Why is society so degenerate now?

why is society so degenerate now?

Attached: degeneracy.webm (608x1080, 1.95M)

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It's always been this way. We're just filming more of it. You've just never been around any of the degeneracy first hand because you're a faggot nobody wants to have around.

No worry, things will fix themselves.

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Jews & Niggers


What about art?

What has the west produced in the last 30 years that can be called art?

>women suck off random black men in traffic

how much further will we sink?

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Capitalism gave money to peasants.

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Humans have always been degenerates, now it's more acceptable to be a degenerate.

t. revisionist

Other than Bob Ross, good point.

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Its not all of society just white girls and black guy but you really can't blame the guys can you. The white girls want it now so they take it.

How can americans even live knowing that every partner they had or they'll have, had BBC in her holes?, do you really can live with that?

Oldass here

Things were slightly worse in the 90s, my manager would do blow and bring hookers into our Burger King's kitchen.

>amerimutt thinks this shit happens everywhere

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We were always powerless to stop it from happening so now we stay away from the white girls. Problem is the latin girls are fucking black guys too and increasingly the asian girls too. So if you want pussy at all its been had already by some black thug.

>It's always been this way.
Imagine being this full of shit.

I doubt this shit happened out in the open 30 years ago

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forgive him but we know only in america is this commonplace

It did, the only difference was that it was white people in the 90s.

Look at all these cucks getting hype over someone else having sex.
I'm not a person who looks down on others often, but how tf can you be right next to a couple having sex and not instantly feel like a mogged bitch?

you're right. once Obama was in the white house the white girls started the shameful PUBLlC displays with black men in earnest

Because niggers
Old america used to be honor based and people had high inhibitions due to being more intelligent
Niggers brought their lesser brains over and polluted society which makes everyone more degen

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It's promoted in literally every television commercial.

Explain how I'm wrong.


Surely someone found out who this white whore is in the grey car

>old america
>post number ends in 1774
Its a sign

I DOUBT this happened in the 50s

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Imagine putting this much importance on sex. Xd

Think about this for a minute. Black and go to the beach and lay down, pull your dick out and some white girl will hop on your dick.

Be black guy and pull your dick out and walk in traffic and multiple white girls will roll their window down and suck your dick.

This is a great fucking country.

it really fucking is user. one time when i was on the train going to work, some dude looked up blacked porn (noticed from the reflection on the window behind him) upon looking at my bulge as i was standing next to him (an old looking dude). funny enough a white chick sat right next to him and all she did was look my bulge and smiled at me.

i really fucking wish i bought discreet cameras that can be attached to my glasses because ive seen some meme-worthy stuff in my life

It is a combination of:
>no proper natural selection for a long time
>dumbing down due to modern technology taking care of everything
>unnatural diet and chemicals
>constant degeneracy propaganda from all angles, from the most obvious to to most sneaky
It is over.
The collapse is inevitable, and that is good.

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>>amerimutt thinks this shit happens everywhere
Zoomerfag acting like the greeks didn't fuck each other up the ass with olive oil.

>The collapse is inevitable, and that is good.
yes can't wait to revert back to hunter gatherer tribes
fucking cool

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it does happen everywhere

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Did someone say it was cool?

It is the only way to destroy degeneracy and to restore quality of people.
The only way to survive as a race.

>the cuck poster is spamming again
So annoying my dude.

Difference is that in OP's webm they're actually having sex. Your gif is just two people dancing.

The West is collapsing. Most countries will not survive.

>using bongistan as an example of the whole world.

How come these thug niggas can fuck girls out in the open but a blackbot can't get ONE alt white girl as a gf?

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Thuggmaxxin is the best way for blacks to get white pussy. Black Thugs have been so sexualized in film and music that many white women crave them

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Because we aren't thug niggas and therefore barely count as black people to some.

Because they are mentally ill whores who are either getting off on self-hate and humiliation, or they want to piss off their dads.

Either way, you are not enough of a nigger to enter their radars.

How do you land a long term relationship with them then?

Is this the only way?

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be Tyrone or get a fat chick

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Based allahwillpilled

Absolute everyone who denies this is a retard coping.
Im sure it happened user.

>because you're a faggot nobody wants to have around.
Have you forgotten that you're on Jow Forums?

Black people didn't invent sexual Liberation and sex empowerment
Black people didn't invent tinder and social media

sandniggers are just as degenerate, just in different ways.
also, being a muslim requires a sub-80 IQ

Men in Ancient Rome casually fucked teenage boys and Woman have been fucking donkeys for thousands of years

I think that is why he is saying it.



>It's always been this way.

I say bring it on.
The sooner this shit society collapses the quicker we can rebuild.

Jews. That's all. The whole "ooh it's always been that way" is some degenerate, defeatist bullshit. People subverted things into what we have today. A fucking horror show.

It's not like this is just going on in walmart or something. It's a once-per-year thing were people get drunk and let loose. It's not even like it's anything particularly crazy. Just one guy getting lain in broad daylight while on lookers enjoy the show.

They're experience life. Don't hate.

>Jews. That's all.

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what exactly here is the problem?
sex in public? (not new, just now captured by phones)
interracial sex? (also not new)
the people standing around watching? (probably new but wow wouldn't you watch that if it was happening right there too? )

>>Jews. That's all.

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As we strayed further from God, things fell apart.

Let's hear your explanation. Go ahead. I'm waiting.

>Problem is the latin girls are fucking black guys too
I see this all over the LA area.

They created a demand for it which fucked society over

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>It's always been this way
no it hasn't you judeo globalist piece of shit
0/10 made me reply

He's not completely wrong, rap music kind of is degenerating the west.

This from the dude jacking it to big titty anime girls???? Bruh look at yourself

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What has the west produced in the last 30 years, besides Shrek, that can be called art?

Man I wish my manager was cool

Can I ask an member of the USAF missile squadrons to accidentally nuke the capital of my country please?

I'll start a campaign to defend you "Everyone makes mistakes! Who hasn't let their finger slip and incinerated soddom?"

you don't have a lambo

this. anons tend to post the same videos over and over and those get popular for a reason: they're unusual.

Categorically false. Either bait or faggot post. End yourself immediately. You are a waste of chemicals.

>It's always been this way.
up until very recently, if a young couple wanted to marry and their parents did not approve, the man had to 'kidnap' the woman and have sex with her, at this point they were forced into marriage because nobody else would have wanted them

>bane posting outside of /tv/
>multiple question marks for no reason
Zoomers need to fuck off to their own social media platforms

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America was founded in 1776 tho?

I doubt this. Today the mere suggestion that people wait until marriage for sex is enough enrage normies. Just look at the seething in the comments

nice beight mamad

>sandniggers are just as degenerate
How? By killing degenerates and those who poison society, and following their religious rites?
>requires a sub-80 IQ
But being a christfag wouldn't?
I never understand why Jow Forums hates the most militaristic, homophobic, anti-modernist, gendered, antisemitic religion ever conceived.
>inb4 B-but they aren't MY race
Well if your race is just being a bunch of degenerate hedonists, then you're the niggers, not them.

here in florida too, especially Miami

>It didn't happen in the 50s
I read a memoir from a british rifleman in the 1940s. He talks about how they went to South Africa with a prisoner transport and spent 3 months there, and women would literally bring soldiers home and fuck them while there husbands were working on the farms outside. SA at the time was one of the most conservative cultures imaginable.
He has another story of going back to England and watching a Land Girl get drunk and fully naked on a table in a rural pub and then put a beer bottle up her vag.
It's always happened, people just pretended it didn't and old people seem to forget how much shit they did when they were young. Don't believe those old fucks. And stop wasting your youth on places like this and trying to be some righteous upright fag.

Human nature hasn't changed very much, we're not living in a uniquely degenerate time, things are pretty much as they always have been.

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yeah but you know who listens to rap and buys the shit, white guys. they introduced this shit into the white suburbs

Walk down a street in Riyadh as an attractive young white guy. You'll notice a whole shitload of crumpled up pieces of paper being dropped in front of you. Yeah, if you pick those up, those are phone numbers. And most of them are not from women.
Tell me some more about how morally righteous the arabs are.

This is what Americans really mean when they say freedom.

Idk man but it is fucked. All the white girls want tyrone and wont settle for intelligent black dudes like us. Makes me regret making myself more white

There's your answer. Also willing to bet many are gaybaiters. Just because Islam is based, doesn't mean degenerates don't hide in the shadows of its glory.

This is what happens when you call out society for its degeneracy. You'll be beaten down and broken infront of you fellow whites as they watch on supporting the brown.

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