Do you think the akko poster is cute?

Do you think the akko poster is cute?
I bet they are :)

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are you their orbiter or something?

No, I bet he has facial hair

I do try my best!

at the rate we're going your venerated akkoposter might be able to grow a beardish thing in 10 years or so desu... If, ya know, he wanted to

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Imagine the smell phwoar!!!

I bet its a greasy neckbeard but Akko himself is cute

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I couldn't say, I don't like any of the personalities that have popped up in the last few months they're kind of annoying as well as their orbiters.

It's cute how the akko poster can't get a haircut

well, it'd be a shame if someone were to annoy a kind bully such as yourself, wouldn't it?

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Illya posters are cuter

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the akko poster is a fucking caveman

Hello Illya poster who's name I'm assuming starts with a C
Hello generic avatarfag
Hello based frog man

! No I'm not. personality is everything... and I like the akko poster's personality

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akko poster is guaranteed a qt3.14!

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I think its more of a shame that most personalities dont actually have much of a personality or gimmick to their posts to make themselves seem less boring, which is the main reason I don't like any of them anymore. I guess just pretending to be nice is enough in a place like Jow Forums where people are lonely though.

>all these avatarfags in one thread
wasted trips

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Most likely~! :3c

All I did was post her once. Posting x anime character 1 time doesnt make you x anime poster.
But my name does start with c...

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isn't it kind of silly to complain about avatarposting if you're using a suitfrog as an avatar?

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everyone uses frogs. But only weebs use specific characters as avatars

awww, thanks. I read the thread you posted, but I was too shy to reply for some reason... I hope everything works out alright. You're far braver than I am.

>pretending to be nice
if I have a gimmick, I suppose it's that I'm just posting as who I am. A lot of people seem to resonate with my experiences, just like they did when I posted in a more anonymous manner.

I do often feel bad that I don't have many interesting hobbies, but I think that too is familiar to a lot of people on here. Anyway, I do like history, if that's a hobby.

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> a lot of people seem to resonate with my experiences, just like they did when I posted in a more anonymous manner.

this is exactly it! being nice isn't a gimmick; it's a decent thing to do. i've been posting the same as i ever have, and only until i started using an avatar that people had a negative reaction. it's silly.

ana, aiste, akko
they're all slightly below average-looking probably chubby males
it's why they try so hard to overcompensate except one also has schizophrenia

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I like it when people use avatars. It makes it feel like I have friends that I can relate to. I'm sure I related to posts you both made before avatars but this feels like I know you more personally.

wrong answer user. i'm a slightly below average f*male!

i'm glad you feel that way! i just thought it would be interesting to put a face to the messages i write considering they stand out a bit.

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>wrong answer user. i'm a slightly below average f*male!
and i'm sure you have proof of that which you will provide to gain more orbiters, correct?

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nah. i posted a hand pic because aiste was curious. orbiters aren't really my goal, i just like to be genuine with people while using a cute avatar. if people like me enough to seek out my posts, i'm flattered.

she posted her hand, i suspect its aiste herself

>orbiters aren't really my goal
then you wouldn't be pretending to be a female on r9k, simple as

roasties are never genuine, its their nature, sorry!

at least you started with the right foot

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>orbiters aren't really my goal
I get super nervous when people mention me. Maybe it's good for me to try to deal with the anxiety there though. I feel a little judged, but that's how I feel in the real world as well. Thankfully it's easier to face here.

I'm glad you feel that way. I'm just looking for the kind of connections I'm not brave enough to make in my normal life yet.

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Sam here sister! i'm a real woman too. Though I'm way above average.

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Imagine if you could press a button and kill everyone in this thread


except for me of course right user?

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imagine if the button also killed all niggers and faggots

this, frogposters are exempted

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Holy based! 3 (You)s for you

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i wish they were actually as funny as they think they are.

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I post akko and im not cute

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Is Bandage cute?
Is Sophieanon cute?
Is Turbie cute?

TEhe fuck dude. I shitted myself from laughing too hard. I can't

>Uses Jow Forums
A hard no to all of them

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You seem nice why are you on this board? Are looks that important to most people that slightly below average is dooming you for life?

i have aspergers, severe depression/anxiety, and ASPD. i'm a robot, not an incel. if I faked my way through it all i could succeed socially but it makes me feel hollow. i'm just working on coming to terms with that fact that i'm not neurotypical and hearing from other people like me helps with that a lot.

Idk how you feel about hearing this. I'm probably not the first person to say this but I would date you. Not that you would want that per say.

I typically just fake it and be hollow. I dont really want to, I want someone i can be real with and spend time doing nothing with them and having them enjoy it as well.

I doubt you care about that though. Just letting you know you wouldn't have to fake it to be with someone. I'm sure it's a million times harder to find someone like that though.

Dunno but hes friendly so I accept him

I suppose, they seem warm and friendly, plus they edit their filenames which makes me happy.

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What I have seen in this thread
Ignore, sage, and report

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You have to be a special type of faggot to orbit someone you dont even know

Orbiters KYS

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