny sex board

>women of that age

16 is a child what are you smoking where you call 16 and below women

I'm and think there can be late 16s that act decent. I'd call mid-late 17 the "can be a woman" stage, but I don't have enough knowledge to actually tell.

I'm 18 if that helps clarify.

ameritard detected. oriii

>muh anything under 18 is pedophilia
stay mad, hole

Your age divided by 2, plus 7.

I've heard this rule many times, but is there any scientific basis for it? Seems kinda arbitrary.

ew, gross
that girl is looking old
were you a fan of her when she was younger?
I bet you were
I saw her posted on another chan
but now she looks VERY evil
she is morphing
needs to get violently raped asap
this is very bad
soulless thots
end it

>scientific basis
are you retarded

In a ideal world: 11. In the world that we live today: 14

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>Are you retarded?
Yeah probably, but I'd still like to know what that rule is based on.