You are in the club

>you are in the club

How do you socialize?

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>How do you socialize?
I don't.

if you aren't a chad and you approach girls that look like that, you're just mentally deranged and probably don't have any shame

with the few friends i went with, then leave after less than an hour because i hate clubbing, i hate the shitty music, i hate the normalfags pathetically chasing skirts and i hate the roasties waiting there for chad to come plug their hole in an effort to make themselves feel better about themselves

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>anyone on this board in a club
lol everyone on this board is a virgin neet what makes you think they socialize at all

you can totally be a chad and not get pussy. i know many guys who are 9/10 and can't get girls simply because they have no personalities and are basically hollow shells. the third thing is money. the chads i know are poor as well, adding to the difficulty of picking up slores

Clubs suck, always full of nobheads trying to fight people for no fucking reason

>you see this happen

what do u do?

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for some reason this board attracts a lot of the red pill try hards that go to clubs and do all that PUA shit. its embarrassing trying to discuss things with them because they're so obsessed with that cringey red pill shit

that doesn't change the fact you need to be attractive in the first place to approach girls that look like the OP

Clubs are the epitome of the lowest common denominator for humankind, the worst human trash accumulate in these places.
And since i work in one i can say that with ease.

In fact i wonder why shooters keep shooting up schools and churches instead of clubs, if they shot up a club they'd get rid of all the human trash in their local area.
Please user with a gun, come shoot up my club, i don't care if you hit me, just do it.

like looking at a bunch of brainless NPCs playing out their idle animations, fucking disgusting
I bet they've never had an original thought in their lives

Augh, shitty music that makes my ears ring, drugged up pseudochads all around, disgusting alcohol, fuck no. I'm outta here. Catch me in the library.

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You don't. Its a fucking club.
The music is too loud to have a normal conversation anyway

ive never been to club. i already hate bar, and clubs are like an even worse version of a bar. you need to be one seriously vapid person to want to participate in that scene

yes it does. as stated just flash a fuckton of hundreds and they'll innately be attracted to you. not physically though ofc

you really want to be that sucker?

>unironically wanting to be mugged at a nightclub

that's literally not something that anyone should actually want

If you are not confident you are not a chad, simple as that. Chad is just as much about personality as it is looks. I used to work for a guy who was a legit 9/10, about 6ft 5 with a sharp jaw and piercing blue eyes. He was a bit lanky but other than that he was truly a gifted man genetically.

He had some of the most severe autism I have ever witnessed though, and would be 100% unsurprised if he turned out to be a serial killer. He would only ever talk about work or about world history, and in such boring excruciating detail after about 5 minutes of talking to him at work drinks you wanted to jump out the fucking window. Honestly I like history but this guy could bore a fucking corpse. Most girls thought he was really creepy and weird, despite him being a total chad in the looks department and towering over everyone. Girls would typically say he was attractive but redact it immediately as soon as they talked to him

i never said that? i'm simply describing how biological attraction works. you're either compatible and attractive, or able to provide in abundance

>Most girls thought he was really creepy and weird
clearly wasn't a 9/10, probably a 6/10 at best

I don't I just stand about or stay in the smoking are and chat

flashing money has nothing to do with biological attraction, literally just getting girls trying to use you for cash with zero interest in you. There's nothing biological about that, they literally just want free stuff and know men are dumb enough to give it to them

My friends don't invite me to clubs because I'm too depressing to be around.

grab the glass and pour that in her head

OP asked
>How do you socialize?
your response starts with
>I don't
and ends with
>stay in the smoking area and chat
do you have any idea what socializing means

that's literally what he does in the full video lol

hi busy, I'm dad.

i talk to the people outside or the bouncer
anywhere else is impossible. Dancing is fucking stupid, the music sucks, it's too loud, too expensive for what it is

it's an exchange: cash for goods/services so it's not being used. if you're an ugly fuck and want to have sex you likely need money. keep in mind we're talking about club thots here, not mate material

>it's an exchange: cash for goods/services so it's not being used.
legit cuckold logic honestly

>stand still and say nothing for hours because I have autism
>either go completely unnoticed or get thrown out because I'm creeping out the customers
I legitimately don't know what you are supposed to do in a situation like this, or why it is supposed to be "fun".

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Make myself not sober and then either try to fit in, criticize everything, or just go home.

Start out by dressing nicely/to suit the occasion. Dance, and make eye contact with another lonesome dancer. :) Dance with them. Tell people they look nice. Just be nice.

i'm guessing you have never heard of the concept of prostitution

only cucks pay for sex

>in club
>be social
why? full of fake degenerate people.

if you have a gf your still "paying" for sex.

oh... its this argument again

i think a lot of you get your idea of what you think clubs are like from movies and tv shows

no one is disagreeing with you you fucking degenerate, that's just the only way some people can get sex

only if you're a pathetic chump. keep coping by telling yourself everyone else is paying for sex too faggot

clubs seem intolerable in movies and tv shows
they're intolerable in real life too

this. wear earplugs and use sign language. wave from the front, then dnce from the front. then dance from the back, make out with their neck and then their mouth. then hold their hand and bring them out the club

yea bro theyre so different irl...

yea but even if you have an original thought, no one will let you act on it because you're an ugly freak. Unless you do everything on your own, your thoughts are just as meaningless as theirs. The only difference is they can literally get whatever they think they want.

That's because they do , hence the term happy wife - happy life. You virgin retard.

>always full of nobheads trying to fight people for no fucking reason
Some of us just want to fight ok, best place to do that is in a room full of drunk chavs

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>Walk up to a woman and say
>God it's so hot in here I feel like a vulture
>She'll say "what?"
>Because I just shit and pissed down my legs to cool off

>Go to the smoker area with the other autists
Problem solved

They are. I think most robots think that clubs just play pounding dance music and they're full of Chads and Stacys just fucking each other on the dancefloor.

Around here there are indie clubs that exclusively play shit like The Smiths, The Cure and a bunch of other stuff from the 80s and 90s. There are rock clubs that play metal and stuff like My Chemical Romance, if you show up to either of these looking like a stereotypical Chad chances are you aren't getting in because you don't fit in with the crowd.
There ARE clubs that are like stereotypical tv and movie clubs but you avoid those because 9 times out of 10 they're full of dickheads and they rip people off by selling them bottles of vodka and shit for 60 a pop.

but ye all clubs are full of fake stupid people who have never had an original thought because they like to have a drink and dance with their friends it's definitely only the people ITT who have never been inside clubs who are capable of independent thoughts

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you don't go to a club to socialize with people you don't know you go to a club to party with your friends lmao are people really this retarded?

lmao the smiths and the cure? who the fuck would want to go to that place. probably some try hard retro zoomer.

It's one of the most popular clubs I've been in, obviously they don't just play the smiths and the cure back to back all night, but they're well known bands and still really popular around this area

>it's playing muh retro 80's music instead of eletronic, that means it's SOOOOOOO different guys
fuck off you turbonormie

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congrats, you're a low tier normie that finds enjoyment participating in normie activities. how about you get the fuck off our board

You're not going to get through to them because most of this board thinks memes and shitty infographics are representative of the real world.

he probably prances around trying to pick up art hoes lmao

>he thinks the standard music for clubs is electronic
you could also just say "i don't know what i'm talking about


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I'd say in this particular situation your best bet would be buying an expensive cocktail and offering a ride to her place in your car that's worth at least $40k

what a total faggot. so you go to clubs and you still post on r9k? LOL. its not going so well for you is it?

>Horny pajeets
>Black guys with white gfs
>White guys with white gfs
>Fat chicks
>Bitches with issues
>Everyone is a shit dancer, no one cares
>Pretty much everyone is semi drunk or drunk
>some ugly girls
>Mainstream music
>Crowded but dont have the balls to grab an ass

Drink it of course

i love this thread, theres always like 2 or 3 club going retards that get extremely offended and try to brag about their club experiences like any gives a shit. last time some idiot was literally posting pics of his night out clubbing. its so fucking sad lmao

At that point you might just get an escort

how will KHFIV NEETs ever recover?

No dude you're just an ugly cuck

i've been browsing this website since 06. I don't even know how long I've been browsing r9k. I'm not going to stop because I started going to clubs when I was like 19. Maybe you should stop being such a debbie downer, pal.

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Imagine being such an incel than thinking having a gf is free

it's probably better for your to stop coming here, you're clearly wired like a normie. do you tell yourself that you relate to a lot of the posts here? because that would be funny

>you are in the club
Immersion broken
>how do you socialize
Talk to whatever girls that dont want to bang me as they brought me as a buffer
>yfw great with women in all ways except sex and romande
Why cant I have sex and romance?
I know why
Its because I'm crazy and I have problems

I go home and watch NGE.

amazing user, you worked out my entire personality based on the fact that I go to clubs and you don't, are you some kind of savant?

yea its a pretty good indicator of what your personality is like if you actually enjoy going to clubs. lol. sorry to be one to make you aware of it user, but yea you probably don't fit in here too well. i dont know why youd want to post here?

people say ignorance is bliss but you don't sound like a happy person, user

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of course im not happy, thats why i post here. whats your excuse?

step 1: get drunk but not too drunk
step 2: look natural and confident, no one is going to want to talk with you if you look like a sperg
step 3: look around you from time to time looking at the girls, see if there is one that attracts you more, see if any girls is checking you out
step 4: approach them and ask them some stupid shit, girls love to answer shit, makes them feel wanted.
step 5: if she likes you it doesnt matter what you say unless you are fucking retarded, get closer and closer to her and make your move, dance with her for a bit also.

dont be scared of approaching a girl, most of the time they will ignore you, or wave you away, who gives a shit, go for the next one but dont look desesperate.

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360 degrees and moonwalk out because clubs are boring and I'd rather be at the gym.

my excuse is that despite your preconceived notions of people who are out just trying their best to live their lives in ways different from you, not everyone is some kind of turbo normie smooth sailing through life.

I was NEET for 7 years, I've taken SSRIs and anti anxiety meds, I grew up with no friends into my late teens spending all of my time playing vidya and watching animu. Now I have a couple of friends and we like to go out some weekends to clubs and get shitfaced.

If that makes me some kind of low tier, failed normie, then I'll take it. Because even that's better than some of the delusions of grandeur I've seen ITT. we'll go our seperate ways after this thread and i'll keep posting on r9k and you won't even know that it's me

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hahaha. yea based on your previous posts im going to assume that is all just a bunch of lies and bullshit to make it seem like you totally belong here. you're just some shithead normie, nice try though it was pretty good

Find a repulsive female and ask for sum fuk. Or are you going to waste your time and $$$$

Jeez not the guy youre talking to but you seem like a huge faggot

I go to the drunk girl, put my hand on her hips and wait to see how she accepts it. If not, I go to the next. If none want's it I get the hell out of that place.

yeah i'll fuck ur ass any day dude

>wear earplugs and use sign language
this might be legitimately be the most autistic thing i've read on this site

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>unless you are fucking retarded

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DESU I hate clubs, but I once went to one because I thought I should at least try, and I talked up a girl about her "friends" (the TV show) shirt and we ended up talking about time travel. Turns out people appreciate your otherness if you're not a complete sperg about it.

clubs are essentially sexual selection/ socialisation stripped down it's most base line and raw level. it's a perfect demonstration that the only thing that matters is face, frame and height. the idea of "social skills" etc are a complete farce

>leave club
>exit club
>look exit
>go out
>go exit

Look at them, theyre like robots. Stupid sexy thot robots.

Go home and post here

Don't even bother with any of these zoomer faggots. They cannot even come close to imagining the fresh hell that they're about to wake up to in 10 years. They're just children hitting babby's first struggle. In their myopic perspective of life, the people that have been through what they're currently experiencing cannot understand. It's quintessential teenage angst. So they need to pack up their pseudo-depression and get the FUCK OFF THIS BOARD for being underage.

sit in the darkest corner with the boys gettin drunk as shit and judging faggots

Did these girls escape some cloning factory? Why do they all look the same?

Imagine that is your only skills

Piss on the bar to assert dominance

No they're not sperglord, we're all just so autistic that we overstim in 15 seconds and can't hear anything and the strobes kill us. The reason norps like it's because they can actually hear each other and read facial expressions and look at bright shit like we can't. Joke's on them tho, I can name any 1950s jet engine by sound from like four miles away.

some of us get dragged to clubs by people trying to fix us.

Yep, that used to happen to me. I was completely out of my element and had no idea what to do. I didn't know how to dance so I'd mostly just stand around awkwardly. Eventually people gave up on me.