someone please help me die
i just want someone who will be nice and kind and patient to make me feel safe when im doing it
Someone please help me die
I'll make it quick
>*shoots leg*
How are you going to do it, and what would you want me to do for you?
No one who cares about you would want to see you die. You're a good guy with a troubled soul, and you bring happiness to my life. You are loved and cared for - the distance is the only problem.
im going to burn charcoal in my car and i just want a friend who wont rush me and will talk to me and be nice through it
sure, if you give me some ambien to overdose on while you do it.
Could you at least tell us which city you are in?
i'm in a city in the middle of nowhere
i'd make a irl suicide pact with someone if they were willing to travel and if they were nice
tell me... why do you want to die, user??
I'd rather make you not want to die
why do you feel like you would be better off dead user?
I'll come over but let's have a good time together. I'll share gas station chicken wings with you and take you to the state fair - it'll be epic, believe me.
Play Yume Nikki one last time
OP got hurt by someone who was close to him. He doesnt know how to put his feelings into words but it seems like he's going through some sort of shock or trauma after talking to him privately.
Bumping your thread too for good luck
Hope youll find someone who can love you
Are you a friend of his?
as an above user said, no one who would be kind and patient with you would want to see you die.
i hope you can find peace and support in a way that doesn't involve suicide or self harm. there are many people here who are willing to be that for you.
Are you the Yume Nikki poster from the waifu threads user? I wont tell you not to do it but I want you to know I really like the art you post and I hope you looked thru some of tkmizs stuff.
Please tell us why you would want to do it. Maybe we can offer at least some helpful advice. Venting alone helps a little bit. Please reconsider making any rash decision.
I tried to commit murder-suicide and believe me, once it actually hits the eleventh hour, your survival instinct will kick and you'd feel a sudden shock of realization of what you are about to commit. I hope no one goes through what I did. Please learn from my mistakes.
no one loves me and i want to just stop feeling
i've ruined my life and i just want to feel nothing
just having a friend to talk to while i did it who wouldnt ghost me would help me
sorry but im probably not them because i havent posted here in a long time
i don't want to hurt anyone else
I love you friend. I hope that when you're feeling low you remember our time together. You can always talk to me if you choose to.
You will hurt those who care for you by dying prematurely. It's not too late, believe me. If you are willing to share, please tell us how you ruined your life? Maybe it's not too late to fix it yet. Sometimes one person who cares is enough to save us in our darkest moments.
I don't know you but I do have care for you as a fellow human being who is going through emotional turmoil as I had the past year. I look back on it and I thank all those who stood by me, for they were the ones who truly knocked some sense back into me.
i don't know how to talk about it
i just wish i could make it easier until i die
im retarded sorry
why is your life ruined? I don't know anything about you but most things can be solved. you seem really depressed which is no joke, your mind is fucking with you making you feel worthless and like noone can ever like you, but depressions always end one day, however unlikely that sounds to you right now.
the only person who helped me hates me and i don't want to go back to years of isolation and loneliness
Start bit by bit, and if that doesn't help, just try to write the first thing you feel. Once you start talking about, the words will pour out and you will feel better. It's like what said; depression is the cause of your inclination to suicide. Once you try to reach out for those who care, help will find its way to you. Please don't let it fester anymore than it.
I know that you're upset over him, but please don't take for granted all of our memories together, and don't count me out as a friend.
i just wish he cared
im tired of constantly crying and being unable to function and being lied to and manipulated
i know he'll never care and i just want to die but i'm scared i'll mess it up and live in a hospital bed forever
please use your kindness to help me find comfort in dying
Then just drop the relationship if it doesn't live up to your ideal. You are still loved.
i'm not loved and it's not that simple
he's left me so many times
i have to beg every time and i can't anymore
i just want to die
Yes I love you, and its that simple to me. There is no such thing as a soul mate.
he was perfect for me
im going to leave now sorry
Was he a friend or a lover? Was your feeling towards him reciprocated but then he went cold on you or was it unrequited love? How exactly did he manipulate you.
Listen to me, user. I almost committed a horrible act from the months of excruciating pain my first lover made me go through. I did my absolute best to make him happy but I now realize he never cared about anything but himself. I wanted to drown, blow my brains out and suffocate by using the same method you're describing. All of this shocks me in hindsight that I let a person do that to my self-worth and sanity. It always becomes clearer when emotions subside and you are able to see it with a clear mind. You are experiencing immense pain that makes you want to find a quick solution to end it and the only solution right now in your anxious mind is death. It's always better to wait it out, believe me. If you are a good person, other good people WILL love you and care for you. One neglectful person isn't worth throwing your life away.
Talk to me later, alright? You always can.
he was my lover and he said i was his
he never loved me he was just lonely after he started spending time with me he would ghost me more and more
he told me all sorts of nice things and promised he'd take care of me and do anything and never leave me and lots of others but he broke them all
when he gets mad he calls me mean names curses at me and blames me and leaves
he doesnt care when i cry or bleed or am having a hard time with my life
i think he doesn't understand a lot because he's had a very lucky life but i still love him
he means everything to me he's not just a random person he saved my life
i can't have him so i just want to die
i'll never be happy again
the absolute state of faggots lmao
i know i am pathetic for clinging
No, believe me. You will be happy again. I am gonna assume this is your first lover and he meant a lot to you. There isn't a single person on Earth who didn't suffer more on their first breakup than on other ones. What you are going through is called attachment. You view him as a Messiah; a savior purposely made for you.
I felt the exact same way when I first met mine. He showered me with nice words and complements, spent a lot of time to get to know me and even convinced me to give up my virginity for him. After he had caught me, he began showing his real nature and would cheat constantly and deny it and when I confronted him telling him I just want to be the only boy in your life, he called what we had "faggotry", showing how he viewed us.
These kinds of people NEVER love anybody but themselves. Their favorite prey is us highly sensitive persons. I promise you that, with a kind heart like yours, you will find someone so much better that you will cry the first time you meet him, not because of sadness but because you will be shocked how you stood previous horrible treatment. In a weird, positive way see it like this: He left you so you can find someone better. Use your knowledge from this past experience to your advantage.
Go and fuck yourself, you unlovable piece of shit. At least someone loved us, even for a moment, rather than be unworthy of even a date.
who hurt you, youre pretty uppity about this for zero reason haha
i know your feel op. ive postponed my death so much, but i really hope i can do it today. we can go out together if you want
i'm not the best person myself so maybe he fed off of me
he's really the only person i want and it hurts when people tell me to find someone else
there is no one else to find like him
even if i could no one would be able to love me
please don't argue i really don't care to be made fun of
if you're close by would you be willing to meet up soon and do it irl
my car doesnt work, youd have to be pretty close. already have the grill and charcoal if you dont though
are you in east coast usa? if you're serious i'd help pay for uber or something
Don't trust him. He could just be a thief or something. He might even kill you in a village manner. Is that how you want to die?
im too beta to hurt someone and im willing to give someone my address to come meet me to die
You say this because you are hurt recently. Once the wound has had time to heal, others will touch your heart and make you feel much better. Give it time, I implore you. I'm going to sleep now and I only stayed this late to talk you out of it. Please be safe. If there is a benevolent God, I hope he saves you and helps you because I can't do anything being this far away.
i live in the south, doesnt seem like any chance of meeting
i have nothing to steal unless they want the 16 cents in my bank and it would take the responsibility out of my hands.
it's not that simple because he was the first one to touch my heart after years of searching
i've already committed myself to him
i hope you have a good sleep
it's really sad
if you're going to do it alone i hope everything goes right and that you find peace
There will be other, better people. You're still young. Just focus on your recovery instead if quitting. You're only idealizing him because he was the first to make you feel something but that doesn't mean there won't be others.
there really won't be others
he could date anyone he wanted
no one wants me or is able to love me
If you're in the South, can I at least experience some physical comfort in you before you go. I haven't hugged or had any sexual experiences, and this is seems to be my only chance.
There will. He chose you before. You think others won't?
Guy is suffering and your only care is your cock? Fucking unbelievable.
no please stop
no one wants me
i want him
He could at least do a service for someone on his way out. Can't believe the selfishness of some people.
dont kill urself user. even if youre ugly, start going to the gym and people will find u attractive. youre choosing to give up. you dont have to please
Geez this was the most basic and uninspiring plead I've seen. This almost makes me want to commit suicide myself.
Thats not real suffering famalam.
drop your discord so we can talk about it privately. just be aware i catch feelings easily so proceed with caution
I'd honestly come do it with you but I don't trust any of you people. Good luck with offing yourself though.
stupid woman poster with your stupid anime avatar