Why don't you just become funny, witty, sweet, thoughtful, compassionate and interesting instead of just "nice", Jow Forums? "Nice" doesn't really mean anything.
Why don't you just become funny, witty, sweet, thoughtful, compassionate and interesting instead of just "nice"...
>nice is not a trait, it's the default
when I look at how many relationships end and domestic abuse I doubt this
Jesus, fuck this tattooed roastie.
all of those are euphemisms for attractive. an ugly guy and an attractive guy can tell the same joke with the same delivery, no one will laugh for the ugly guy.
>funny, witty, sweet, thoughtful, compassionate and interesting
AKA tall and attractive
She sould've said it shuld be a default but yeah niceness is not peronality.
>funny, witty, sweet, thoughtful, compassionate and interesting
it's all over for me then i guess
this is why I've given up on trying to build relationships with other people. People just demand that you are an entertaining person, otherwise theyll drop you.
>this guy is bland so he is a worthless human to me, don't care what he thinks
3/6 of those words are synonymous with nice. Girls don't know what they want
>women dont want assholes
>nice people are the opposite of asshole
>women dont want nice guys
huh? so what do they want?
meh. i want a sexy white gf ill do it for her
I am all those things, which is why I can make friends relatively easily, but becoming more than friends is where I fail every time
>Girls don't know what they want
They know what they want, they're just lying.
>People are attracted to Funny. Witty. Sweet. Thoughtful. Compassionate. Interesting.
People's standards are too high. Only the top ten percent have these traits, if that.
>you're fucking boring.
Wanting men to not be "boring" is the dark gateway of degeneracy, and you've already crossed the threshold. Neck yourself if you believe this.
>if you think women owe you sex over someone else because pf your perceived niceness, you're a giant bag of dicks.
If you think you deserve the top 10% of men and you're anything below a 7, you're mentally fucked and don't deserve to make decisions for yourself. Spoiler: this applies to all modern women.
Why don't women ever address the source of this "nice guy" shit, rather than just getting angry at men for believing what literally everybody in society told them as they were growing up?
Tfw, funny, sweet,.
>Still no gf
Women are attracted primarily to physically attractive men. Who would have guessed?
its funny how we have to do all this shit and women can just exist. apparently they're all perfect creatures that never have anything wrong with them, their taste is superior in everything, and we should change everything about how we look and how we behave to cater to them.
but then you realize women have shit taste in everything
>I love when anyone thinks "what's up" is the most stimulating conversation starter ever
>YES! Thank you for spelling it.
>I hate it when someone just message me like that and then thinks i would give him a proper answer.
>It's just annoying.
You're not such a creepy incel loser that you ask m'ladies what's up, right Jow Forums?
>Wanting men to not be boring is the dark gateway of degeneracy
You gotta understand one thing. Being bored is a females worst enemy. They absolutely hate not feeling anything. They would rather be pissed off and upset than bored.
>dance for me like a clown or forever be doomed to be a lonely supreme gentleman
Absolutely disgusting. Don't let women bamboozle you like this. No one gives a fuck about some drug addled cock receptacle's favorite pizza topping.
>Absolutely disgusting. Don't let women bamboozle you like this.
Yeah I guess you can just die alone, by your own hand, before 40, that's always an option.
The hedonistic quagmire of ever more extreme indulgences females find themselves is not necessarily their natural state, although I understand that it is the state they are currently in and thus they are worthy only of my scorn.
I won't die alone if I make sure a few of them die with me. They'll be my spirit brides for all eternity.
how is "sweet" any different than "nice"?
One is genuine and the other is manipulative.
I think I saw an anime where they said that in japanese folklore if you kill someone they'll be your servants in the afterlife, so that's always an option
both are equally irrelevant
>The hedonistic quagmire of ever more extreme indulgences females find themselves is not necessarily their natural state
Why does every red pill guy say it is then.
Because I'm to nervous you'll hate me if I show my true self, but you don't give a shit anyways so I'm not gonna be nice.
>Because I'm to nervous you'll hate me if I show my true self
Is your true self a beta loser? Then every woman will hate you.
No woman wants to be with a guy who actually cares about her.
>"Hey, what's up?"
>"nothing, Just made myself something to eat."
>"oh you cheffin' now? What's for dinner?"
>[*Whatever the fuck she made]
>Yeah, I remember you liked that kinda food, do you also like --
That could literally turn into a conversation if other person actually put in the actual effort to interact. Its either YOU'RE boring or you dont really care to keep responding.
Are you so beta that you answer a girl when she asks for the time, Jow Forums? That's the beta thing to do, when she asks what time it is, you're supposed to tell her anything else but the actual time.
Why is niceness always getting downplayed? I'm talking about genuine niceness, kindness, and all that stuff that good shit. Niceness is definitely a personality trait, a very good personality trait. The person spewing that bullshit about niceness not being a trait has obviously never been in abusive relationship.
Those are literally what being nice is about. What the fuck.
>durrrrr they're not actually being nice, they're just pretending!!11111
Certainly there are some manipulative bastards who only pretend to be nice, but that only emphasizes my point. You'd know niceness is a personality trait if you have ever dealt with a person who's personality trait is to be an abusive asshole.
>bunch of incels missing the point entirely
>Why does every red pill guy say it is then.
They don't. They don't believe that women will always be degenerate no matter what they do, they just believe they have tendency to be degenerate.
Fuck nice, be badass nice. Kick down doors screaming then ask if you can come in. Quantifying your emotions like a fucking normie and trying to even apply your autistic ass to that mold is a waste of your own brain, accept you're different, find out why, then get out into the world and don't stop moving and talking and experiencing everything you can until you find a tribe of people who make you feel alive.
Biggest and best redpill I ever swallowed wasn't some pseudo scientific bullshit about beaches and shores, but the moment when I realized I didn't have to deal with shitty women. I'm not a bad guy and I know that. I'm a decent guy and a decent person. I don't need to deal with shitty people who treat me like subhuman. Don't waste your time on these shallow harpies. After I met the woman --who is soon going to be my wife-- I realized how much mental energy I had wasted on caring what these vain vultures think about me when I could've just ignored them and concentrated on the people who don't treat me like dirt. That's exactly what I did and I found the love of my life. Don't put women on pedestal. You wouldn't want to be friends with someone who keeps pushing your buttons so why would you even bother trying to form some kind of romantic connection with someone who treats you like shit before she even knows the first thing about you?
How is it good to be a beta bitch loser who can't even provide for himself, much less for a woman?
It's funny because they show their butts to guys because they are pretty even if they are psychos but then say nice is the default.
Alright I'll bite, how?
It's not that women "hate nice guys and love bad boys" it's just "funny interesting guys" have the halo effect where everything that comes out of their mouth is profound and witty because they are pretty and women will send pretty guys pictures of their butt even if they are horrible boring people. If you haven't experienced this first hand you probably look good or don't talk to a lot of people. When they are saying that being nice is boring they are saying they want a pretty boy who gets attention for being pretty to spread their nudes online and lead on 20 women at once.
Where does my message imply anything about being beta, bitch, loser, or not being able to provide? Stop projecting, tranny.
in the US, 3 million women report physical domestic abuse every year to the police- keep in mind that only a small minority of domestic abuse victims actually seek help from the police.
"women love nice guys, the problem is you're not actually nice"
Always remember:
Looks are everything.
The same way you cross paths with these harpies, except you just ignore them until someone who treats you like a person comes along. It doesn't guarantee you will automatically click, but you just have to keep trying. Many women are nice, it's just the sad reality of dating apps and places to meet potential dates being filled with these awful awful witches who want nothing but to put you down to boost their own self-worth like some kind of school bullies.
>wow nice guys are so entitled they think I should give them positive affection instead of ignoring them for respecting me all the months I known them instead of the actual psychopath harassing me spreading my nudes I shown him after I known him for a week wow, now I will trash talk the nice guy who respected me for all these months with my psychopath boyfriend because he looks nice. Oh yeah women don't like pretty bad boys you aren't really nice and uhh are boring even though I ignore you every time you want to talk or hang out.
Fucking humpty dumpty over here but instead of two halves of an eggshell it's two fedoras with legs
>you're nice?
>no, you're not nice
>but you know what you are?
>secret sex pervert!
>sex pervert so sneaky evil and manipulative that you don't know that yourself!
>you're not nice, you're literally the worst person!
>and that's why it's okay to treat you like garbage
>stop calling yourself nice, nice people don't need to call themselves nice
>now sit down and shut up while I call you manipulative creep without any evidence about you being manipulative nor creep
*tips brimmed hat at you
How do you do, my fellow biological man who is always going to be a biological man despite eating all of those hormone poison pills and desperate attempts to mutilate your genital area to make it look like lady parts.
>"Women don't want assholes!"
>"Women want sweet, thoughtful, compassionate!"
>which are synonyms for nice
>"Women don't want nice guys!"
Women are fucking retarded.
>The same way you cross paths with these harpies, except you just ignore them until someone who treats you like a person comes along.
So blind luck, gotcha. Thanks for the "advice" moron.
How old is this post now? I feel like I've been seeing it for years.
>are boring even though I ignore you every time you want to talk or hang out.
If she ignores you that means you're boring idiot.
What the fuck did you expect? Me holding the answer to successful dating and other mysteries of the universe? If you talk to women and you keep meeting these awful people who treat you like garbage, remind yourself that you don't need to deal with that shit and that there are people actually worth talking to. You'd think that's obvious, but it's not. Men keep falling for this shit time after time and it's time to stop giving attention to shitty people.
It's written by someone who's thirsty for upvotes and likes, not by someone who thinks things through or actually cares about social issues.
As much as I hate to admit it, but this bitch is galatians 4:16
>believing gook fairy tales
Your advice is to not play the lottery and wait for the winning ticket to end up in your pocket by accident.
Yo for real tho, get ahold of some pepper spray from Walmart or go online and order it and start spraying the SHIT out of sluts/Stacie's but do it in a covert way so you don't get booked for assault. Pepper spray burns like fucking fire take my anecdotal experience as proof
>Pepper spray is thot away/slut repellent
>Pepper spray is thot away/slut repellent
>Pepper spray is thot away/slut repellent
>Pepper spray is thot away/slut repellent
No, my advice is not to give attention to shitty people. It's surprising how many men think it's okay to be treated like shit by shitty women. You will not get exhausted by getting shat on all the time when you ignore them and you can use that energy on people who actually are looking for the same things in life as you are.
I don't know, why won't women become the same?
I'm really not sure where do you think this supply of magical good women is coming from, what percentage of your peers do you think can get one?
Everywhere if you're not and incel.