Do any of you fembots have an racial fetishes or preferences? If so, what is it and what are you?

Do any of you fembots have an racial fetishes or preferences? If so, what is it and what are you?

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Yes, I only date Hispanic men or arabs/indians and I am a white girl.

>dating poos almost exclusively
Were you raped?

no, I just like their skin/facial structure.

i love white women ofc

I love black men but only for sex. Not for serious relationships of course.

Most of their facial structure is unattractive af tho.

Not to me.
I dated one before and my friends told me he was ugly but for some reason I found him very handsome.

I know some white girls who are obsessed with arab/indian men. More common than you think

Was hit on one once because I'm a mutt who looks Indian myself. The girls are always cringe though.

>see cute white woman
>day gets noticeably better
thank you white woman

For me, it's asian men desu.

This is a spic that's trying to meme "latino love" or some shit from white women. Go back in the archive and you'll find nearly this exact same thread posted nearly a dozen times now, except now the spic is starting to reply to himself.

Arab, paki and afghan men are fine.
Not so much indian.
Especially southern ones all have babyfaces.

I really like nerdy black dudes and asians. Nothing is more comfy than having them around and playing vidya/teasing them daily

What are you talking about? in a very original way

tfw no qt white woman to buy things for

white women who sleep outside their race will burn in Hell for all eternity

Are you black yourself? l

>see slim white qt woman

How come I can attract nonblack women for casual sex but can not get one to be my girlfriend? I am black, a geek, nonthreatening and about 6ft 3.

Even when I hit it off with a chick and go on a string of dates it just winds up dead eventually, havent had that connection with somebody since I was married

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So does every other white woman in america but thats ok there isn't enough black guys for every white woman to have as a bf anyway.

No im half white/hispanic

shave your facial hair.
I think black men look better clean shaven.

What original race are you tho

Would you have a serious relationship with me while also fucking black men

no they won't you idiot even if there was a hell

>disrespecting God

Enjoy dying an accelerated death

not her but no way, white guys are too effeminate

literally all races go

HHHHHHHHHHHHHUHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNG in the presence of qt white women

Same as white men faggot

I'm a black xx and I want a black gf

Thats a photo I had taken when my ex and I got engaged kek, I am usually clean shaven. My issue is not getting dates or attracting them but they just do not want to be with me long term, just a jump off

I dont really want a black girl at this point in my life either

Not all the same as much.
So, which one is it?

you mean the god men made up to mindfuck everybody into doing what they say

I'm sure you believe your god is white, right?

yes, every single race of men, we go


when theres a slim qt white woman around

unfortunately for you, the white girls are doing it to prove to their friends they aren't racist and for bragging about taking your big dick. To them you are just an object.

How about you don't have sex or do sexual things with them until after numerous dates?

Faggotry is hearsay and yes race mixers or people who have sex outside their race do go to Hell

I am God and I am also white

>I am God and I am also white
if you were god you wouldn't have that tiny white dick

Thats what my grandma said, also said to go to church but I do not want a church girl. I could try it but I am not always the one that initiates it, I think its like
Is saying, disagree about the race angle but think a lot of women on apps just want to have sex

I do not know how to meet women otherwise, take a dance class or some shit? Like I am not around them at all in my line of work (wildlife control)

>implying there are real girls on this board

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the size of my package is of zero concern to you

hey. how do i give reparations to qt white women for oppressing them with my maleness?

i'm black. the only kind of guy i havent been into has been indian. and don't get me wrong, i've seen attractive indian dudes, but working in a city with a huge indian population has made me hate them so, so much

i also thought i wouldn't like asian guys until i saw that walking dead guy bang on old girl in sorry to bother you. shit was hot and it made me consider it.

Why are you trying to hide your race? Just tell us.

there are real girls on this board, however yeah their winning.

I'm a white guy but I'm not the one to oppose to interracial shit, I'm not into any women anyways. Nor dudes. I'm asexual as fug.



White girl and no I really do not care either way desu

I would say if they make advances maybe say that you want to wait till after you know them better? Granted that will scare any women are just using you for sex away.

I don't know how you could find a girlfriend other than apps. Apps have been the only way I could find a boyfriend because I am too shy and awkward irl. I wish you the best of luck user. For what its worth I would probably date a black guy if he has redeeming qualities for a partner.

Lemme guess you're arab or something.
Or spic.

I find black men revolting. I've gone out with Mexicans although they were mostly white with little native in them. I once dated one that had green eyes.

im... not worth it. i will meme the beauty of white women online, anonymously.

Know whats weird though. Even light skin latin girls don't like white guys. They go for black guys or latin guys

Pakis are Indians.

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Yeah I got redeeming qualities like a mother fucker and shit, like I know I am the shit not even trying to cap and shit. I am really happy where I am right now in life for the first time in a long time (military, former spouse, all that bullshit), I have my own house in a *white* neighborhood and my job is not horrible.

I just want a pretty white chick or otherwise nonblack chick to share my happiness with at this point in my life. she aint got to be no dime piece but I am pulling the type of women that I want but they get apprehensions and back out after already sleeping with me and getting me to start to develop some mild attachment?

The last girl I was seeing told me she was upset by the fact I am not yet officially divorced. Bitch how the fuck can I make a person I dont talk to sign papers they do not want to? Its bull shit

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hey. hey.

white women talk good. you know what i mean, guys?

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>I am not yet officially divorced
She lied to you bro. She was just in it for the experience of fucking a black guy for awhile. She probably had a white bf and slipping out to see you.

Speak for yourself, I once knew an Uber-Native latina who was revolted by black dudes

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white girls are sexual freaks and will do ANYTHING

she's not a latina but a amerindian that speaks spanish

Don't be so harsh on yourself user!
Now i'm curious, you have to tell me now.

ok. white women are good talking to. such funny and .... yeah.

Murder every subhuman worthless shitskin that has touched a white woman.

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I'm white and I really like black dudes. I think the contrast between our skin tones is sexy as fuck.

Murder every stupid worthless race traitor white roastie that enables these low IQ worthless goons. They all deserve to die in the most painful way possible

get prepared to die horrifically you worthless retard

yeah they raise hell when they party and get freaky and don't care who knows

>compliment white women online
>that satisfied feel afterwards
ahhhhhhh thats it.

and cut ya loose into the wild after coitus

Man watch out with white women they cannot be faithful and the hell of it is they will fuck your friends and family members

White women make me believe in God

yep and rut behind a bush with the next swinging dick they bump into

get prepared to die horrifically you worthless subhuman trannies. Your little goblin skulls are going to get stomped out

>Yeah I got redeeming qualities like a mother fucker and shit, like I know I am the shit not even trying to cap and shit.
Have you tried learning proper English?

so god fucks black guys too?

>They go for black guys
very wrong, my dude. Dominicans are exception

and look like they just finished a light work out after all is said and done.

sculted like the finest works of art made from loving hands

I am white and I date a lot of black men. My parents work with at risk youth and often introduce me to young black men they meet while working.

get prepared to die horrifically

naw, blotchy red all over, cum encrusted hair, dick sucking swollen lips, skint up knees, their blouse is inside out and skirt on backwards with their panties in their hands.

notice most of the white teachers fucking students and get busted, the boys are black

naw. their hair doesnt even get messed up, falling perfectly over their delicate faces.

I do not put it past a tinder thot to lie about shit but it irritate me I take shit at face value, like we in bed opening up to each other vulnerable and you saying unprompted you are not about games but now you playing? Shake my mother fucking head
Thats any bitch but truthfully Im ok with a hoe hoe, I would just be a hoe in a relationship like that if we had a good friendship otherwise I could live like that for a lil while I just miss the companionship. Not looking for a spouse nor am I under the delusion I will find one.
Every black person speaks street vernacular in addition to standard English, if I am writing a term paper I am going to do so in a Caucasian voice, if I am just expressing myself to my niggas then it dont really matter do it? Grand scheme?
Lol who stomping my big ass?

I'm not "your" "nigga" so talk to me like a normal person.

You are a nigga by default, think of it similar to conjugation in Spanish. While a 45 year old black college professor may technically be a nigga due to his prestige and seniority I would not speak to him in the same manner as I would a 20 year old white kid, who is not in fact nigga but still nigga.